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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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My point was that its still software based, which means that increasing this value will have a significant effect on the FPS in large firefights. If this was done on hardware the impact would have been 0.

So my soundcard being able to play 128 sounds or not doesnt matter, as its not being used at all.

This Dwarden.

I dont remember reading, there are some plans to implement this...

That bites. :(

My cpu could be used for better things that sound processing and perameters.

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Buildings are one of the most importent factors in urban combat.

All armys in the world practice it in special training areas, the defenders have enhanced cover and are harder to spot.

Fighting in build up areas in ArmA2 is just bad...it feels bad, it looks ugly and nor real.

lol it just seems a little awkward that soldiers barge into other people's houses while they're watching t.v. or having dinner.

Also currently the AI can't enter any building as a group, this is a shame because it means we're missing out on some breaching-action, maybe the bigger spacing means that 2-3 units will be able to enter a house at the same time :rolleyes:

But single units can already enter buildings in ARMA2...

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to take a building is a large commitment of force. only in the most dire circumstances would soldiers just willie nilly walk into an uncleared building. it can take up to a platoon sized element to take and properly seize & secure a reasonably sized structure

currently in arma 2 its very safe to run inside because you know that there will not be AI lurking inside. yes they will follow you if you hang around too long, but thats beside the point.

again this highlights the limitations of AI programing: its takes real humans months and years of training and experience to become proficient in combat, and leadership. even then it may be hard to get the experts and veterans to even agree on some key elements.

so it does seem a bit naive of us to be demanding superduper spiffy AI that can do all kinds of things just like that, with out considering how hard AI programming is, and how damn hard real urban warfare is for real people. you expect a cloud of 1 and 0 to emulate some one who has 10 years of infantry experience under his belt? get real

the AI will make mistakes. when it does people go "ZMOG teH AI is teh borked!"

when it gets it right "OMG AI R CHEATR!!!1!"

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Fighting in build up areas in ArmA2 is just bad...it feels bad, it looks ugly and nor real.

True, but they do it significantly better than they ever have before.

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to take a building is a large commitment of force. only in the most dire circumstances would soldiers just willie nilly walk into an uncleared building. it can take up to a platoon sized element to take and properly seize & secure a reasonably sized structure

currently in arma 2 its very safe to run inside because you know that there will not be AI lurking inside. yes they will follow you if you hang around too long, but thats beside the point.

again this highlights the limitations of AI programing: its takes real humans months and years of training and experience to become proficient in combat, and leadership. even then it may be hard to get the experts and veterans to even agree on some key elements.

so it does seem a bit naive of us to be demanding superduper spiffy AI that can do all kinds of things just like that, with out considering how hard AI programming is, and how damn hard real urban warfare is for real people. you expect a cloud of 1 and 0 to emulate some one who has 10 years of infantry experience under his belt? get real

the AI will make mistakes. when it does people go "ZMOG teH AI is teh borked!"

when it gets it right "OMG AI R CHEATR!!!1!"

Yes, but nobody has demanded anything... i was simply saying it would be nice if they had improved this...

also when i speak of enemies in buildings... i am mainly speaking of insurgents who take up buildings as cover from enemy units etc... for example... if a highly trained well equipped U.S squad moved into a town that had a few rebels with basic small arms defending... their best chance would be to take up cover in a building etc...

the problem with just simply placing them in a building from the editor is that i will always know which building i'm going to blow up. :p

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Yes, but nobody has demanded anything... i was simply saying it would be nice if they had improved this...

also when i speak of enemies in buildings... i am mainly speaking of insurgents who take up buildings as cover from enemy units etc... for example... if a highly trained well equipped U.S squad moved into a town that had a few rebels with basic small arms defending... their best chance would be to take up cover in a building etc...

the problem with just simply placing them in a building from the editor is that i will always know which building i'm going to blow up. :p

You could give the AI a random placement radius......

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cleanup of DLC discussion done, all moved to proper sticky thread ...

next person who mentions DLC only (or in multiple lines) meets the consequences

ARMA 2 : Operation Arrowhead discussion can now resume ...

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Disappointed how IR scope and (presumably aircaft FLIR) works during daytime.

Basically it should have almost no contrast during the day as everything is hot except in the shade.

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Disappointed how IR scope and (presumably aircaft FLIR) works during daytime.

Basically it should have almost no contrast during the day as everything is hot except in the shade.

surely you can adjust the sensitivity on FLIR?

Some things will always be hotter than others...

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Disappointed how IR scope and (presumably aircaft FLIR) works during daytime.

Basically it should have almost no contrast during the day as everything is hot except in the shade.

erm explain what You would want ? colored output ?

do You have TI camera or used such device before ?

also community can play with improving it as needed like with NVG before ...

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Read BIS comment... the a.i cannot use them by its self... so if i set a simple guard unit in a town... hes not going to enter that building... just as he does not do it on arma 2, UNLESS i place them inside...

First off, GUARD waypoints are not supposed to work in that manner. Maybe if you said HOLD... but it doesn't matter anyway since mission makers can already make AI hold buildings from the inside.

Second, AI do have the ability to enter buildings on their own. If they are moving through an area and the fastest route is through a building, they will go through the building. If they have a waypoint inside of a building, they will enter it. The only thing they do not do is actively seek out buildings in favor of other cover... and I already gave several reasons why this is not something worth implementing.

The BIS comments are misleading, but I assure you that this is how the AI already works in ArmA 2.

