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In all seriousness. SLX needs to be updated to the last patch. You can spend hours deleting PBO's from SLX when you can have more time and fun with the more up-to-date mods.

I don't think any modder on here wants to take on SLX and bring it up to speed to 1.59. Otherwise it would have happened.

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In all seriousness. SLX needs to be updated to the last patch. You can spend hours deleting PBO's from SLX when you can have more time and fun with the more up-to-date mods.

I don't think any modder on here wants to take on SLX and bring it up to speed to 1.59. Otherwise it would have happened.

IMO you are not noticing, or not appreciating, the many other things that SLX does, as evidenced by:

Drop SLX, its an old usupported mod that causes problems. Use Blastcore and Sound of anders - and everything will be cool-and-the-gang.

I don't use SLX for either visual or audio improvements. Sound mods are very subjective in any case (I prefer the ACE2_SM) and the Blastcore mod, which although very accomplished, is far too particle-heavy for my own use. I prefer longer lasting particle effects (which is why I make 'em :)) and I often see those particles prematurely culled with Blastcore.

Anyway, the point is that SLX offers far more than those two areas. I get far better gameplay with SLX than any other single addon suite so far. :)

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If you have a recommedation that certain PBO's in SLX wont cock up game play then let me know? But I do like using Blastcore and sound of anders and yours as my main effects mods.

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If you have a recommedation that certain PBO's in SLX wont cock up game play then let me know? But I do like using Blastcore and sound of anders and yours as my main effects mods.

I think the general list that Gunter has posted up will be a good start, plus any other that you simply don't like. There are several SLX addons that although have no issues, I simply don't wish to use. But the ones I do like cause the AI to do things outside of normal default activity, like for example they might go unconscious instead of die, and then revive later and cause you trouble :)

Or they are lying injured instead of dead, and will lob a grenade at you if you get close. Or you will often see a distant AI dragging another injured AI to cover. I like the fact that if an AI goes down, you cannot definately say that he's out of the picture. It causes you to act differently, you often put in a few extra rounds to an apparently dead body just in case :)

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From Gunter's list I'm using Zeus AI Combat Skills, and Zipper5 AT skill. Thats good enough for me.

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Now im even more confused, I removed the two you suggested and it still didnt change anything, So i removed wounds.pbo... Still, Nothing changed.

Im starting to think its not the wounding system thats the problem, Seems more like OA weapons have a sort of default damage value that needs to be upped (Alot).

Am i the ONLY person with this problem?

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Are you playing SLX with OA alone? then your goign to have problems, SLX works best I found with Arma2CO,

Arma2 is good, but CO seems to work even better.

But as I said you have to consider other various things that effect how a bullet does kill a enemy soldier,

consider your distance, what type of gun your using, if the enemy has body armor, most gurillas fighters dont as far as I know,

and what part are you shooting.

Consider that Ballistics do play a good part, as well as muzzle velocity, I can vouch for it as I have

countless times taken out enemies with 1-3 shots.

You may want to add these 2 addons to your game, instead of using the vanilla ballistics system:









Fincuan recently updated both of these as I had contacted him about a month or two ago about an update for OA.

for the muzzle velocity there are 2 demo missions I believe that come with it to test for yourself,

these 2 little addons do wonders for penetration and ballistics overall.

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I have Arma2CO, I'll give those two a shot and let you know what happens, Thanks for the help.

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Will you consider releasing the wounds .pbo to be compatible with ACE2? It's the best looking wound textures I've seen for this game, but it seems to interfere way too much with the ACE2 medic system. It's way too satisfying to kill enemies with SLX than any other mod I must say, but SLX is too broken/incompatible with ACE2.

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Hm, Still nothing. Though im keeping those two you just linked me too.

Guess im just going to do this the annoying and hard way, Indvidually disable the pbos *sigh*

---------- Post added at 08:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 AM ----------

Maybey I should try to fix this type of stuff on my own more often =P

The first file i took a guess at fixed it, It was SLX_Modweapons_c.pbo Incase anybody else ever runs into this problem, Was this PBO alone for me.

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Will you consider releasing the wounds .pbo to be compatible with ACE2?

Lol I wound if I knew how to edit that file, Im actually talking with a guy who did edit the wounds .pbo and find out

what he did, Im not really a modder, more of a compiler of mods, basically put them together and make them work,

as seen in my work. But Im not the author of SLX, I'll let you guys know if I figure something out,

Im still waiting to get a 2nd response from the guy.

The first file i took a guess at fixed it, It was SLX_Modweapons_c.pbo Incase anybody else ever runs into this problem,

Was this PBO alone for me.

Excellent! TBH I totally forgot about that file, as it says for that file:

Bullet damage changed to have variable amounts of damage based on hit accuracy of the body part so

that some bullet hits can be critical hits that do full damage and others can be grazing hits that do less damage.

and thats why I reccomended the Ballistics and muzzle velocity addons as you can hit a guy with 1-3 shots.

But Im happy you figure it out, this little discovery I will add to the bug list, although not really a bug, its more of a

preference in terms of well lets say how fast you want the enemy dead, lol

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I think the only time I ever edited an SLX addon was to increase the blood particle count to make them more persistent :)

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In a previous post the following pbo were marked as sources on instability:









But what about these too?

SLX_Anim_Swim <= problematic in hpp

SLX_AISkill = problematic in hpp

SLX_Melee <= depends on NetCode



Also what impact does running these 70+ pbos have on performance?

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Well the impact is higher than other mods because its a lot of scripts running at once. At leas thats my knowledge. I found it best to go through and choose which ones I actually want. I only use 8 of the pbos. I use: AI Steering, Prone AT Firing, Death Anim, Injury Anim, Prone Anim, Weapon Transition, Find Cover, and T72 Destroyed effect. Even though the mod offers alot more, these have presented no problems like many other pbos.

