bangtail 0 Posted October 30, 2009 Woah there, Captain Sensitive. Nothing was aimed at you. Chill. Nowt to do with sensitive, I reacted to what it sounded like you were saying. If that wasn't the case, then no harm done :) Eth Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted October 30, 2009 Remember the time when we all were against the future with TCPA? Now it seems they reworked the concept and re-branded it to xLive/STEAM/iStore/whatever... Ther´ll be nothing left to protect if the current trend holds on. Both sides, dev´s and customers are killing it. It´s all going down the drain, much like TV and Music productions have gone fubar in the last 10-20 years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaostika7-17th 10 Posted October 30, 2009 (edited) howdy mr.burns, never quiet had the opportunity to thank u dude. thx 4 all your sweat, work, enthusiasm and spend free time with your community site over the years and keep up the good work soldier. mr.burns wrote:It´s all going down the drain, much like TV and Music productions have gone fubar in the last 10-20 years. yap, down the drain and: the sooner we dissapear form this planet, the better hehee quote of/in the film-> in the mouth of madness not only games, tv and music burns, the whole society, but thats a other "baustelle" and a much longer topic :cool: to pathy'n bangtail, well, for someone 3 weeks is ok, for others, counting me in, just a slap in the face and kick in the butt, when the bomb'n news went off @ mw2! sure @ 'op flashbox 360 failpoint: fall of the dragon' the dissapointment i think was much higher, gettn to know it first, after the release, with no dedis ~ equals a kick in the balls! still i don't think dedis will save that game and thx god, i had a feeling with DR, that it would be an arcadish console port and didn't buy or pre order it in the first place. as burns mentioned, with going down the drain, u have to be very carefull these days, exspecially with sequels of a gameseries. not only cause of console to pc ports, but i think some devs imagine, they always just have to invent the wheel new again, whiles nobody is asking or shouting 4 it! the point is, after becoming a fanboy of a awesome game, the hype, excitement for a upcoming sequel is quiet high, so that mostley these days people get even more pissed off and dissapointed when one of their beloved game goes down the drain just 3 weeks before it hits the shelves like @ mw2 or 3 hours later after u played'n payed and got it out of the shelve like @ DR!! what i actually only wanted to say *lol, after this break* is, in situations like @ DR, mw2 or what ever, as pc gamers (and not only there) we shouldnt "fight" each other, but should "stand united, and not fall devided", and most of all in these "draining" days, dont buy a game on the release day, without playing a demo or reading before in a good forum about it, amen. back to topic, here something i found this week. nice to see the eye-opener, that 'die hard pc dedictaed dudes' have given to some of the consoleros: MW2: We need dedis for all platformsWritten by jockyitch Wednesday, 28 October @ One of the few good things that has come out of the Great MW2 Dedicated Server Debacle is that console gamer are now beginning to understand what we hardcore PC gamers have known for years. Fat pipes = good gaming. Some XBox players have even started emailing me and asking me just how much better do dedicated servers play, in relation to a peer-to-peer set-up. The realization that console gamers are tied to the Activision mothership like space-walking astronauts has some in the PC community thinking... One such thinker, is spokesperson for Heat of Battle mod and CoD Hall of Famer, BritishBulldog1 (BB1) who has voiced his opinion that PC gamers should not be the only folks demanding dedicated servers. In a nutshell, the idea is as follows: Dedicated servers for an optimal online gaming experience is a logical idea and should be adopted by all platforms, not just on PC. This opinion has caught on. Over at the PS3 website,, they've followed up a scathing attack on Infinity Ward yesterday, with this interesting piece on dedi's...a petition for dedicated servers on PS3's: source "That is exactly why this entire Infinity Ward and dedicated server situation effects all of us as gamers and not just the PC crowd. Think about how often you’ve played Resistance 2, Killzone 2 or any other first-party title online and enjoyed the quality it provided for you through a dedicated server. It’s nice, isn’t it? Nobody receives an unfair advantage and everyone is on equal footing of skill and skill alone. This isn’t a bash at Microsoft, but I’m sure many of you have heard the complaints about Gears of War’s online component and how the host player receives a huge advantage over the rest of the players in a game, correct? That’s something dedicated servers prevent and it’s something all games should strive for. Hopefully by now you’ve figured out why PC Gamers not receiving dedicated servers is nothing more than a decline in online quality from Infinity