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Will you be buy Dragon Rising?  

318 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be buy Dragon Rising?

    • Yes, I definitely will buy it.
    • No, I definitely won't buy it.
    • I will decide based on the demo.
    • I will decide based on reviews.

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Most of the criticism is about things that are present in other games also, not about things never seen before(if there are any). Of course we will not know all the insights before we actually play the game but we can make a pretty good idea based on the experience with other titles.

Most of my complaints are from hyped features that are missing or much less than described.

There are a few new features that I haven't seen before:

-Player tether

-Smaller box inside a large map

-Only 3 freekin' missions (two with only two locations) for MP. OK so Doom had two, coop and DM.. but in DM at least the whole level was free to use.

One last wonder I have upon release: Will all these awesomely detailed reload animations (SMAW and such) cause even more player problems than the OFP/ArmA ones?

I hope they learned to have break-ins in the animation

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I don't get it. Is he making fun of ArmA II's hitpoint system, or something to do with DR? If it's meant to be ArmA II's, then why the hell is he using a DR screenshot? :confused:

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Seems to be meant as a parody on DR being more Arcade/gamey than Arma.

BTW Game__On, theres a 100kb limit on images here :)

Edited by sparks50

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christ allmighty, aren't you all a serious bunch :bounce3:

Yes, it's supposed to a little satire at OFP's expense.

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Well done for posting the same image you did here. Very creative, tho at least you re-sized it this time :j:

And yet it's still over 100kb :p

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I am most defiantly buying ofpdr. I want investors to know there is a market for these gaming genres. I doubt it will be as realistic as the arma series, but if we buy the milsim products today we'll be able to see what software engineering technology will bring to tomorrow's military sims. Competition is good, it drives technology and users will reap the benefits.

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Game on

Another infraction point for you for posting the same crappy image again which (again) is way over 100kb.

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I am most defiantly buying ofpdr. I want investors to know there is a market for these gaming genres. I doubt it will be as realistic as the arma series, but if we buy the milsim products today we'll be able to see what software engineering technology will bring to tomorrow's military sims. Competition is good, it drives technology and users will reap the benefits.

Agree. Good post.



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I am most defiantly buying ofpdr. I want investors to know there is a market for these gaming genres. I doubt it will be as realistic as the arma series, but if we buy the milsim products today we'll be able to see what software engineering technology will bring to tomorrow's military sims. Competition is good, it drives technology and users will reap the benefits.

On the other hand you reward them for releasing yet another dumbed down console port onto the market.

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I am most defiantly buying ofpdr. I want investors to know there is a market for these gaming genres. I doubt it will be as realistic as the arma series, but if we buy the milsim products today we'll be able to see what software engineering technology will bring to tomorrow's military sims. Competition is good, it drives technology and users will reap the benefits.

Whilst I admire your altruism, you must bare in mind that OFPDR is not a milsim, Codemasters have said as much a lot of times. Either way, I seriously doubt that a company like Codemasters is going to be pushing the edge in FPS gaming :p

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On the other hand you reward them for releasing yet another dumbed down console port onto the market.


The best thing we can do to support the "niche" games like milsims is to NOT buy the generic-box-shooter fps' like dr has sadly turned out to be.

You'd be better off making noise to the games magazines along the lines of "we want more milsims and less CoDs." But even then, mass-market products are always going to win out over niche (its called "niche" and "mass-market" for a reason)

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On the other hand you reward them for releasing yet another dumbed down console port onto the market.


You'll just prove that more sim, less COD isn't the way to go. And we want more sim, less cod.

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christ allmighty, aren't you all a serious bunch :bounce3:

Yes, it's supposed to a little satire at OFP's expense.

But ARMA uses hitpoints while DR doesnt? Is it mean to be ironic or something?

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confirmed from German Review max 40 Ai in mission editor :(

Originally Posted by Waterproof Soap


according to the review of the german mag "gamestar", which reviewed the game in the upcoming issue(subscribers got the mag already yesterday), the screen will turn grey in editor/map test mode, when exceeding the limit of 40 units placed on the map.

