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Obvoisly we want some gore

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not that im a sadist or anything, but some gore in this game would make it alot different. i find it fun approaching bodies and seeing what happened to then. basic painskins arent enought for me. i want SOF2 style flesh wonds CMON!!! in this day and age we should have every good bit of every game put together to make one awesome experience. All this game is lacking is the little parts that make a game awesome without u even realising it. I am all for realism and simulation type gameplay, cos who can deny that realism = Fun, fuck off all u left for dead freaks who say realism makes games boring...... WTF so u call life boring do u? anyhoo my point is that realisitc gameplay makes for a fun game!! and Arma II is pretty good. wopuld be 100% if it had whatever it lacks. leave that upto u freaks to decide

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I personally don't find gore any fun.

Have you ever seen real gore, dude? No, I don't mean horror movie gore. I mean like a bad car crash or something happening in front of your eyes? Have you seen pieces of brain on the road? Have you seen what internal bleeding does to a man's eyes? Do you know that a person injured in the lower torso smells like shit?

I cannot understand what you consider 'fun' about gore.

But I can sure imagine you fainting at the sight of real blood!

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Although you do sound a little disturbed this is probably a more sensible idea than it sounds. If soldiers are struck by explosive shells then having them disintegrate could stop the death animation which is only appropriate for small arms fire. It also would reduce the amount of bodies in the environment (OK, you could leave limb or two).

small arms injuries probably don't require any further visual effects since it would usually be mostly internal or hidden by clothing (says me with my wealth of non-existent experience in a warzone).

Probably best as a mod though since the rating would go up if it isn't already maxed out.

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Someone is already working on a dismemberment addon.

Nuff said.

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Dismemberment won't look realistic if you don't change the death animations too. Loosing a leg from a grenade explosion should also push the whole body into the air. Wouldn't be a problem if we had dynamic Ragdoll fx in ArmA2, but BIS chose to leave that out for whatever reasons.

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not that im a sadist or anything, but some gore in this game would make it alot different. i find it fun approaching bodies and seeing what happened to then. basic painskins arent enought for me. i want SOF2 style flesh wonds CMON!!! in this day and age we should have every good bit of every game put together to make one awesome experience. All this game is lacking is the little parts that make a game awesome without u even realising it. I am all for realism and simulation type gameplay, cos who can deny that realism = Fun, fuck off all u left for dead freaks who say realism makes games boring...... WTF so u call life boring do u? anyhoo my point is that realisitc gameplay makes for a fun game!! and Arma II is pretty good. wopuld be 100% if it had whatever it lacks. leave that upto u freaks to decide

ArmA 2 is not your game. But maybe someone will create a splatter-mod of ArmA for you.

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I love the gore in games like FEAR, Ninja Gaiden, Doom, Killing Floor, and Unreal Tournament, but in ArmA it only serves 1 purpose to me - to let me know where the hit is and to know if an enemy is dead. Other than that, I could care less about it in ArmA, especially with the horrible physics in the game.

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I think BI has already done a good job on this front without going over the top. I remember back in OFP I was playing a user mission and a AH-1 supported us and shot up a URAL. When I appoached it was quite eerie. Their faces were a bloddy mess and one was blow half way through the windscreen. That's enough for me.

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not that im a sadist or anything, but some gore in this game would make it alot different. i find it fun approaching bodies and seeing what happened to then. basic painskins arent enought for me. i want SOF2 style flesh wonds CMON!!! in this day and age we should have every good bit of every game put together to make one awesome experience. All this game is lacking is the little parts that make a game awesome without u even realising it. I am all for realism and simulation type gameplay, cos who can deny that realism = Fun, fuck off all u left for dead freaks who say realism makes games boring...... WTF so u call life boring do u? anyhoo my point is that realisitc gameplay makes for a fun game!! and Arma II is pretty good. wopuld be 100% if it had whatever it lacks. leave that upto u freaks to decide

Welcome to the forum. Please search before making a new thread. Kthnx.

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The only gore addon I was ever interested in was the blood addon by 6th Sense (pack 1). That was purely because it had a legitimate practical use - you could see the direction of incoming fire.

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Obvoisly we want some gore

Who is "WE" Mr 1 poster?

Game is fyne as is.

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I do not need exessive gore in this game. Speaking particularly of the campaign, it already has some intensive moments for me.

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Gore eh ? Mhmm, perhaps. But something that is well implemented and balanced so I wont be seeing guts and legs everytime I shoot a bullet.

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I wouldnt mind seeing soldiers lose limbs or stuff, but more important to me would be more diverse hitlocations, or better yet: bulletmarks showing exactly where you hit a man.

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I wouldnt mind seeing soldiers lose limbs or stuff, but more important to me would be more diverse hitlocations, or better yet: bulletmarks showing exactly where you hit a man.


