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vengeance1 can you please post a screenshot.

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vengeance1 can you please post a screenshot.

Ok here is a link to the error Download Page(this use to work fine)

p><p><img src=[/img]

Hope this helps

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Ensk island works after you adjust the "Requireversions" on some of the island object's pbo's.

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What folder does the converted A1 mission ie Return to Sahrani Dom etc I put em in my servers mp missions but when i join an click on the map it acts like it wants to load the map then kicks back to the map list screen. Any ideas ? Thanx.

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I have this error message when I exit the editor from Rhamadi:

Include file ca\introAnims\data\scenes\intro.intro\rscCommon.hpp not found.

This is with the last version of the files. There is no error with the previous version.

Just to let you know


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@Call 911...

Are you getting any kind of error accompanying this "boot back to lobby" ?

Are you using any other addons apart from CAA1 and OAC?

Is CAA1 and OAC installed on the server as well as the client?

Are the other addons (if any) also running on the server?


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Yeah believe i left the GLT_F16 on for a Dom map I added it too, have to for others but may have cpl others will remove em all if ya think that might fix the prob. I can run these maps on my client but yeah it acts just like the server is missing a addon that maybe the map is dependent on but no errors givin. We'll play with it for a bit an see. Must've taken off the F16 server is at defualt except i do have the lates 1.03 Beta build running. Is the target line for the server have to be the same as the target line in my ArmA exe that i start A2 with? .AOW manages that part for me as the comm line editor is over my head 8)

Server---mod=x\caa1,x\oac\oac_core -world=sara

Client----mod=x\caa1;x\oac\oac_core -world=sara -mod=@X

Not sure but maybe the foulup is here but dunno, as i said i'm a noob whjen it comes to this stuff somtimes

Edited by Call_911

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Well it's worth trying with no addons at all other than what the mission requires (CAA1 and OAC), then - if it seems OK, add in your other stuff till it starts freaking out - will help narrow the field...

Also... this...

Server---mod=x\caa1,x\oac\oac_core -world=sara
is (almost) fine... use the semicolon... ; between mod entries, like this...

For the Server... -mod=x\caa1;x\oac\oac_core;@anothermod;@etc

For the Client... don't use "-mod=" twice... string the mods out one after the other seperated by semicolons only, just the same way as the example above...

Secondly... on the mod front, if you're using the beta (remember client and server must match versions!)... the beta needs launched as a modfolder as well - and its best if its first... so if you're using the beta, use...


Also - you don't really need -world=Sara on either machine - basically all that does is load Sara (Sahrani) as the "startup world"... on the client, for example - the game would boot to main menu with the Sahrani cutscene behind... of course, if thats what you want - cool!

PS - while you're usually stuck with command line fuss for server modfolders, etc, for the client - since that's where you tend to try out lots of different stuff and configurations in SP mode - it can be REALLY handy to use a launcher... check out Alpinestars one in "Addons & Mods Complete" - its pretty impressive and will allow you to switch client configurations with a few clicks...

(it supports freetrack too! - even has a wee clickable "?" :D)

Edited by Bushlurker

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kk,thanx for the tips we'll try what you suggested, in ArmA1 editing i always had the same thinghappen when I'd try to load a map without the addons on the server an it would do the same thing(got me thinking) so wander if i missed a file maybe. I just copied all the files from my client install then loaded via the ftp from those from my client(took forever) lol.

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I tried using this for the predator addon, but it doesn't work!


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I have a problem and i need some help:

I already downloaded the file and decompressed it in a folder. Though i think i lost some small files.

I have the islands files but i think i miss some that goes in the ArmA2 original root folder.

I might lost those files because i had to unistall and install the game.

can someone please direct me to the files that appear in ArmA2 root or a readme file? i don't think its really needed to download the Pack again unnecessary.

Edit: I remove question.

Edited by bravo 6

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@ vengeance1

Weird. Best contact Yoma yourself and make a ticket in his project space:



@ AndeUSMC

It is only a warning. No error. You can safely ignore this one. No need to change the

PBO for it (unless it annoys you :)).

@ Call_911

Can you please provide the server's rpt/log.

@ AliMag

This should be fixed. Do you use the latest files from YAS?

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any idea why my RPT is full of the below?

Error in expression <d = true };

} forEach (cba_events_keys select (_this select 1));

 Error position: <select (_this select 1));

 Error Zero divisor
File x\cba\addons\events\fnc_keyHandler.sqf, line 41

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As you can see some other addon is breaking CBA.

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Many thanks to the CAA1 team!

MiG-21 vs F-4 Phantom II dogfights over Chernarussia - thanks to you for making that possible in no time.



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Currently working on some of my old missions that I had made in ArmA1, as well as some just for fun ones, expect some releases soon!

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By recursively changing the required addons version number I managed to get the excellent MAP_3DEMap to work :)

Game crashed out with a "device freed" message after traveling halfway across the island, but it's a start :)

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The clutter used in Dreide is said to crash a2 unfortunately.

Hopefully the 3DE team makes a port. :)

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great stuff ! thanks, we need more mission now :)

Edited by GLeek

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Improved configs for Schmalfelden and Podaga.

Again ugly process:

1. You need to unpack pbo

2. Delete all config.bin/cpp inside.

3. Repack.

4. Load these new addons along.

Kju i tried to install Podaga but i think im doing something wrong.

should i use all files from FDF part I and copy them in addons or just these?





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i installed this and the game kept freezing for several seconds, i uninstalled it and arma2 original is now also freezing.. guess i will have to reinstall the game :/

anyone know what the problem is? was looking foward to trying out the mod

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@ camus25555

Without more info what you are doing and what is not working, there is no way we can

help you. :)

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Hmm ... we tested a quick an dirty import to use Dreide with CAA1 and it works :yay:

(With an modified Version of the ArmA1 MAP_EU called yet MAP_OU and corrected pathes to this i have to say ;) )

Of cause there are some errors :

- 2 texture outputs from the 5t-Truck in the industry district and the UH60Wreck in the junkyard

- some objects aren't there (one ore two barrel types and some corrugated iron parts)

The rest works without any trouble, but some of the BIS object rework have a shifted position which doesn't look ideal.

Btw. @CAA1 Team

Atm i work on a small overhauled version of the MAP_SouthSahrani and i have detected that the oil pumps didn't work.

Maybe you should replace the base object with the object from the hotfix and remove this form the hotfix.

It seems that the original hotfix does anything very special. :confused:

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