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BlackOps and desert mercs

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is it possible to give yourself the helmet worn by the assault grenadier/rifleman? you know the tan one with the goggles on top. i see it's used by some of the models but it's not one of the scripting options.



well what im really trying to do is this:

in the 1st pic you can see the USMC unarmed soldier model is the same as the merc guard except for the camo.


the goal is to have the assault rifleman model use the camo of the merc guard essentially creating a (not very accurate) US army soldier, until dedicated army dudes are made.


^^here you can see the merc guard with the assault rifleman

Edited by AnimalMother92

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YES!!!! XM8s!!!

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I must be missing something I tried putting this in the init line of the unit to change helmets but got error with script?

this set identity "Pro_Helmet";:confused:

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I must be missing something I tried putting this in the init line of the unit to change helmets but got error with script?

this set identity "Pro_Helmet";:confused:

its a typo

should be:

this setIdentity "Pro_Helmet";

NO SPACES in the setidentity

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What makes you think they are not in this release?

Well, i made a quick test in the editor, But could not find any unit with the sf helmet. I checked all units in these cathegories Bluefor/Mercen../Desert & Black, but found nothing... Do i have some kind of "broken" version or am I blind as usual? :D

EDIT: Now i understand the sf thingy, The glasses menu :D Brilliant, Sorry for bothering

Edited by Nixo
found out how to

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Good job! :bounce3:

A few remaks:

  • please binarize the addon
  • check the rpt for errors
  • sign the addon
  • please outsource cfgModels and cfgSkeletons to a model.cfg (part of binarization job)
  • please change these two inheritance in configs:

class CfgFaces
class Man
 class Custom


class Man;
class Custom;
class CfgFaces
class Man: Man
 class Custom: Custom

Updating base class Custom->, by bb_mercs_desert\config.cpp/CfgFaces/Man/Custom/

Updating base class Default->, by bb_mercs_desert\config.cpp/CfgFaces/Man/

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aaaaaweeeeesome. just what i wished for. there are around 24 different classes (though the black ops all look almost alike but still, different stock weapons) and love them very very much. thank u so maaachooo :)

one thing i wish would be the case - if the mercs and black ops could also be on both sides. not just the USMC.

i thought about fighting against the mercs or blacOps and i can't do that as marines, as far as i can tell. am i wrong?

if the mercs and BlackOps where "independant" (not USMC or OPFOR) so i can set who they are friendly to than that would be amazing....

is it possible to make them available as independent??

Edited by topeira

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aaaaaweeeeesome. just what i wished for. there are around 24 different classes (though the black ops all look almost alike but still, different stock weapons) and love them very very much. thank u so maaachooo :)

one thing i wish would be the case - if the mercs and black ops could also be on both sides. not just the USMC.

i thought about fighting against the mercs or blacOps and i can't do that as marines, as far as i can tell. am i wrong?

if the mercs and BlackOps where "independant" (not USMC or OPFOR) so i can set who they are friendly to than that would be amazing....

is it possible to make them available as independent??

If you wanted to fight the Blackops/Mercs as the Marines, here's what you do:

Set up your group of Blackops and Marines. Now, take a high-ranking OPFOR unit like a Colonel, higher than any of the Blackops.

When you are setting up things such as the skill level, there is a slider for "probability of prescence." Lower it to 0%.

Group the OPFOR unit with the Blackops so that the OPFOR guy is the Blackops group leader.

Now, when you start the mission, the OPFOR guy won't be there due to the 0% probability, but the Blackops will function as an OPFOR unit.

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Any possibility of some mercenaries kitted out in woodland gear? Thinking of using them as CIA/PsyOps/general intelligence operatives and the like.

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Contains replacement both for USMC and FR.

Key and sign file.

1) Put the extracted files directly in your A2 folder.

2) Result is: .\arma2\x\oac\oac_replacements_a2_units\addons\*.pbo

3) Load via -mod=x\oac\oac_replacements_a2_units;

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If you wanted to fight the Blackops/Mercs as the Marines, here's what you do:

Set up your group of Blackops and Marines. Now, take a high-ranking OPFOR unit like a Colonel, higher than any of the Blackops.

When you are setting up things such as the skill level, there is a slider for "probability of prescence." Lower it to 0%.

Group the OPFOR unit with the Blackops so that the OPFOR guy is the Blackops group leader.

Now, when you start the mission, the OPFOR guy won't be there due to the 0% probability, but the Blackops will function as an OPFOR unit.

he he. that's clever. would have NEVER thouht of it myself :P

thanks. will try that soon.

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Great release mate! these are great and I have added them to my realism units mod!

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Contains replacement both for USMC and FR.

Key and sign file.

1) Put the extracted files directly in your A2 folder.

2) Result is: .\arma2\x\oac\oac_replacements_a2_units\addons\*.pbo

3) Load via -mod=x\oac\oac_replacements_a2_units;

ummm.... im really new to mods and i barely play MP so i need to ask this out of noobness -

what does this mean? what is that file?

i know that the KEY is for MP so its available online, but im not sure what these files are, what's the difference between the files on the OP and the files here and what are they good for...

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Load via -mod=x\oac\oac_replacements_a2_units;

Looks fairly annoying for a mod line? Doesnt the good old system work?

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Isn't the M8 all but discontinued?

I believe they were replaced with the SCAR!

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As I understood, it's just a face. Use 'setface' to change it.

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As I understood, it's just a face. Use 'setface' to change it.

Ahh, thanks for taking the time to answer my question. Much Appreciated.;)

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Updated the replacement - changes:

* Split into USMC, FR and team razor.

* Split into BlackOps and Desert Mercenaries for each of the above.

Make sure to only have one for each type group active.

Schnapsdrosel can you pretty please release an update ASAP that is binarized (and

signed). Otherwise the access of RPT messages make it unusable during testing. :(


Read: CAA1 - Questions Answered. ;)


Please give the p3d files a description naming in the future.

It was quite time consuming and annoying to find out what is what. :|

Edited by kju

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Read: CAA1 - Questions Answered.

mmyeah, maybe for newcomers. :)

Time to test the units. Looks very nice. Thanks Schnaps!


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