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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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Interface size is "very small".

With interface setting to NORMAL you get the intended placements. This might be looked into by Mando later to fit other interface sizes as well. I play like you and i also have the right side out of screen/view.

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With interface setting to NORMAL you get the intended placements. This might be looked into by Mando later to fit other interface sizes as well. I play like you and i also have the right side out of screen/view.

Many thanks for the info Alex72. I tried it. You're right. I switched the setting for the interface size back to "very small". It just looks better.

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Dont worry DragonBaron, you will see the radar also with the smallest i.size.

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Dont worry DragonBaron, you will see the radar also with the smallest i.size.

Pleased to hear that. Thanks a lot for your hard and professional work. "Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2 " is a must have.

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Mando Missile ArmA 2.4Beta42 is ready ;) Dont forget to read the online MMA readme for more info.

Changes in v2.4b42:

  • Improved: MCC TV flickering and small jumps when lock/unlock gone.
  • Fixed: mma_test_sam_site.utes mission initialization
  • Added: LOAL for Hellfire MCC TV cameras.
  • Added: Manual guidance (TV manual control) for Vkihrs MCC TVs.
  • Fixed: Active Mando Guns (Phalanx) now are listed as radar emitting sources.
  • Added: Eble's F4 Phantom setups for AIM7, AGM88 and CCIP for its free fall bombs for both, pilot and gunner.
  • Added: SEAD mission with F4 supporting two AV8B groups vs enemy SAMs.
  • Changed: MMA_XEH_AutoLaunch.pbo moved to @mma_xeh folder.
  • Added: .version.txt file inside @mma and @mma_xeh folders containing the versions.
  • Changed: Scoring system mechanism, now it waits more time before adding score (damaged planes taking too long to crash).
  • Fixed: Radar and monocle sorting order and radar position, now visible with any interface size and resolution.
  • Added: A new global array named mando_rearm_sources_classes containing all the classes of objects used as rearming sources.
  • Added: enabled unlimited preemptive flares.
  • Added: AI pilot's skill now translates into more efficiency using automatic flares.

Important note: MMA_XEH_AutoLaunch.pbo has been moved to @mma_xeh folder, dont forget to remove the MMA_XEH_AutoLaunch.pbo that might be present in your current @mma folder. If you want to use the autolauch, execute ArmA2 with mod=@mma;@mma_xeh modifiers.

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# Added: Eble's F4 Phantom setups for AIM7, AGM88 and CCIP for its free fall bombs for both, pilot and gunner.

Cool great up date, will the AGM-88s track in on surface radar or will they act like normal air to ground missiles?

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It locks only on MMA emitting surface radars. A mission is included where you can test it (Eble's F4 addon required), it, gain some altitude and locate and destroy the enemy SAMs before they kill all your attacking groups.

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Congrats on the release Mando! Super addon - super talent. :)

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Nice one Mandoble!

Something I'd always meant to do but have only just got around to is creating an alternate monocle representation for anyone who didn't fully appreciate the genius of my 'bi-focal' version. 'Yes' - it may overlap parts of the BIS HUD and 'No' - I don't care. Use whichever one rings truest for you.

The mando_apache.pbo replaces the default 'bi-focal' monocle implementation (two separate images representing both the mono and stereo image) with the more usual combined stereo (only) view. DOWNLOAD


At the same time I've just noticed I made a complete hash of the alternate Javelin reticle last time I uploaded it (apologies). Now fixed (and for various reasons renamed mando_javelin.pbo). Please update the OP Mandoble.

The mando_javelin.pbo enables a wider reticle for the Javelin and replaces the default crosshair with more authentic targeting 'stadia', these changes can only be made with an addon where the core MMA suite can be addon or script-only hence it is packaged separately. It is especially recommended if your display resolution should result in part of the default reticle showing. DOWNLOAD


Edited by Defunkt

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Thanks for the update Mandoble, a screenshot running this mod (click to open / download 5040x1050).


Edited by thales100

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No, you see a missile, an aircraft carrier firing it and two phalanx to the sides of the flightdeck :p

Very nice screenshot btw.

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No, you see a missile, an aircraft carrier firing it and two phalanx to the sides of the flightdeck :p

Very nice screenshot btw.

Lol thanks, yes its from mma_test_kuz.utes mission. :p

Edited by thales100

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