Unfortunately we dont have any scans yet, only a quick info from german OPFDR Forum admin. he wrote the points for us down until we can read the full review online.

Heres the original quote, followed by translation:

- laut GameStar kommt ab ca 40 unterschiedlichen Einheiten im Editor nur noch ein grauer Bildschirm. Da kommt die Engine nicht hinterher....

-according to gamestar, after placing 40 diff. units the editor will show a grey screen only. they assume the engine is not up to it.



Both PCGames and Gamestar gave a rating at about 78-79%. As they are at the market for a very long time (approx 10-15 yrs) and are considered as hard reviewers, the rating is still quite good and can be trusted. I will not cancel my preorder.

No large scale anything with only 40 AI

game Informer review:

The original Operation Flashpoint retains a cult following despite an archaic presentation and a slew of technical issues that have been slowly worked through since its 2001 release. That title's appeal is rooted in its hardcore military simulation; it's not quite one-shot-one-kill, but it's close. Codemasters' long-delayed sequel is finally nearing release, and one could apply all of those points to it just as well - archaic graphics and all.

Dragon Rising takes place on a set of fictional oil-rich islands that the U.S. and China are warring over. The scale is impressive; over 200 square kilometers of terrain await players. Codemasters intends the game to be the first sandbox-style title in the military simulation genre, and the setting certainly supports that. From what we saw, however, the practical applications of this huge area are limited. You get yelled at for going off-mission in the single-player campaign, and we can't imagine how 32 players will find each otehr if the enitire landmass is open for play.

Given the tiltle's unbending realism, engagement ranges are much longer than gamers are used to. The gameplay we saw revolves around trying to find enemies before they find you, and sniping them from hundreds of yards away. The end result is that you'll spend a lot of time trying to determine if a tiny brown block is an enemy's helmetor just another brick in the wall. Once combat breaks out, tactics like bounding, flanking, and suppressing fire come into play. In single-player, you can access commands for your AI companions through the d-pad, though none of the shortcuts or contextual single-button orders that console gamers are used to from Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon are available.

As uncompromising as the game can be, that toolbox is broad. A slew of vehicles and weapons, the ability to call in off-map support, and varied mission objectives all contribute to Codemasters' goal of creating the difinative military sim. Full four-player co-op through the campaign is a great feature. Both multiplayer modes strongley emphasize teamwork, putting players into squads and encouraging them to cover each others' butts.

It's hard to find a kind word for the game's presentation. Except for the long draw distance and thick foliage, the Xbox 360 build we saw in action could be a last-gen game. Smoke looks flat and unrealistic. Models are low-poly and stiffly animated. Everything simply looks dated. The early concept art and target renders released for this title are misleading, to say the least.

The franchise's original developer already released a PC-only spiritual successor to its niche faithul, ARMA II. Codematers hopes to draw more players in with this multiplatform release, and it'll be interesting to see if the console crowd embraces Operation Flashpoint's strict ruleset."

Edited by Eble

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confirmed from German Review max 40 Ai in mission editor :(

No large scale anything with only 40 AI

Only 40 AI, thats brutal. I wonder what scope there is for dynamic spawning and deleting of them. Otherwise, thats going to get very old, very fast.

Smoke looks flat and unrealistic.

Thats too funny, considering that massive plume of smoke "just over the horizon" which was in almost every video and screenshot.

Models are low-poly and stiffly animated. Everything simply looks dated.

I said from the start - artwork wise, this reminds me VERY much of BF2, the models, the shadows, the style of modelling looks like they've lifted the BF2 art team straight from DICE, now other people are seeing it too.

The early concept art and target renders released for this title are misleading, to say the least.

Qualifies for a lot of people saying "told you so" I think...

Sad news, sad news indeed :(

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confirmed from German Review max 40 Ai in mission editor :(

wow just wow...

If this is true Dragon Rising even fails at being an ersatz of original OFP.