Ward as a whole. Instead of pushing the console to the limits and upgrading our services to dedicated servers, the developers and publisher have decided to shorten all three platforms by the lack of dedicated servers anywhere. Dedicated servers, regardless of the platform (even you Microsoft), should be a mandatory component to any online-focused title like Modern Warfare 2, Battlefield: Bad Company, etc." Whoa...what have we started? Now, Playstation gamers are demanding dedicated servers. No wonder BB1 finds this intriguing. You see how influential PC gamers can be? They have planted a mini-revolt in the console universe. A revolt that could spread. Our ability to amplify our influence has traditionally been the way we have been able to weather the storms that batter our community. By spreading this message to gaming communities outside our own PC players have been able to amplify their power to shape their multiplayer experience every time a console gamer is converted to this way of thinking. PC players should remember this for the future. Reach out to console gamers and tell them what they're missing. We are all gamers and speaking to console gamers in a civil, logical and respectful fashion on mutually benefical topics is not only the neighbourly thing to do it's also the strategic thing to do. a nice weekend @ll Edited October 31, 2009 by Chaostika7-17th Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whiskey_Tango 10 Posted October 31, 2009 wonder how many aimbots and wallhacks will run rampant in the series newest shoot down ac130's with at4 rockets action packed version of quake 3 with a m16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joey_45 0 Posted October 31, 2009 Let the gamers unite under one flag, we shall not be raped by these Devs who do not listen and do there own thing... p.s. 3 weeks is bags of time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leopardi 0 Posted October 31, 2009 Tactical Nuke Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikebart 1 Posted November 3, 2009 Not sure if this is old news but this is a pretty crazy mission of MW2 where you're gunning down civilians in an airport as a terrorist. Yes. Just some info on a bit of controversial MW2 game content, I actually watched the video last week, but they've taken it down now, i didnt really think it was an appropriate thing to post here at the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakerod 254 Posted November 3, 2009 Not sure if this is old news but this is a pretty crazy mission of MW2 where you're gunning down civilians in an airport as a terrorist. Yes. Just some info on a bit of controversial MW2 game content, I actually watched the video last week, but they've taken it down now, i didnt really think it was an appropriate thing to post here at the time. To add a further note, that mission is skippable and does have a warning before it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaostika7-17th 10 Posted November 3, 2009 (edited) Infinity Ward has confirmed controversial footage showing civilians being gunned down by terrorists in an airport. The footage will appear in the game as a skippable segment, covered by a confirmation screen that players will have to acknowledge before experiencing the content."The scene establishes the depth of evil and the cold bloodedness of a rogue Russian villain and his unit. By establishing that evil, it adds to the urgency of the player’s mission to stop them," explains Infinity Ward. "Players have the option of skipping over the scene. At the beginning of the game, there are two 'checkpoints' where the player is advised that some people may find an upcoming segment disturbing. These checkpoints can’t be disabled. i think it's rather tastless and i'm imagining a 11,12 or 13 year old gunning down 60 civilians and i dont think that a lot will skip that level. a cinematic scene from different angles would have just been good enough to show that massacre, instead of letting kids or who ever "play it themselfs"! i know it's just a game, but since columbine, erfurt, emsdetten or winnenden this year in march here (just to mention a few), not only in germany there a lot of discussions about so called "killergames" and some politicians are trying to forbid these games, our hobby, and put us gamers on the same criminal offence level like sexual offenders. thats why i also joined near my city, to do my little part and to stop this "3rd reich book- or middle age whichburning".to cut the story short and to get to the point. not only in this post 9/11 time i think this kind of "gaming experince" is rather unnecessary and considering the fact, of all the discussions about so called "killergames" in the past and present, i can already see the upcoming debates again, especially about or over this airport level @mw2 and 4 sure, it rather is counterproductive in these days of "killergames" controversies. CNN ireporters call in to say that MW2 lets kids play terrorist characters. The alleged opening scenes of MW2 see the wholesale slaughter of civilians. Acid-tongued CNN readers suggest that the only terrorism is the cancellation of dedicated servers. :cool: Edited November 3, 2009 by Chaostika7-17th Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
