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ANNOUNCE: PVP script pack released

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Ah, thanks mate. I switched to Visual Studio 2010 which looks like it has decided to upgrade the required .NET version for me.

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Hey thanks for the PvP wizard... But i have one problem. I can't use the setup file. It say's not a valid win32 application. Is there a fix for that???? I'm running windows 7 64 bits.

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For some reason some people seem to have had problems downloading the setup exe correctly. Unfortunately I'm not sure what causes this. There are a number of alternative locations so maybe one of these will work ?


armaholic (2 servers)


Hopefully one of these should work for you.

Edited by sbsmac

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OK now the setup works... Thanks for that. I downloaded it from another website than Armaholic this time.

But now another question.... Where can i find the Script pack that i have to add to my mission. I can't find it anywhere. The install only exists in my start folder Roaming profiles. And thats only 1 file, the exacutable. I know my way around windows and Basic ARMA editing... But this setup is verry unclear to me. Where did the script pack install??

I really want to use this.... cause i think its a fantastic tool. Maybe i missed something with the installation??

I also wanted to ask you a cople more things.. Things about the variety of the PvP missions. Cause i want to make something different and more team based TvT missions.

Is there a possibility you can look at the list below and tell me if this is allready possible with your script pack or you might support it later in future versions.

1- Objective based PvP missions:

-I really would like this option to make some uniq PVP missions what requires team work and a more realistic setting.

Example: First you have to take out 3 SAM sites with your special forces group. After that is done you proceed to the main target Find the Scud (can be anything) and call in a Airstrike on it. (Respawnable F-35 becomes available when the firts 3 objectives are complete).

The opposing force its role is to defend the objectives at all costs and prevent the destruction of the Scud. And a script when the misison starts the defenders can place the objectives where they want in a pre-defined area to keep the mission more interesting everytime.

Some more scenario's:

2-Hostage Rescue:

Enemy guards can pick the spot where to respawn the hostages when the mission starts In a defined area. And when the Friendly rescue operators approaches them a action will pop up for only the rescue operators to make them join your team. You than have to extract them to a pre defined area.

3- VIP Transport from point A to point B. When reached the mission will end.

4- A possibility to make objects hardcoded on the map a objective also. (Like the bridges on Namalsk and the radio towers and bunkers around Isle dualla).

5- Certain stages in objectives. When objective 1, 2 and 3 are killed, destroyed, rescued 3 more objectives will pop up and respawn area's will shift together with the objects of your base.

6- Some kind of Blackhawk down script. When you start the mission you can choose your crash site in a pre defind area. When thats done the mission starts and bluefor has to extract you out and OPFOR has to capture you or kill you. (The pilots can be AI aswell than offcourse the mission will choose its own random crash site position)

I'm not asking you to make these missions... But a way to make them more easy to make with only placing markers and pre-made triggers (commands).

I'm asking this cause for a long time now i have been trying to make such missions.. Only to seem them fail in a Multiplayer enviroment or some script i can't get working. Many hours i have been wasting making such things... Most of them where fun to play.. But had some game breaking bugs and errors so i could never played them as they where ment. Things as UAV support and arty i can put in the mission.. But with making the rules/score board for the objectives and more advanced events when objectives where reached i alway's failed. I ask you this cause i think your the proper person to do such thing and you understand the importance of PvP in ARMA. I am willing to help whenever you need it... But remember i'm not a advanced scripter.. I mostly use templates and the ARMA forums about scripting and commands. Copy and pasting and editing small parts of scripts. I am no stranger in the editor and know basic things about scripts, triggers and modules. And i am good in making up story's and making up game modes as you see above.

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Taking things in order....

>Where can i find the Script pack that i have to add to my mission. I can't find it anywhere.

The first time you run the program it will automatically offer to download all available scriptpacks for you.

See this video to get an idea of what you should see during installation...


>1- Objective based PvP missions:

Yes. The destroy objectives can be used to do what you want here. See this video...


In fact the co-op template/example shipped with the wizard does this.

>And a script when the misison starts the defenders can place the objectives where they want in a pre-defined area to keep the mission more interesting everytime.

You can probably get the affect you want by using 'mobile,destroy' objectives to allow the defenders to drive the SCUD to a new location.

2-Hostage Rescue:

3- VIP Transport from point A to point B. When reached the mission will end.

See this video....


4- A possibility to make objects hardcoded on the map a objective also.

Not yet but could be added.

5- Certain stages in objectives. When objective 1, 2 and 3 are killed, destroyed, rescued 3 more objectives will pop up and respawn area's will shift together with the objects of your base.

Hmm - not yet. The progressive respawn can be approximated using paradrops see this video...


6- Some kind of Blackhawk down script. When you start the mission you can choose your crash site in a pre defind area. When thats done the mission starts and bluefor has to extract you out and OPFOR has to capture you or kill you. (The pilots can be AI aswell than offcourse the mission will choose its own random crash site position)

The random starting position can be done with paradrops those these only work for human players.

I'm not asking you to make these missions... But a way to make them more easy to make with only placing markers and pre-made triggers (commands).

I'm asking this cause for a long time now i have been trying to make such missions.. Only to seem them fail in a Multiplayer enviroment or some script i can't get working. Many hours i have been wasting making such things... Most of them where fun to play.. But had some game breaking bugs and errors so i could never played them as they where ment. Things as UAV support and arty i can put in the mission.. But with making the rules/score board for the objectives and more advanced events when objectives where reached i alway's failed. I ask you this cause i think your the proper person to do such thing and you understand the importance of PvP in ARMA. I am willing to help whenever you need it... But remember i'm not a advanced scripter.. I mostly use templates and the ARMA forums about scripting and commands. Copy and pasting and editing small parts of scripts. I am no stranger in the editor and know basic things about scripts, triggers and modules. And i am good in making up story's and making up game modes as you see above.

I'm very happy to help - particularly with some of the more unusual gamemodes like hostage rescue (I've been a bit disappointed that nobody has really picked up on the possibilities of these). I suggest you try a simple mission first to get the hang of the objectives system and if you have questions I'll be pleased to help you out here.

Edited by sbsmac

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Very nice works sbsmac. Nice to see how things evolved since first release! ^^

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With Operation Arrowhead now out I can confirm that I will be making sure the wizard and scriptpack are compatible. There is a good chance that no changes will be required but there may be some tweaking of weapons lists and unit-names. Unfortunatley I won't have my copy of OA for another week or so (according to amazon) so if anyone spots any problems in the meantime, please let me know.

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Thanks mate - appreciated. You may find that when trying to create a new map from a template that the save-as dialog does not give you the option of placing the mission on an OA island (ie, it will only offer Utes and Chernarus as known islands). The workaround for this is very simple and is to use the OA editor to create a new dummy mission for each island. This works because the wizard simply scans the missions in your missions folder and looks at the names of them to construct a list of islands.

If you can tell me the list of OA island suffixes I will add them to the wizard.

Other problems you might find....

* You won't be able to launch OA from the wizard yet.

* It's quite likely that OA stores edited missions in a different place from ArmA2 ("My Documents\Arma 2 Other Profiles\<your profile name>\missions") If this is the case the workaround for now is to manually copy the mission between folders. Alternatively if you can tell me the path of the missions folder for OA I can modify the wizard to support this.

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Did a quick and dirty mission . after sorting out some problems with addons it seems to be working just fine .

will not allow me to default to no weapon now but I can work around that .

Edited by Rustydog

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Thanks RustyDog - that's encouraging news :-)

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the no weapon thing was my fault as its using the default weapon in the editor.

ive got one or two questions that I will pm you about though

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Cant install bro... say i got the wrong microsoft language?

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Ok man... im getting it now, sorry havent read your how thread but i do remember using this ages ago, but couldnt get AI to budge, but ill have a look again...

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No problem, give us a shout if you need help with anything.

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MissionWizard is now OA-capable !

You'll notice the wizard auto-update and also download the latest scriptpack. Changes which have been made to ensure OA compatibility...


* OA Unit class-names added

* OA Weapon class-names added

* OA island names added


* Quick-grenade select tweaked to support new grenade-throw mechanism in OA.

* ammo crate code rewritten to support OA weapons (should also allow weapons from other addons to appear in crates).

Please let me know of any problems you have since this hasn't been extensively tested.

Note, if you haven't used the wizard for a long time, you may need to upgrade to the latest version of .NET .

Edited by sbsmac

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Thanks for the update, will be sure to try it out next few days.

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Known bugs so far.

* Dead bodies disappear immediately. This means that flags don't stay with killed flagrunners but return to the pole straight-away. This seems to be a bug in OA rather than the scripts so please vote for this CIT issue

* quick-grenade select does not correctly return to full-auto firing mode when G36 is being used. Will look at this over the next few days.

* The determination of what is classed as a sniper rifle is a bit dodgy - will look at this soon.

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Everything works fine until I click the last "next" button to create the mission and then get an unhandled exception error. Am I doing something wrong?

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No, you're not doing anything wrong. An 'unhandled exception' is usually a sign that I have done something wrong ! :)

When you get the exception dialog, you'll notice a button called 'details' It would be very useful to me if you could click that button then either paste the contents here, send me a link or email them to me using the 'contact' menu option in the wizard. It would also be useful to know which mission type you were trying to create at the time.

Thanks !

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Just tweaked the scripts a bit. V313 now works properly with G36. The quick-grenade select has an additional feature as well...

* tap 'salute' key once to select grenades

* tap 'salute' key twice to select smoke grenades

* hold 'salute' key to select your grenade launcher (when equipped).

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Tweaked ammo crate scripts again.


* Tweak categorisation of sniper rifles to make sure SVD does not appear unles 'sniper' keyword is used.

* Tweak categorisation of grenade launchers so that dedicated launchers (M32, m79) do not appear unless 'gl' keyword is used.

* Add 'tws' keyword to enable the inclusion of thermally-sighted weapons in an ammo crate.


* Allow pistols to be added to ammo crates

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