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Ludovico Technique

Monsters, zombies and so on

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Ditto. That's all I'm asking for (except both slow and infected, of course).

:581: :581: :581: :581: :581:

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Ouch, those are VERY sad news, very sad news indeed.. :pet5: I don't understand.. why won't the MP work? I enjoyed zombie missions in OFP in COOP the most.. not just for the atmosphere, but when there's just far more zombies than you have bullets for your rifle, you need more than an AI wingmen wasting a full mag on 3 targets.

It`s simple, to have anything work in MP, the scripts need to be designed to run either on the host machine or the server, then the host machine needs to "listen" to variable changes and process potential consequences for the local player character. Since this mod is entirely variable space based, has particle effects and many sound effects, all these issues would need custom scripts that just run locally and kick in when only the player gets infected or gets cured with the antidote etc.

We are talking about 3000+ lines of code to be completely rewritten for this in a z-mod of unseen complexity. That is one of the hardest, time-consuming, bug-rich jobs imaginable talking about 2-3 months additional development time of everyday`s many hour work.

All this ..thanks to your Countless hours (i believe) of devotion and creativity...

Not countless hehe, but about 400 hours for the Undead and 600 hours for the CZM mod ;)

It is exhausting, so i am eager to finish this. If not one major error pops up again, i would say a release around christmas is possible. It will not be perfectly bug-free-guaranteed , something that complex is nearly impossible to get there, but i am looking into the most important features at least working.

Does it mean user created scripted scenarios (not the zombie-infection-warfare) are still possible? Zombies just spawning a walking around (in cities) until they find someone to kill or get killed?

You can disable the town migration if you tag your spawned zeds with the variable :

(group _undead) getvariable "CHN_UNDEAD_NONMIGRP"

true: when the group is a non-migrating town spawn group, that does not migrate but just patrols one town


Since this is module based, you can simply put them on the map without putting down the module, then you can do whatever you might have in mind there with them.

Edited by Charon Productions

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The videos are looking good.

Is there a possibility to switch off the blood splatter? It could be OK for those gore-fest-kind of missions but I'd like an option to disable it for some really atmospheric missions I might make. Thanks.

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The videos are looking good.

Is there a possibility to switch off the blood splatter? It could be OK for those gore-fest-kind of missions but I'd like an option to disable it for some really atmospheric missions I might make. Thanks.

Hmmm, the option to switch off anything really necessitates a lot of

If (GLOBALVARIABLE) then {don`t do this and that}. So more code, more potential errors.

I`ll do it (EDIT: Done) , but the main priority (without further exception) is to kill bugs now. People tend to focus on bugs more than on what is actually working, so it seems that that is what they care most about.

Any last additional development effort that is consider, is the possibility (Toggle) to make the player immune to friendly fire. You`ll know why, once you have been close to a zed and your AI buddies just fire him in the back, hitting you. It is also advisable to rid the teammates of grenades for such cases :D

EDIT: Friendly fire immunity implemented, tested, works

Edited by Charon Productions

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EDIT: Friendly fire immunity implemented, tested, works

I know you said before that having options to set some variables to true or false would be alot of work, but is it possible to toggle friendly fire? Could this be left up to the mission developer to decide? Just that I see some scenarios where shooting infected AI teammates may be easier, and better before they transform rather than later.

edit: nevermind, didnt see this "...is the possibility (Toggle) to make the player immune..."

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I'm a bit confused so I apologize in advance. Is this an Module only addon?(for it to work)

Or will we actually have spawn lists and able to place the zombie UNITS by themselves?

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I'm a bit confused so I apologize in advance. Is this an Module only addon?(for it to work)

Or will we actually have spawn lists and able to place the zombie UNITS by themselves?

FOR IT TO WORK, you have to place the module. With WORK i mean the fact that the zeds actually attack anything, the infection spreads and the whole migration system and the sound effects.

No one can keep you from placing the zed units without the module (they are scoped accordingly) , but they will just stand there, attack nothing and pose no threat, but there again, probably a couple of people look for a zero challenge situation.

The module is doing everything a mission designer could possibly want a horde of zombies to do and that is run around and look for targets,infect them and migrate over the map, but it`s your choice.

Edited by Charon Productions

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I'm not sure if I've already asked this or not, I think I may have forgotten to post before :(

Will it be possible to set mod's difficulty or change the zombie damage in any way? The zombies look great but don't seem to do a lot of damage to the player.

Great work with the sounds by the way, they're chilling, and the way they mob you .... :)

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I'm not sure if I've already asked this or not, I think I may have forgotten to post before :(

Will it be possible to set mod's difficulty or change the zombie damage in any way? The zombies look great but don't seem to do a lot of damage to the player.

Great work with the sounds by the way, they're chilling, and the way they mob you .... :)

Something like that is not implemented.

And what would be the point in a one stroke death?

It takes about 3 strokes to kill.

So when 3 zeds mob you, you are dead in a sec. (Lag delays the attacks oftentimes, so they dont score the way they should)

The harder part is how to get rid of the infection the stroke causes

once you have it ;)

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Will it be possible to set mod's difficulty or change the zombie damage in any way? The zombies look great but don't seem to do a lot of damage to the player.

