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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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Excellent addon! Only comment is the UAV for east seems not to work. Will not fire at all. Unlike the west UAV which was easy to operate. Any ideas?


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Russia is behind UAV technology and have issues producing reliable electronics. They are now using different UAV variants from Israel.

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Some one might say "when its done, its done", I said this weekend or earlier, so more than probably for this weekend.

Some more things added:

- LOAL Hellfire mode for AH64 (now you can fire in LOAL and/or LOBL modes).

- Cargo seat at the back of C130J pilot and co-pilot also has guns control.

- New guidance for Metis, now you can lose control if trying too hard moves and also recover it aiming with the sight to the missile in flight.

- Systems added for Static Metis, TOW Tripod, Static Stinger, Static Igla, BRDM2 ATGM and BMP-2 AT5.

- Setups for FFAA MOD Eurocopter Tigre, Super Puma, CH47 and Coughar.

- Setups for all the CYBP_AH6 and CYBP_MH6 family.

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The mando_portables.pbo link is down

Yep, I can confirm this. It's not essential to run Mando Missiles however, which is a good thing. :)

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Some one might say "when its done, its done", I said this weekend or earlier, so more than probably for this weekend.

Some more things added:

- LOAL Hellfire mode for AH64 (now you can fire in LOAL and/or LOBL modes).

- Cargo seat at the back of C130J pilot and co-pilot also has guns control.

- New guidance for Metis, now you can lose control if trying too hard moves and also recover it aiming with the sight to the missile in flight.

- Systems added for Static Metis, TOW Tripod, Static Stinger, Static Igla, BRDM2 ATGM and BMP-2 AT5.

- Setups for FFAA MOD Eurocopter Tigre, Super Puma, CH47 and Coughar.

- Setups for all the CYBP_AH6 and CYBP_MH6 family.

Woooh, i almost jizzed in my pants:yay:

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And you might have good reasons :p

Hellfires fired in LOAL and LOBL modes working with the new MMA custom HUD created by Defunkt:


First a single Hellfire is fired in LOAL-DIR mode and few secs later another friendly unit transmitted a remote target which was locked on by the AH64 pilot and destroyed by the Hellfire already in flight. After that other enemy units are directly located by the Apache and destroyed by Hellfires fired in LOBL mode using monocle and onboard TV MFD.

I also added an ECM emitter o the Apache.

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superb work !! cant wait to test. few questions:

1. is it fully ace2 combatible ??

2. when you have 2 human players in the apache and the pilot is locking in the monocle the target, will the locked target be transfert/syncroniced to the gunners monocle ?? or to the gunnersight ? would be nice so you dont have to talk what target you are looking at.

3. would it be possible that you lock targets and send/syncronice those to other ah-64 in the attack group ?

4. when you are in cam-mode the engine sound gets louder. is that possible you lower the volume ? (is it because your viewpoint is outside the heli ?)

thanks for your great work !!

Edited by themaster303

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And you might have good reasons :p

Hellfires fired in LOAL and LOBL modes working with the new MMA custom HUD created by Defunkt:


First a single Hellfire is fired in LOAL-DIR mode and few secs later another friendly unit transmitted a remote target which was locked on by the AH64 pilot and destroyed by the Hellfire already in flight. After that other enemy units are directly located by the Apache and destroyed by Hellfires fired in LOBL mode using monocle and onboard TV MFD.

I also added an ECM emitter o the Apache.

Now i gotta go clean myself up:eek:

I dont care if its ACE2 compatible or not, i will use it anyway!

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1. is it fully ace2 combatible ??

After making the setups I would say yes :)

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Excellent mod and has taken up my whole week testing !

A few pointers if I may,

1. AH-64D cannot lock on Hellfire using the monocle (IHADSS).

2. AH-64D uses two types of Hellfire Radar Guided and Laser Seeking. They acquire the target very differently.

3. AH-64D firing Cannon through the IHADSS is inaccurate but allows suppression of a target very quickly.


MQ-9 can (along with most jets that carry a targeting pod) transmit a TV image (rover). Your UAV TV system is almost there, although considered man-portable it does require some setup before use. Can that be added into your much appreciated efforts.

I have RL experience on both MQ-9 and AH-64D, PM for more if you need.

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What? This link?

Defunkt made a modification of the default BIS Javelin reticle that you can grab here

The mando_portables.pbo enables a better (wider) reticle for the Javelin and replaces the default crosshair with more authentic targeting 'stadia', these changes can only be made with an addon where the core MMA suite can be addon or script-only hence it is packaged separately. It is especially recommended if your display resolution should result in part of the default reticle showing.

I do recommend it by the way, without it you can too often see the default reticle for a split second before the custom MMA HUD draws.

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- LOAL Hellfire mode for AH64 (now you can fire in LOAL and/or LOBL modes).

:) awesome news, looking forward to try it out when it's ready!


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I need some help with the UAV , i want to use the UAV of mando into this



Default values of all settings are:

nul = this addAction ["Launch UAV", "uav.sqf",[xvec1,100,BIS_uav_1,"xvec2,xvec1",MQ9PredatorB,west],0,false]

1: spawn location

2: spawn height

3: Name of UAV Module - BIS_UAV

4: units to be syncronized with Names, xvec2, xvec1, (_vec_array select 0)

5: Version of UAV - MQ9PredatorB

6: side/group



private ["_vec_array","_myarray"];

_myarray = _this select 3;

_spawloc = _myarray select 0;

_spawhei = if (count _myarray > 1) then {_myarray select 1} else {100};

_uavMod = if (count _myarray > 2) then {_myarray select 2} else {BIS_UAV_1};

_units = if (count _myarray > 3) then {_myarray select 3} else {xvec1, xvec2};

_uavType = if (count _myarray > 4) then {_myarray select 4} else {MQ9PredatorB};

_grp = if (count _myarray > 5) then {_myarray select 5} else {"west"};


_vec_array = [[getPos _spawloc select 0, getPos _spawloc select 1, (getPos _spawloc select 2) +_spawhei], random 360, _uavType, _grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;

_vcl = _vec_array select 0;

_vcl SetVehicleVarName _vclname;

_vcl Call Compile Format ["%1=_vcl;PublicVariable ""%1"";",_vclname];

_initCmd=format["this addMagazine ""4Rnd_Sidewinder_AV8B"";this addWeapon ""SidewinderLaucher""; this disableAI ""AUTOTARGET"" ; this disableAI ""TARGET"" ; this setCombatMode ""BLUE"";this setBehaviour ""careless"";%1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [%2,%3];",_uavmod,_vcl,_units];

_vcl setVehicleInit _initCmd;


clearVehicleInit _vcl;

Player sideChat "UAV has been Launched";

Its a script of Big_Daddy , you can lauch a UAV and control it in air

or try the mission Download

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What? This link?

I do recommend it by the way, without it you can too often see the default reticle for a split second before the custom MMA HUD draws.

Ah yes I understand, yes much better.

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im also have a strange thing .. when im in a harrier with gbu-12 , i cannot select the gbu-12 ?

But with other bombs i dont have a problem

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