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Current system doesn´t allow dismemberment anyway. Apart from legal consequences for BIS (read ban in a number of countries) it simply would look odd with no ragdoll system.

Accurate wounds on the body are hard to do aswell as you need to project a decal as with vehicle damage. Problem is that the body model is not good for such decals as they are either very small to fit the bodyshape or the simply would look way off as the direction of the decal could be standing off the body in a very surreal way. Another hindering reason is the performance drag of such decals as they have to be detected by a raycast or projectory function and have to move along as a child object of the body if the soldier only gets wounded. This eats performance I´m afraid. I´m not unhappy with the current system and imo more gore does not add to gameplay, quite the contrary.

The technical side of wound textures on bodies is quite complex as you have to detect where the bullet hits the model, get the angles, position and surfacetype and need to project the texture or object that way. Once placed the wound needs to move along with the body which is not that easy as it has to be parented to the body and it´s position, lighting and shape (texture stretch) needs to be calculated on the fly by the engine wich adds CPU load. In bigger battles with lots of wounds applied this could be a big performance eater. I´m currently working on a little shooter with another engine and we decided to apply decals only on static geometry objects just for the performance reasons and the coding needed to parent decals to objects that are changing their position or shape.

Edited by Balschoiw

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I am not a fan of too much gore anyway, it could/would attract the wrong sort of people. However, when I enter a town I cleaned with various weapons I would like to see what hit them. There should be at least some traces of ash on those that were killed or hit by an explosion instead of a bullet. That doesnt have to look gory at all. A little bit of black on the uniform and I know it was the artillery shell and not my rifle!

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not that im a sadist or anything, but some gore in this game would make it alot different. i find it fun approaching bodies and seeing what happened to then. basic painskins arent enought for me. i want SOF2 style flesh wonds CMON!!! in this day and age we should have every good bit of every game put together to make one awesome experience. All this game is lacking is the little parts that make a game awesome without u even realising it. I am all for realism and simulation type gameplay, cos who can deny that realism = Fun, fuck off all u left for dead freaks who say realism makes games boring...... WTF so u call life boring do u? anyhoo my point is that realisitc gameplay makes for a fun game!! and Arma II is pretty good. wopuld be 100% if it had whatever it lacks. leave that upto u freaks to decide

Go play Left 4 dead.


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not that im a sadist or anything, but some gore in this game would make it alot different. i find it fun approaching bodies and seeing what happened to then. basic painskins arent enought for me. i want SOF2 style flesh wonds CMON!!! in this day and age we should have every good bit of every game put together to make one awesome experience. All this game is lacking is the little parts that make a game awesome without u even realising it. I am all for realism and simulation type gameplay, cos who can deny that realism = Fun, fuck off all u left for dead freaks who say realism makes games boring...... WTF so u call life boring do u? anyhoo my point is that realisitc gameplay makes for a fun game!! and Arma II is pretty good. wopuld be 100% if it had whatever it lacks. leave that upto u freaks to decide

I agree. Let's have realistic dismemberment when someone is hit by the high caliber stuff.

Edited by BigDukSixx

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I wouldnt mind seeing soldiers lose limbs or stuff, but more important to me would be more diverse hitlocations, or better yet: bulletmarks showing exactly where you hit a man.

That would be ace.

Actually as someone said before if the game had a way to set the gore up to a realistic level it might have been censured in some countries and the PEGI rating would have been set at 18+...as it was planned initially.

Did you notice that this version is way less gore than Arma 1?

I see more and more games advertising this 18+ PEGI (nearly as a feature) before going back to 16+ short before release.

Don't take ppl for fool but don't forget they are isn't it? ;)

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I'm wondering if OP's wish for gore is related to his lack of education?


I can't even take him seriously...

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I personally don't find gore any fun.

Have you ever seen real gore, dude? No, I don't mean horror movie gore. I mean like a bad car crash or something happening in front of your eyes? Have you seen pieces of brain on the road? Have you seen what internal bleeding does to a man's eyes? Do you know that a person injured in the lower torso smells like shit?

I cannot understand what you consider 'fun' about gore.

But I can sure imagine you fainting at the sight of real blood!

How many people have you killed and what state do you live in? This way I know to stay far far away from you. LOL JK. It's just a game.

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Balschoiw pretty much said it all.

This game already has a limited potential customer base (by being PC only and requiring highend hardware). By adding REALISTIC gore that would probably make A2 struggle to pass in some countries even with an M rating (plus bbanne ed in more countries). The system would take much longer to perfect (costing more and more likely releasing after OFP2) and therefore not sell anywhere near as well. And that's if many countries didnt ask for all that hard work to be removed anyway.

I'd say its a cold hard business decision (for the best outcome for the customer, of course).

If its going to happen, it'll be with a mod and it still wont be realistic. I say - get over it.

EDIT: the use of the word "fun" should be banned in regards to games, btw. I'd only allow "entertaining" to be used.

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