Well really, it's just a dead dude, right? His hands aren't made of iron or anything, so...

Unless you have an iron palm master, his hands are pretty tough, but then what are the chances of finding him in Chernarus?! And killed by infected? I doubt it.

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I was thinking of 28 weeks later sort of stuff, and in that and 28 days, once they reached you they'd tackle you to the ground and you'd be a goner, I'd love to see tackling by the zombies but I'm about 99% sure that ArmA2's engine would be a bit of a hindrance in that area :(

Could you could stop the player for a second or so when hit? To simulate the zombie grappling with you?

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I was thinking of 28 weeks later sort of stuff, and in that and 28 days, once they reached you they'd tackle you to the ground and you'd be a goner, I'd love to see tackling by the zombies but I'm about 99% sure that ArmA2's engine would be a bit of a hindrance in that area :(

Could you could stop the player for a second or so when hit? To simulate the zombie grappling with you?

You can be 999% sure that the arma engine is not Madden ;)

It`s a military simulation made for units firing at each other at distances of 10-500 meters with no support of any melee combat at all.

It is already simulating tackling with a calculation that if you are surrounded by more than 3 zeds in a vicinity of 3-4 meters and one strokes you, you will fall to the ground for a second, because they would just push you to the ground.

That way you have to make absolutely sure that you are not getting mobbed.

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I want to ask "when is this going to be out" but Charon, don't even think about answering that! Not that I think you would, I just know that you're doing this FOR FREE for all off the world to enjoy, so who really cares when it's out. You're keeping in touch with the community and answering questions, we can't really ask for anything more.

So I'll just say, keep up the good work!

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You can be 999% sure that the arma engine is not Madden ;)

It`s a military simulation made for units firing at each other at distances of 10-500 meters with no support of any melee combat at all.

Yeah, I figured as much :(

It is already simulating tackling with a calculation that if you are surrounded by more than 3 zeds in a vicinity of 3-4 meters and one strokes you, you will fall to the ground for a second, because they would just push you to the ground.

That way you have to make absolutely sure that you are not getting mobbed.

That's awesome.

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I want to ask "when is this going to be out" but Charon, don't even think about answering that! Not that I think you would, I just know that you're doing this FOR FREE for all off the world to enjoy, so who really cares when it's out. You're keeping in touch with the community and answering questions, we can't really ask for anything more.

So I'll just say, keep up the good work!

Well as i have said yesterday, around Christmas is anticipated.

I am able to fix a dozen issues everyday. Most effectively since

i moved to actually testing this within a long mission where all cases that can

cause issues DO occur, like antidote handling, soldiers becoming zeds in a choppers,town infection status changes etc.

It was clear from the beginning that this will never be perfect, it is as magic as walking on water to do a zed - mod with the arma engine and has some issues that can`t be overcome.

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Pilots,drivers,gunners and cargo now can turn into an infected inside the vehicle. Pilots will effectively crash-land the controlled chopper.

Gunners and cargo will attempt to get out of the vehicle when it is going slow enough and then attack the rest of the crew, since the engine does not support inside-vehicle movement.

This really adds a lot of "realism" to the whole thing.

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That sounds awesome :D

What other goodies lie ahead on the roadmap?

Well the engine is the limit, that i have to adhere to.

For now it is well enough to have all those numerous features actually working bug-free hehe.

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That's great :D

I hate to be a bother about these things, especially after having been a gmod contraptionist and having had people bug me about when my latest doohickey is completed, but a number of people on my Vent server are refusing to play ArmA 2 until your mod is out, meaning I'm all alone until you're done :v

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Mate this mod is so fucking cool, I can't wait for it's release :D

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I can't wait for it's release :D

me too !! this mod is going to kick ass !:pet12:

(no offense:))

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This looks like one of the best mods for arma 2 yet!

Im begging you release a buggy version! I cant wait to play this!

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Pilots,drivers,gunners and cargo now can turn into an infected inside the vehicle. Pilots will effectively crash-land the controlled chopper.

So the chopper will nose dive, like the Dropship in Aliens?

Gunners and cargo will attempt to get out of the vehicle when it is going slow enough and then attack the rest of the crew, since the engine does not support inside-vehicle movement.

So they won't attack anybody whilst inside?

This really adds a lot of "realism" to the whole thing.


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So the chopper will nose dive, like the Dropship in Aliens?

No it will turn around its axis as if the pilot stepped on the back rotor pedal and descend slowly to give the player enough time to bail out.

So they won't attack anybody whilst inside?

How could they? The arma engine allows no movement inside of vehicles.

They will exhibit spasms (animations), but they have to exit the vehicle to be able to attack anything, not perfect, but an engine limitation that can`t be overcome unfortunately.

A new feature to this compared to older zed mod variants is also that you can

prevent a human from returning as an undead by shooting him in the head selectively

during the period between death and resurrection. I found it always annoying having to wait

for killed civs until they resurrect to finally neutralize them as a threat.

It is the little details like that that will make this stand out and add realism.

Edited by Charon Productions

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