Why such a limit ?! There is no Mission Editor for the console version, the PC version should be free of this kind of limitations :confused:

1 blue tank platoon + 2 blue infantry squads : the unit limit is almost reached, and you still have not put any red force units on the map yet !

A limited ME is really a bad news, I will still try the demo but now I highly doubt I will buy this.

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40 AI is ridiculous. I would quickly reach the 64 units per side limit that OFP had when making missions. But even then, OFP had 64 units and DR, it's "sequel" has 40? And at least OFP gave you an error box and the ability to change it. How can you change it if the screen just goes... Grey? Unless that's not literally what it does.

DR's technical aspects are WORSE than OFP's. Isn't that kinda the opposite of the purpose of a "sequel"? Though, I still consider OFP's true sequel to be ArmA II, of course.

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40 AI is ridiculous. I would quickly reach the 64 units per side limit that OFP had when making missions. But even then, OFP had 64 units and DR, it's "sequel" has 40?

[Edit] I thought it was groups, but wasnt 100% sure... So fix my math:

64 groups per side, giving you 3072 units in total. Which is 3032 more than dr.

Not that you could use them ALL ofcourse, since it would become a slideshow, but still...

Edited by DM
couldnt remember if it was units or groups

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That is shocking, only 40 AI.

I can feel another cm anger attack on the site

But i can already imagine the fanboys saying "i think 40 is good, because small battles are better" hahahaha

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This is becoming rather comic... So, who wants to take bets on what they are going to kill off next?

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Thanks to Dawnrazor666 from our forums, we have been shown some actual ranking of OFP2 in two German gamemags.

PCG 77%


+ stylish and expensive lighting with vast battlefields

+ lots of weapons

+ compelling campaign

+ terrific sounds


-AI comrades have blackouts

-you can complete some missions by using trial and error tactics only

-no quick save

-inconvenient radial menus

conclusio: it's like playing the old Ghost Recon series

Gamestar 78%


-no embark and disembarking [animations]

-no vegetation drawn at distance [same clutter technology i guess]

-hostiles are often less demanding

-it hardly feels like playing a team

-vegetation is indestructible

-vehicle controls are woolly [?]

-campaign too short

-armory is just little in use

-less surprises

-some glitches in logics

-AI is sometimes not responding or behaves uncommon

-vehicle fleet is not really in use during campaign

-no cutscenes

Source: http://hx3.de/operation-flashpoint-2-dragon-rising-155/ofp-dr-updates-15809/39/#post268963

Edit: Thanks to Cyborg11 we have intel about the comparison article that can be also found in the current issue of the PCGames


"Is OFP2 the better Arma2 ?"

The answer is: obviously NO!

[...] But after some missions it becomes plainly clear that OFP2 is everything, but not a real military simulator. [...]

Source: http://hx3.de/community-161/ofp2-keine-konkurrenz-f-r-arma2-17758/34/#post268968

And from an Australian article: lAnticipation rating: we've stopped playing the full version of Arma2 in favour of this. 'nuff said.

some people are so cynical on this thread. Give the game a go! its not even released yet and i dont think the 40 man limit is official and confirmed.

I dont want to take it out on arma, but arma didnt have a smooth beginning either. though i like arma2 its not without its faults and rather large faults at that. Releasing a buggy almost unplayable game is "not on" but doing it twice is unacceptable. I have considered the purchase of arma 2 but after playing it for a while, its giving me some doubts. the seemingly buggy and ignorant ai have something to do with it.

Edited by Kayjay

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And from an Australian article: Anticipation rating: we've stopped playing the full version of Arma2 in favour of this.

And they'll stop playing OFP2 for one of two reasons:

1. 1 week after release when the same 4 "maps" get super dull as 4 vs 4

2. 4 weeks after release when CoD6 (or CoD:MW2) is released, and some real polished fps gameplay can be had.

From your own quote:

"Is OFP2 the better Arma2 ?"

The answer is: obviously NO!

'nuff said

Additionally, welcome to trollsville, population: you. :rolleyes:

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