I tried using alot more but its just so much script lag when I use SLX, Zeus, GL4 and Mando combined. I have learned to change my ways. I now have Zeus as default, select specific groups to have GL4 effects, and only use Mando when I am flying or on an at/aa mission.

Edited by Nightrain

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Only files I had problems with in Arma2CO was these:





and then these I removed for the HPP, as the hpp kept being asked for

SLX_Anim_Swim <= problematic in hpp

SLX_AISkill = problematic in hpp

the melee I found useless so i left it out

SLX_Melee <= depends on NetCode

these i had np with.



and yes Im talking about COWarMod.

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Excellent! TBH I totally forgot about that file

and thats why I reccomended the Ballistics and muzzle velocity addons as you can hit a guy with 1-3 shots.

But Im happy you figure it out, this little discovery I will add to the bug list, although not really a bug, its more of a

preference in terms of well lets say how fast you want the enemy dead, lol

Just to clarify, Its not just that they died slower then i would of liked, It was that they seemed to have like 10x the HP pool, If you understand what im saying.

Say, I shot one guy in the chest about 7 times, He was injured, But not critically. I dont think we need to do much real life testing to verify that just about 1-2 round(s) in the chest will be enough to put a man out of the fight, Muchless 7. It also wouldn't put them on the ground, They seemed to just be taking about 10% of the bullets damage.

But also, like i said, The system worked fine in A2, Just not with any OA related gameplay.

Domokun, I had no stability issues with mod_weapons_c, Just damage issues. Though it seems everybodys setup varies.

P.S. My targets had no body armor, Laser show scenario. Body armor didnt seem to change much anyway, It took my just as many rounds to critically wound a U.S. Soldier as it did a rebel.

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Hello everyone.

I have two problems. I'm using :

ACE2 1.10 RC4 + all required



some Islands

My server starts normally and then the used RAM starts to rise ... and rise ... and rise ... till it's all filled all 7 GBs and CPU 100%. after that it all turns to shit. I'm talking. mega warpping ... 1 step every 30 minutes.

When I remove SLX everything is fine!!!!!

is there something I'm missing?

please help me. thank you!

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Run everything client side and you wont get that issue, you will still see the effects, I run a gameserver myself and dont have those issues,

when I play games missions on my server with freinds of course, we play with client side, just missions and maps are on the server.

Suggest try without GL4, as GL4 has alot more scripting them SLX.

But again you will still see the effects of SLX and all the mods you play with if you run it client side on your server.

Also refer to my bug list for anything SLX related, it may help the issue, may not. Client side is best route i think.

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I tried by elimination, and when I left ace+sly I had this so it's definitely SLX.

Client side means I run the server without mods and load the client with all I want?

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Ya basically just have the missions and islands on your server only, and then run all your mods from the client.

Basically when you join the server you will be running the mods not your server, and you will see the effects,

or changes in your game, I do this with COWarMod, My buddy and I get on the server and play edited versions of Insurgency,

or evolution blue, or Domination, or missions i built, and we join the server with the mod and we see the full effects of the mod.

Now if you build a mission for example, and the mission has lets say a fighter plane in it, then the server will require that fighter plane too,

as well as you, but for mods in general no it dont need to be on the server to see the mod running, unless the mod has units you

want to play with in a mission that requires those units, then the mod will need to be on the server.

There is a setting in the server.cfg

equalModRequired = 0; // If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.

If you leave this at 0 then the player joining dont need the same files as the server.

hope that helps.

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I tried and it wouldn't let me join it stuuck at loading mission from bank at the console and just loops.

but the mission I'm using is for ace so I'm gonna try to leave ou Just SLX for the client and lettcha know.

Thx so much man

---------- Post added at 12:13 ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 ----------

I tried and it wouldn't let me join it stuuck at loading mission from bank at the console and just loops.

but the mission I'm using is for ace so I'm gonna try to leave ou Just SLX for the client and lettcha know.

Thx spook much man

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If the mission is for Ace then you probably need ace on your server, and then play SLX client, as ace has alot of units, weapons,

and misc objects it needs.

Also note that if you have issues on your server then look at the server's Rpt, for a log on problems you may be having.

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Hey there, is there any way i can make the ai lower their rifles like "safe" mode in "aware" mode? because the ai seem to walk along with there rifles pointing in "aware" in vanilla ai walks with rifles lowered

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I recently removed the SLX mod from my game, however, after playing it again I realised there were a few features I could not play without anymore. One of them was the wounds, I loved how guys were often injured rather than killed.

So I kept the SLX_wounds PBO, it's dependencies where SLX_shout and SLX_netcode. I kept both of those and removed the rest except for a few unrelated PBOs such as SLX_impacts.

When I went to play the game, i got an error message after start up saying:

"SLX_shout requires SLX_netcodes"......ummmm, I have both those?

Then, when fighting in a battle I was wounded, a brave young Chernarussian soldier ran to my aide, kneeled down beside me and began to tend to my wounds..........and then we both dissapeared into the middle of the ocean, miles away from the battlefield along with dozens of other wounded soldiers and wanna be medics. It seems I may be missing a PBO somewhere. I've dillydallied with likely candidates but havent fixed it yet. It only happens when AI tend to me or other AI, yet I am able to drag and heal other AI.

Any thoughts on what PBO i may be missing? I am stumped with this one!

Fixed it......turns out SLX_netcodes wasn't accually there, funny how as soon as I posted this I solved it with the most obvious solution....O well!

Edited by mattyfo
fixed it

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