txalin 2 Posted November 3, 2009 CNN ireporters call in to say that MW2 lets kids play terrorist characters. They are playing as terrorist since Counter Strike. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dm 9 Posted November 3, 2009 i think it's rather tastless and i'm imagining a 11,12 or 13 year old gunning down 60 civilians Given that the game is rated 18+ (everywhere the 18 rating is available, can only assume it will be censored in ausfailia) this should not be the case. To argue it should not be included because pre-teens might play it and be influenced by it is about as logical as saying all "mature" themes from TV and films should be banned because children MIGHT watch it, even though they are legally forbidden to do so. We need to move past this "video games == for children" phase if games are to mature further as a legitimate form of entertainment... Personally I relish the story telling oppertunities afforded to us by a mature and sensible games industry, which isnt held back by idiots and zealots who are [apparently] only trying to think of the children! (children who should NOT be playing an 18+ rated game, or watching an 18+ rated movie in the first place....) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArchangelSKT 0 Posted November 3, 2009 We need to move past this "video games == for children" phase if games are to mature further as a legitimate form of entertainment... Personally I relish the story telling oppertunities afforded to us by a mature and sensible games industry, which isnt held back by idiots and zealots who are [apparently] only trying to think of the children! (children who should NOT be playing an 18+ rated game, or watching an 18+ rated movie in the first place....) I agree with what you say there, sadly and ironically enough though it seems that still with plenty of well written post on the IW forums on the dedicated servers issue, and facing a huge online global petition boycott, the IW officials treats us as.....well 13-14 year old consumers breathing from their parents pockets and $$. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ardvarkdb 104 Posted November 3, 2009 I think what bothers me the most is how terrible Infinity Ward has been at communicating with the community. Aside from their general silence in ignoring all of the PC communities questions, they don't seem to want to inform anyone on how the game will work and what features are included. Their community manager sure doesn't seem to want to interact with the community anymore. I love this article, link, where they asked IW if this was true and their response was "Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling said the company "can't comment on leaks," and was unable to confirm if the feature will, in fact, be disabled. "Players should reserve judgment until they get a chance to experience it for themselves on November 10 instead of viewing it out of context," I mean seriously?! Answer the question. The answer wouldn't contain any spoilers about the single player story, it's a simple "is this a feature" question. The "wait until you get the game in your own hands and try it for yourself" is the biggest load of crap I have heard from a game developer in a long time. Let's not tell anyone about what features are in the game so they'll be "surprised" on release. I for one, would like to know what I am buying, especially since as a PC user I have no option to return the game or trade it in (Gamestop is offering $40 dollars if you return Modern Warfare 2 for the xbox by Dec something). That's like a car dealer taking off the sticker with all the info and saying you can't test drive it. Buy it, you might like it. So lame. IW needs to use their profits to hire some real marketing professionals and public relations folks, because quite frankly they suck at it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deadfast 43 Posted November 3, 2009 We have a saying here: "Silence is an agreement". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaostika7-17th 10 Posted November 4, 2009 (edited) The one sentence that says it all, from the Best buy IW chatTaken from the chat log from tonight's Best Buy chat with IW. Is there a console in the PC version of the game, so we can change our field of view from the xbox's default 65 FOV to 80 also can we tweaks the weapon damage for each gun, removes perks, graphical debris, breathing sway, also thru console like we where able to before or is this all gone? 01:46 Vince-IW :We would like you to play the game the way we designed and balanced it. That one line says so much in regards to what the PC community can expect from Modern Warfare 2. I wonder what Vince thinks about the past Call of Duty titles where the community has redesigned and rebalanced the game to their needs. And if that was not enough, less then a week away and the PC version is not even finished. Not sure if this means a zero day patch or what the hell is going on. 02:43 Moriarte Will there be a multiplayer PC demo shortly after release? The PC community is largely skeptical at best right now and with no ability to trade-in or rent, this is a real gamble for our wallets. 