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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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Oh yes i get the red animated plus the lockon white crosshair. Read my post again though about terrain detail etc.

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@Alex, gee... I don't even get that red animated plus the lockon white crosshair. Where is that post again? I flipped back many pages and didn't see it.

(and yes, MMA is running because I can instantly pick up a METIS or hop into an aircraft and get the full features of MMA instantly on the same mission, same map. And yes, I do get the white crosshair + beeping sound but only when I lockon to the ground using DIR GRND mode)

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Hola mandoble, enhorabuena por tu magnifico mod!!

Soy lucifer del clan Armados español, me gustaría saber si tu addon es perfectamente compatible en MP en un servidor dedicado. Tengo una misión para jugar con los compañeros del clan en la que hay mucho combate de aeronaves.

Siento intriga por saber si funcionaria tu addon perfectamente con 20-30 jugadores en un servidor dedicado. Con las cosas que has implementado añadiría mucha emoción a la pobre experiencia que aporta el arma 2 en combate de aeronaves.

Pero tengo esa duda porque como somos muchos jugadores lo ideal es que los addons que ponemos no den muchos problemas.

Yo ya probé tu addon en el arma 1 y era una pasada, he propuesto a los compañeros de nuestra comisión de addons testearlo. Cualquier información seria muy bien recibida.

Muchas gracias y continua con este magnifico mod!!!

PD: nuestra pagina web es esta por si algún día quieres pasarte a echar un vistazo:



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Where is that post again? I flipped back many pages and didn't see it.

"however if the tank moves behind trees/objects/elevated ground you cant see due to the distance - that can affect it as well. If you play with Terrain Detail on lower than VHIGH it will have impact at that distance. It will "lower" the ground when in fact there is a hill/ground in front of the tank messing with the lock. Check such things."

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@Alex, thanks for the repost. Definitely not a problem. I placed it on one end of the UTES runway with me on the other end about 800m away. I have ALL my details maxed out at VD of 5000m. I also have it patrolling in a circular motion within the runway itself. So engine is running and there are no intervening obstacles or terrain.

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Do you have this problem in the included demo missions? Are you sure the older mando_missiles.pbo is not present at all?

I have deleted older pbo before adding new upgrade.

The demo mission runs smoothly. It is when I implment in other missions I have the choppy camera. The thing is I take out the new version and put in older version, missions run smoothly. So I am not sure what it is in the new upgrade that is causing this :confused:

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Is said tank an enemy tank?

Yes, I was using a USMC javelin soldier against a russian (as in the faction type) T-72.

In fact, I played another user mission where I have to destroy enemy tanks and encountered the same issue... had to use Metis then instead...

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testing the last version together with ACE in Benny`s Warfare.

My question is, if there is a LGB bomb drop hight limit present, because if you fly higher than 1500 meters, your dropped LGB wont reach the target or ground, it simply explode in the air before reaching the target. I saw that also with some missiles.

Can someone confirm ?

Mando for ever


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But do you get the message more than once, once connected? You might get if it your mma init transmit its presence to the server too late, but if it is transmitted the only problem you might have is to see this message once.

i tested a bit and i get a message all the time with a ping

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Using latest version without any mods/addons:

AA manpads and static targeting is too slow - those AA's are fire-and-forget missiles with passiv infrared-seeker. The target sound would help players playing in veteran setting or above to know if the missile is active seeking and ready to launch.

There should be no need to lock or wait for it because missile sensors will locate sources of heat.

Strela and Igla


Firing Flares should be selectable for pilots - automatic and manual.

Smoketrails are bit too much - real developments are searching to reduce them because they blind the shooter and give the enemy a big hint. ;)

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Fire and forget does by no means imply there is no lockon process.

Maverics are also fire and forget and there is a lockon of the desired target involved (for the IR as well as visual versions).

Same goes for AIM-9M which is passive infrared.

Also I'm all against a Chaff / Flare autolaunch, as there is simply no such system in many aircraft depicted ingame (and even if there is, targetting takes a little bit of skill, so should evasion, from a game perspective).



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TheCrusader did you read only "AA's" and "fire-and-forget"? :rolleyes:

Next time try to read the whole suggestion not only what you like to see/comment...

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Is there something like a recommended screen resolution for running MMA?