Looks to me like what you want is for BIS to completely redesign the AI pathfinding to be 100% dynamic indoors, which would probably make AI use up a whole 2 cores instead of just the one it already does, meaning the game would require four cores. Oh, and did I mention how much time and money it would take?

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Disappointed how IR scope and (presumably aircaft FLIR) works during daytime.

Basically it should have almost no contrast during the day as everything is hot except in the shade.

But everything would equally be heated up, so there still would be no change if the computer adjusts the brightness, which I guess it does IRL.

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Fine by me i have four cores ;)

Seriously, i didn't say anything about redesigning the a.i.. i don't know how any of it works and i am SURE its very hard to program...

ALL i said was, it would be nice if a simple unit that is guarding a town could enter one of the nearby buildings by its self.

they never do this unless i set a waypoint or i am the team leader and take them inside.

BIS said they won't do this and that is the end of it. i shall move on!

You said they will move through it? that is not what i was talking about... i have seen groups walk through a open bard on arma2... but never will they enter a building and defend their position even if placed right next to it.

To me the a.i acts if most objects aren't even there... place your self in a squad under a.i control he will order you to attack targets he or anyone in the squad can't even see. so its like buildings are not there.

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Fine by me i have four cores ;)

Seriously, i didn't say anything about redesigning the a.i.. i don't know how any of it works and i am SURE its very hard to program...

ALL i said was, it would be nice if a simple unit that is guarding a town could enter one of the nearby buildings by its self.

they never do this unless i set a waypoint or i am the team leader and take them inside.

BIS said they won't do this and that is the end of it. i shall move on!

You said they will move through it? that is not what i was talking about... i have seen groups walk through a open bard on arma2... but never will they enter a building and defend their position even if placed right next to it.

To me the a.i acts if most objects aren't even there... place your self in a squad under a.i control he will order you to attack targets he or anyone in the squad can't even see. so its like buildings are not there.


He orders you to attack targets where he THINKS they are, and that may be behind obstacles, yes. Because obviously the guy he saw running from plain view to behind that house is now.... behind that house...

Anyway, as I said, there IS a reason why a AI unit would enter a building by itself, it's to follow an ennemy unit already there

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He orders you to attack targets where he THINKS they are, and that may be behind obstacles, yes. Because obviously the guy he saw running from plain view to behind that house is now.... behind that house...

Anyway, as I said, there IS a reason why a AI unit would enter a building by itself, it's to follow an ennemy unit already there

If only that were true lol... yes he does do that and that is correct..

however there are PLENTY of times where the enemy is not running or shooting, yet the a,i can order me to attack a soldier in the distance in perfect cover in a forest that no human player would see.

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But everything would equally be heated up, so there still would be no change if the computer adjusts the brightness, which I guess it does IRL.

You're right (and agreeing with me / what has been posted before about the FLIR config files for Arma2) - I misread you at first. Of course, even during the day different surfaces will absorb/reflect heat differently. That's why we get on-shore / off-shore breezes.

IRL reference: http://www.x20.org/

"While it was designed for use during operations taking place at night or under obscured visibility conditions, FLIR thermal imagers can also be used during day light hours. For example, a search for a missing child or a fleeing suspect might lead to a farm field. Depending on the nature and density of the foliage, an aviation unit equipped with FLIR IR thermography cameras might be able to locate a child or suspect who might otherwise be hidden from plain view, even during daylight hours."

Edited by Richey79

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If only that were true lol... yes he does do that and that is correct..

however there are PLENTY of times where the enemy is not running or shooting, yet the a,i can order me to attack a soldier in the distance in perfect cover in a forest that no human player would see.

You're talking about grass clutter and such, here, not houses

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You're talking about grass clutter and such, here, not houses

It don't matter if its grass clutter or buildings. the fact is the a.i can see through most things the human can't.

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Disappointed how IR scope and (presumably aircaft FLIR) works during daytime.

Basically it should have almost no contrast during the day as everything is hot except in the shade.

Clearly you dont watch Chopper coppers.....

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It don't matter if its grass clutter or buildings. the fact is the a.i can see through most things the human can't.


Approximations in AI knowledge of an already spotted unit, yes

Approximations of grass clutter compared to 3D representation of it, yes

transparent building : bullshit

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You guys forget that Takistan is mainly Desert (yea, with trees and stuff), so it tends to be a rather hot place. I think most surfaces will be shining brighter than surfaces, so FLIR in daylight should be nonsense.

But maybe it is possible, hence the leaked Apache videos, where the gunner shoots some journalists.

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Approximations in AI knowledge of an already spotted unit, yes

Approximations of grass clutter compared to 3D representation of it, yes

transparent building : bullshit

Maybe i should set my a.i skill to very low then. because i have been ordered to attack targets behind small houses on Chenerus that are clearly not in site many times. and this is before the enemy even fired a shot.

only when i play with ace or slx mod do they seem abit more realistic.

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Yes, because ACE made buildings suddenly not transparent. Yes, they are that cool guys...

or not?

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You guys forget that Takistan is mainly Desert (yea, with trees and stuff), so it tends to be a rather hot place. I think most surfaces will be shining brighter than surfaces, so FLIR in daylight should be nonsense.

But maybe it is possible, hence the leaked Apache videos, where the gunner shoots some journalists.

At first I was like "wat", then I was like "Thermal Imaging doesn't rely on brightness or visible light at all."

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At first I was like "wat", then I was like "Thermal Imaging doesn't rely on brightness or visible light at all."

Yeah, what the hell are you guys talking about with "Daytime FLIR omfg!"? If anything, in daytime most surfaces will be visible but active heat sources will still stand out.

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