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Island Panthera for ArmA 2

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I still do not know how to install and play Panthera V2.6.

can someone guide me step by step?


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Some people just have hard-of-thinking IceBreakr ! Seriously, some players need to

a) read the f*&*&king manual that comes with the game

b) be a troll around the forums and READ


d) ONLY after they have carried out a-c do they ask here !

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b) be a troll around the forums and READ

I think you meant *lurker*, not troll. :)

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Great Island !

But i have a crazy white border at all the beach (looks like white paint) where the water starts...looks really crazy.

And the Airport on the right of the Map has some "ground lights" at the start of the runway. If you are far away (standing at a hill) and look at the airport you see a strong and bright red glow effect.

Maybe you can look into that.

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I can see Panthera under Armoury.

is that correct to play Panthera?

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look at the airport you see a strong and bright red glow effect.

this is also in chernarus and the other airports - it's a useful navigation feature for pilots...

right i just downloaded it - will put unmodded evo on sometime over the weekend.

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Tnx Armaholic.com, ePrison.de & ArmedAssault.info!

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Jesus guys... hopefully this will help you:

Panthera/Duala Troubleshooting

The thing is, the solution you have listed for the grass problem...is not the soultion in my case. I even deleted Isla Duala and Panthera(again) and put Duala in the folder, then put Panthera in and overwrite the ibr_plants.pbo to make sure it was newest and I go ingame and its still missing all the grass.


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Find all .pbo's in Arma2 install folder and recheck names? Dunno...

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Can you make it impossible to connect with an older version of Panthera to a server which runs the actually version?

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Can you make it impossible to connect with an older version of Panthera to a server which runs the actually version?

Wouldn't work out well because of the whole new desert.

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The thing is, the solution you have listed for the grass problem...is not the soultion in my case. I even deleted Isla Duala and Panthera(again) and put Duala in the folder, then put Panthera in and overwrite the ibr_plants.pbo to make sure it was newest and I go ingame and its still missing all the grass.


you have 3 choices to have your grass


run only Isla Duala with updated IBR_PLANTS.PBO


run only Panthera with updated IBR_PLANTS.PBO


run BOTH Isla Duala AND Panthera, but delete IBR_PLANTS.PBO from Isla Duala/Addons.

hope this helps ;)

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Originally Posted by Bier AIG Razor

Can you make it impossible to connect with an older version of Panthera to a server which runs the actually version?

-- reply by Grimes (above)

Wouldn't work out well because of the whole new desert.

I'm not sure that's what he meant Grimes...


Do you mean... "Is it possible to actually prevent someone running an older version of Panthera from joining a server running the newest version?"

This can happen at the moment - not just with Panthera, but with any island where there's been several versions... It's an issue I'm interested in myself, for when the time comes to release my island... One obvious solution would be to have a new Key for each release - not a very practical or elegant solution though...

*edit* forgot to say - very impressed with the update!. Panthera's long been my favourite island... really good to see it being improved still further!


Edited by Bushlurker

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This only works for me if I dont run Duala at all. :/

But I just tested it out last night and let me tell you it is really amazing! This has become one of my new favorite maps. The grass/clutter looks great in the woodland region and the ground textures in the desert are insane! Great work Ice! :D

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The updates are great. Thanks for the link on an earlier post about the ibr_plants.pbo, that fixed the CTD problem for me. :D

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The best solution is to put both islands files into the same directory and use the latest ibr_plants.pbo. Problem will also be solved with new version of Duala feat. local civilians.

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new version of Duala feat. local civilians

You never stop, do you Ice! :D sounds fantastic!... reasonably convincing civilians will add a great deal of atmosphere to this already very convincing terrain!


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The best solution is to put both islands files into the same directory and use the latest ibr_plants.pbo. Problem will also be solved with new version of Duala feat. local civilians.

That doesnt work. Atleast not for me. I gotta disable Duala for Panthera to work. :(

But looking forward to the civvys and updated Duala.

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A rare post from me :p however, I just wanted to say that I love this 'island'. It's very well made and plays well. Thanks for all the hard work! :)

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Leaf: I'm honored that you registered just to report that :) thank you! Be sure to check out Duala, too.

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RELEASED: Evolution Panthera unmodded

- only requires latest Panthera 2.6

- includes missions and objectives in the new desert area around Zappado

- includes assassination mission in the mountains via secret ski-lift


scroll to third post down for link and description of UNMODDED version, though you will get all of our Evolutions in the mappack zip file...


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