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Zeus AI Combat Skills

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In wich Order du you use them?


(remark: "@ACEa2" -> ace_a2_backwards_compat.pbo + bisign)

so the sequence is: CBA is 1st, followed by the ACE-Folders and then Zeus.

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I expierienced the last sessions playing,a problem, that seem to be related to Zcommon, as i didnt noticed it without Zcommon, means Vanilla ArmA2.

I order my team (player + 2AI) to hold fire.

But as soon as they have enemy contact or are engaged their stance changes directly to "open Fire", without any command by me.

I first expected this to be an issue with the AI handling in generell in ArmA2 but it is not,as it only happens with Zcommon.

Has anyone else expieirenced this?

Or maybe this "feature" is actually wanted?

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I expierienced the last sessions playing,a problem, that seem to be related to Zcommon, as i didnt noticed it without Zcommon, means Vanilla ArmA2.

I order my team (player + 2AI) to hold fire.

But as soon as they have enemy contact or are engaged their stance changes directly to "open Fire", without any command by me.

I first expected this to be an issue with the AI handling in generell in ArmA2 but it is not,as it only happens with Zcommon.

Has anyone else expieirenced this?

Or maybe this "feature" is actually wanted?

This is a known feature of this mode. AI becomes very aggressive. Very good mode for firefights - but still work needs to be done on stealth.

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- sometimes AI squad members don't move/return to formation when ordered to but I guess that's a problem with the game engine itself and has nothin to do with my zeus installation.

I'm pretty sure it is a zeus problem. On occasion I've had my whole bloody squad become completely unresponsive and have had to just quit a mission. Pretty annoying. All the usual little tricks I use to get AI responding when not using zeus just won't work.

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Another bug I found is the AK series, full auto sounds like a series of single shots. Problem disappears when not using Zeus.

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I'm pretty sure it is a zeus problem. On occasion I've had my whole bloody squad become completely unresponsive and have had to just quit a mission.

wow, whole squad unresponsive, that's of course a big issue :eek:. So far I've experienced this problem with maximum of 2-3 AI members out of 8-10 squad members in total. They just stand still like statues looking around, the only commands they obey are "go prone,"stand up", "crouch", "salute" and "sit" (meaning all commands for which they don't have to move really) ...ANY other command is wasted time for me (they answer 'yes sir' and stuff but no action to that order will follow) ... and yes, none of the little tricks you mean tpw will do. Maybe it's a Zeus issue, really ... so often and nearly predictable I never had it @vanilla or @ace only , too. Most of the time it happens after playing a while and after having a big firefight with some injuries in the squad. At the very beginning of a mission there's no problem: they enter vehicles, stay pretty well in formation and so on ... will test further, what else can I do ;)

Edited by langgis08

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They just stand still like statues looking around, the only commands they obey are "go prone,"stand up", "crouch", "salute" and "sit" (meaning all commands for which they don't have to move really) ...ANY other command is wasted time for me (they answer 'yes sir' and stuff but no action to that order will follow) ... and yes, none of the little tricks you mean tpw will do. Maybe it's a Zeus issue, really ... so often and nearly predictable I never had it @vanilla or @ace only , too. Most of the time it happens after playing a while and after having a big firefight with some injuries in the squad. At the very beginning of a mission there's no problem: they enter vehicles, stay pretty well in formation and so on ... will test further, what else can I do ;)

That pretty much sums it up perfectly langgis08.

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The Game is becoming unplayable because of that bug, The People just stand still and won´t do what you tell them. We really need a hotfix for that and for the AK Soundproblem

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I don´t use Yoma, could you please upload this version somewhere?

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A quick bug report...

With the "latest" version (9/19), the AI don't seem to respond to side switches or captive states. I have a mission where once the player is wounded, he is setCaptive True, but the AI continues to shoot at him (me). I tried setFriend and still the same problem. I then made a simple mission w/ an enemy fireteam and me standing across from one another (w/ a wall in between for me to hide). They'll start opening fire, suppressing me. When I activate a trigger making me either a) captive or b) setFriend, they still fire at me for long time. Sometimes one or two of the AI won't ever stop shooting at me.

I even tried it w/ player join BadGuy (which was supposed to be fixed in the betas) and the AI will still fire at me.

When I reload the game w/out Zai loaded, it works "normally" (takes a few seconds for the AI to respond, but they stop shooting w/ in about 10 seconds).

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A quick bug report...

With the "latest" version (9/19), the AI don't seem to respond to side switches or captive states. I have a mission where once the player is wounded, he is setCaptive True, but the AI continues to shoot at him (me). I tried setFriend and still the same problem. I then made a simple mission w/ an enemy fireteam and me standing across from one another (w/ a wall in between for me to hide). They'll start opening fire, suppressing me. When I activate a trigger making me either a) captive or b) setFriend, they still fire at me for long time. Sometimes one or two of the AI won't ever stop shooting at me.

I even tried it w/ player join BadGuy (which was supposed to be fixed in the betas) and the AI will still fire at me.

When I reload the game w/out Zai loaded, it works "normally" (takes a few seconds for the AI to respond, but they stop shooting w/ in about 10 seconds).

Very interested to find out what causes this as I have it without Zeus AI also, but with other mods. I wonder if it's any of the CfgAiskill tweaks. It's a really annoying issue, especially with revive missions.

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I would once again refer to my post from the page before

I order my team (player + 2AI) to hold fire.

But as soon as they have enemy contact or are engaged their stance changes directly to "open Fire", without any command by me.

I yesterday tested the an older Zeus version, which folder seemed to be called "ZeusAI" when i downloaded it (i didnt change the name) and its newest pbo inside was from the 3rd September.

With that version i had no problems in ordering my AI to hold fire.

But several features like popping smoke or use of "far distance handgrenates", which were the most obvious i could notice directly,were not included.

Would be great if that issue could be fixxed.

Another suggestion and question would be if Zeus (what is a must be in our coops) could probably colaborate with Robalo_AS ?!As his latest updates like Rearm are really useful.

I know it isnt Xmas...,but any thoughts about including the use of flares at night on enemy contacts?

Keep up the good work Prot. and thx for ya efford.

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I believe the AK issue is fixed in the latest version, which came sometime this week. Have you checked Zeus Yoma?

auto-config url: http://zeus-community.net/yas/zeus/yas2302.7z

The frozen AI seems to be less of a problem with this version too. At least, I played a few high intensity firefights and retained control of the squad throughout. I'll do a bit more testing but it looks promising.

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Could someone be so king and upload this few MBs somewhere?

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@wheres my rabbit ? This is the Version i have (The one with the AK problem). I would like to have the newer Version where this is fixed

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updating now try in a few minutes

having just downloaded from your given link, thx wmr

"ARMA OA Zeu_readme.txt" file time stamp is dated 5th Oct 2010 (date of latest change of rocketballistic-.pbo, too), so is this the very latest release ?

the newer, the better, I hope ;)

Edited by langgis08

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it is

Strange things happens...

is it possible, that the last version, posted above, needs a new key?

We're using ZEU.bikey 08.11.2009 and Zeu_test.bikey 25.07.2010 and the server says invalid key while joining.

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