Best is to set the UI size to normal.

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@Cyborg112, got it! my UI is set to small. will try. Thanks a lot!

---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 PM ----------


The problem I had with the partially hidden markings on the IHASS and the lack of lock on box on the javelin are both due to my setting the user interface to SMALL! Everything works normal now with user interface at normal!

So, other users may wanna take note too. :)

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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I did and that is my comment on your whole post. I did not go into the other points because I am impartial on these.

There is a before fire part to "fire and forget" (it means forget about the system after u fire not before ;) and yes this also holds for portable systems.



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This, this might happen with missiles or guided bombs if they detect that they are missing the target and have no room to maneouver and realign with it, in the case of a LGB fired too high, this might happen if the horizontal separation with the target is too short, the bomb, while falling down and still on air, overpasses the target location (and of course will not be able to turn around and align with the target again), and detonates.

NoRailgunner, the time-to-lock is adjustable for every system, current lock on times for portable AA weapons might seem too high and there is a gameplay reason behind, in current default MMA setup, the small portable AA weapons should be effective, while not quite lethal, vs choppers and almost not effective at all vs jets.

Firing flares in auto or only manual is also configurable (by the mission editor, not by the pilot), but firing in auto increases the missile impact risk, as the idea is to synchronize correctly the timing between the drop of the flares and the corresponding break turn, to avoid the "eye" of the missile once it passes through the flares.

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Thanks Mandoble!

Just for info the AN/ALE-47 CMDS*

...provides the aircraft with protection from air-to-air and surface-to-air heat-seeking missiles. Modes of operation are manual (five stored programs), semi-automatic (operator/sensor activated), and automatic (operator/sensor activated). The CMDS is integrated with the AN/ALQ-156 Missile Detection System to automatically dispense expendables when detected by the AN/ALQ-156 when in the Auto or Semi Auto mode of operation. The CMDS may be pre-programmed to generate optimum expendable response in a single or multiple threat environment.
My suggestion is to have both for players - automatic and manual firing flares. ;)

*planes - F-16, F/A-18, C-130 etc

*helicopters - UH-1, UH-60, AH-64, CH-47, V-22 Osprey, CH-53 etc

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I can't seem to find any explanation of this line in the ReadMe:

  // Weak AI SAMs with "weak missiles" attached to radar1 tower as main radar
  _disp = aaE1; // <<<<- This is the AI SAM unit
  [_disp, _posunit, _ttype, _quantity, _minrange, _maxrange, _rof, _pos, _scan, _mink, _enemies, false, false, true, true, 45, "my_radar1"]exec"mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_sa2.sqs";

What are the different parameters here?

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Manzilla, this is a "shortcut" to execute mando_missiles\units\mando_missileattacker.sqf with some predefined missile parameters set in mando_sa2.sqs, you may open mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_sa2.sqs to see all the parameters, that are these common for every MMA missile parametrization.

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I have suddenly a problem with ACE2, did connect to a server but only short time later my game did crash.

server had only the ace mods like i have it:


Thats the error messages i got in my RPT file:


Hope i can get some help here, thx =)

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Oxmox is this really a mandoble missile addon error? You dont seem to have the addon loaded and neither does the server.

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Manzilla, this is a "shortcut" to execute mando_missiles\units\mando_missileattacker.sqf with some predefined missile parameters set in mando_sa2.sqs, you may open mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_sa2.sqs to see all the parameters, that are these common for every MMA missile parametrization.

I looked at that but honestly I have no clue what much of that stuff means. And explanation like he had in the A1 ReadMe is what I need to understand this stuff many times. When/If he has time it's something to think about. I'd like to use the Radar + AA setup for the enemy in a mission eventually. As of now, I can't get it working. I'm not sure what the stuff in the init is for.

Could you add a table-type thing breaking down the parameters, like the MMA A1 ReadMe, for the next update?(Or an upcoming update)

I'd love to help but I'm the one that can't understand them. ;)

Some tester I be! :)

Edited by Manzilla

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Damn i did post it in the wrong thread...this was supposed for ACE2.

edit: I did use yoma instead of alpinestars, maybe here is the issue and i thought the mods did load..wonder that i could play for a minute online. Will try it with alpinestars and see how it works again, thx =)

Edited by oxmox

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