02:43 Vince-IW No plans for a demo currently. We are still working on finishing the PC game right now (yes, I know... we need to get done!) Not sure how long this chat log will be up but you can find the full log here source and finally a quote of the log i just found, where i must say, even with dedis, mw@cod is dead! bring up the last title treyarch and we'll see ya @ the funeral! I'll stick with cod4,5 with mods and customs till the masterservers go down. besides that, other developers, also have nice daughters with dedis hehehee...time to move on....sad, sad, sad....just glad, i still have my arma :239: No lean Quote: 02:03 TheNinthAxis Is there lean in PC multiplayer. 02:03 Vince-IW No. 02:34 zach426 What was your guy's logic behind removing the lean feature for PC, a feature that was a mainstay from all of your previous call of duty titles? 02:34 Mackey-IW The game is not balanced for lean. Edited November 4, 2009 by Chaostika7-17th Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ICE-Raver 10 Posted November 4, 2009 9 v 9 max games..................pfffffttt. They just nailed the coffin shut for sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangtail 0 Posted November 4, 2009 (edited) The game is not balanced for lean. Translation : "It's hard to implement lean on consoles and we can't be bothered to add things to the PC version. You PC guys can all go f**k yourselves. It's not like you made franchise successful in the first place. I'd honestly rather they really did just tell us to f**k off instead of these dumbass statements. It isn't "balanced" for lean? Are they f**king serious? War is not balanced for lean Edited November 4, 2009 by BangTail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leopardi 0 Posted November 4, 2009 lol, according to IW, the PC version will not be a port, because they added in mouse support. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hitman 10 Posted November 4, 2009 Woah. First I thought: "Ah well no dedi servers, no biggies I don't work in a server rental company. And I always just play random games in COD4 anyways, no matter who the host is." Then I thought: "3rd person? oookay, I don't have to use that." After that:"Shooting civilians as terrorists? Meh, don't really fancy that but it's a game afterall." Now:"No lean? Ah well, I'm more of a run an gun anyway. 9vs9? EH?!" After a few mins I read: 02:55 Mackey-IW No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings. My reponse: "Right, fuck that game." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emberwolf 0 Posted November 4, 2009 Yeah, this hobby is getting cheaper and cheaper every month while finding out game after game has gone into the toilet and isn't worth the time or money. Oh well, at least there's still plenty to do in ArmA2 and OpenFalcon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Colossus 2 Posted November 4, 2009 Well, that's it. They are screwed.. -Maximum 9 vs. 9 (In contrast to 32 to 64 players on CoD4) -No leaning (Hello, console!) -Using the 25 killstreak (tactical nuke - also new and FUBAR) the game is over. -No console ability (/reconnect, /disconnect, /quit, /record is out of the window) The rest of the BestBuy chat-gibberish can be found HERE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArchangelSKT 0 Posted November 4, 2009 This is outragious, while it is up to each and every PC player to decide for themselves if they will buy this game or not, I am personally on the edge of calling any PC player that does so a traitor, and yes I am serious :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoOB 0 Posted November 4, 2009 I bought COD4 second hand for my 360 to get some singleplayer kicks - And I must admit I was looking forward to playing MW:2 on the PC but it seems IW won't be getting any of my money. Which in the end, doesn't matter to them - Come the next installment of the franchise there might not even be a version released for the PC. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kklownboy 43 Posted November 4, 2009 This is outragious, while it is up to each and every PC player to decide for themselves if they will buy this game or not, I am personally on the edge of calling any PC player that does so a traitor, and yes I am serious :D The worst part is if a PC gamer buys it, all that money will go to another Console port... Yes they will be traitors.:( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted November 4, 2009 Come the next installment of the franchise there might not even be a version released for the PC. That is very possible. But then with the relatively small extra effort to release a PC version and get some guaranteed extra cash it would be foolish of them. But they wouldn't be the first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites