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Allow shooting from the hip when running?

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Anth;1377339']No not argument just pettiness. But back to topic its more realistic to have the control to shoot when you want. I see no problem with putting it on on the game I play as it would enhance the game and make it safer to run from building to building as. (cqb)

So make an addon mate. ;) You can even make your unit fart (like in reality).

And thats why ARMA is the most amazingnezt. :D

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I'd prefer they add a highest paced aim-while-walking animation, more usefull for CQB AND more realistic. Best of both, if you ask me

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Best video ever! Has nothing to do with the topic though.

It's not just aiming while moving and be able to move faster. It's also to be able to move at such a speed where aiming is totally impossible, but holding your rifle straight and pointed forward is possible. America's Army 3 is a reasonable example of an alright way to do it (minus the crosshairs and replace conefire with sway).

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Anth;1377217']Its better to give up on these forums then explain to the idiots because especially if you play pvp everything is like erm battfiled 2 is that way -----> and this is not counter strike source.

For such a milsim < lol game I have no control over my character cars with ai are drink drivers' date=' dumb as hell or aimbots? My grandad loves the game its that slow. What I cant shoot when i want??? Oh yeah im playing arma 2 the most realistic simulation ever!

How long have they been making games full of bugs?

Dont feed the co-op players.[/quote']

I don't want it. Basically, I'd never use it, so I don't want the devs to waste any time on it when there are other way more important things that need fixing.

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Why stop there? Firing from the hip??? Sure!!! Why not.

Then lets get the SideShooter in there...


Or the Akimbo 'FlyinLo' Rambo...


Don't forget the infamous OneHander...


Point is, there are highly trained militaries and poorly trained militaries. Unless you are playing as the Insurgents, you shouldnt ever need to spray from the hip in combat...you shouldnt have to since you have a team to cover your advance. Its pretty much all been said already.

**-No racism intended.

Edited by Cheeba

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Unless you're firing a machinegun, in which case (especially with the M240B!) I want to see you shouldering it and aiming it without going prone. Shooting from the hip is a must with that weapon, and is often preferred with lighter machineguns like the M249 because even with the lighter weight of the M249 it's still quite heavy to hold and aim well, and takes longer to bring to the shoulder compared to an assault rifle.

Assault rifles *should* be allowed to be fired while moving faster than a walk. Not only can you do it IRL, but soldiers are trained and instructed to do so under certain situations. Same goes for machinegun hipshooting.

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Should be restricted to hipshooters with big sunglasses. Maybe we get then a new mission type called "HipShootingArena" with proper animated AI Rambos too. :cool:

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I don't want it. Basically, I'd never use it...

Many others would use it and have comfort in having control over something you can do in real life and in every other shooter (including OFP). Was OFP a "rambo shooter"? No, it wasn't.

Why stop there? Firing from the hip??? Sure!!! Why not.

[point in case of slippery slope argument]

No no no. Why stop with restricting fire when running? I'd suggest that BIS make it so that you can't fire your weapon unless it's pointing at a hostile target, I mean why would anyone want to fire their weapon at empty space or a friendly unit or a civilian? It would also improve realism very much if the game didn't allow us to reload our weapon while moving because no real soldier ever gets into a situation where it's necessary. Reload in a safe place and fire only at enemies, that's what I always say.

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Of coures they shoot from the hip in real life, The SAS do it all the time. Has no one on here seen the Arainy embassy siege on discovery or somthing like that.

The SAS talked about how there trained to shoot from the hip because when they pull the trigger the recoil makes the gun come up and sprays the enemy from his guts up to his head.:p

The German MP44 was made to be aball to shoot from the hip and on the move.

One more thing Ramboo can shoot and run at the same time.

Edited by ghOst.luke

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This shouldn't be about "because it can be done IRL" or "because of freedom", nor should this be about other games. It should be about stuff that real soldiers do and don't do effectively IRL.

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Many others would use it and have comfort in having control over something you can do in real life and in every other shooter (including OFP). Was OFP a "rambo shooter"? No, it wasn't.

I never said it was. How much would you personally use it? Do you want the ability to accidentally shoot yourself put in too?

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Many others would use it and have comfort in having control over something you can do in real life and in every other shooter (including OFP). Was OFP a "rambo shooter"? No, it wasn't.

yeah, and remember how accurate that was? You couldn't hit the broadside of a barn if you were running next to it. 75% of your shots went 20 feet into the ground anyways. Well, you have fun running around shooting the ground and air,while someone else pops out from cover 50 feet from you and double-taps 2 to the head. Running and shooting doesn't suppress, it just makes you an easier target!! I guarantee if I saw someone charging at me and shooting I'd take that chance to put them down while I know I'm relatively safe

No no no. Why stop with restricting fire when running? I'd suggest that BIS make it so that you can't fire your weapon unless it's pointing at a hostile target, I mean why would anyone want to fire their weapon at empty space or a friendly unit or a civilian?

yes because there's NEVER any friendly-fire incidents during war due to bad intel or not ID'ing a target...or in the worse cases purposely fragging someone for whatever reasons

It would also improve realism very much if the game didn't allow us to reload our weapon while moving because no real soldier ever gets into a situation where it's necessary. Reload in a safe place and fire only at enemies, that's what I always say.

you just contradicted yourself. It would also improve realism if you didn't run around firing, and instead had your squad mates put down cover fire while you run to cover, and not waste ammo and possibly shoot yourself or a friendly. Reloading on the move is a lot more "realistic" then just flailing your bullets around like some idiot

Bottom line, if you're going to shoot on the move, you aim your weapon and walk (which IS modeled in the game)

Edited by No Use For A Name

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It was even possible to shoot on run in Arma1 (no i mean not sprinting, but running), so having this limitation now in Arma2 is a clearly bug for me.

I'll open a ticket later for this issue in the bugtracker! ;):)

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I don't get how such a useless thing is taking 7 pages of posting.... (even though I contributed :( )

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It was even possible to shoot on run in Arma1 (no i mean not sprinting, but running), so having this limitation now in Arma2 is a clearly bug for me.

I'll open a ticket later for this issue in the bugtracker! ;):)

and how many times was it effective? ZERO! As I said 75% of the bullets went into the ground and the other 25% went 30 degrees off your nose and hit random objects. I'm 100% sure that they purposely took it out because it was pointless and not realistic

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OK OK OK, I'm coming back in. I can't help it :D

ArmA2 is good, but it still feels like a textbook shooter, you always do it by the book. Now, I'll agree, this is pretty effective most of the time:

It would also improve realism very much if the game didn't allow us to reload our weapon while moving because no real soldier ever gets into a situation where it's necessary. Reload in a safe place and fire only at enemies, that's what I always say.

Hehehe, funny, it really is the same too, maybe by the book you'd not shoot from the hip, by the book you'd not shoot civilians etc etc etc, thing is, by the book is dead boring. The "book" is there to guide you, if in combat you only did what was in "the book" (which is much more restrictive in a game - in real life it might work, don't know) it would be dead boring, not being able to fire from the hip is a stupid restriction in an attempt to force us to play "by the book", in my opinion the game would be much more lively and interesting if you were able to fire while jogging, and it wouldn't make the game any less realistic. I'm not advocating BF2 or any other random arcade game as some may think, merely that it can be done, has been done, and would liven the place up a bit without detracting from the realism that makes ArmA2 unique and incredible.

Edit: In ArmA1 the animations practically prohibited the use of weapons for suppression.

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It's not so much how effective it is as the option being available. I know I shot whilst running plenty of times in OFP, and there was nearly no point to doing that - though I did get a kill every so often.

If people can go running out of their cover spraying bullets it might take away some of the thoughtfulness of the gameplay.

Bollocks. We're still playing ArmA. Also, those people would be put down instanty like the trigger-happy killjoys they are. :D

If your underfire and need to suppress then you aren't going to stop moving and kneel then shoot because you get shot.

This. The amount of times I've come into contact with a soldier, clicked wildly and had to wait for the animations to go through about two or three steps before I was able to shoot. That 1 second of pause is the thing that ruins you. And in ye old OFP I tended to just strafe and fire wildly in such encounters, which had the desired effect.

Galzohars' splurge in the first page of the thread sums it up. It's not something you'd do often (people thinking this would turn the game into CoD, please :j:), and in real combat situations there's a bit of a 'safety net' of other activities, but it does happen. It's there to suppress. There are still bullets flying at you, and one of them might hit. If I'm ever pinned and I need to break cover and run, I'm always hungry for the option to take a shot here and there, but I've got to wait through "step one, step two, step three" before I can aim and shoot. It's annoying and makes one feel they're forced into a certain tactic/set of movements.


*scratches head* um, yeah. Yeah I guess I probably would.

This shouldn't be about "because it can be done IRL" or "because of freedom", nor should this be about other games. It should be about stuff that real soldiers do and don't do effectively IRL.

I disagree, but if I tried to explain my view it would probably take this thread off on a wild tangent and I'd get flamed for not being a member of the elite or something. Simply put - well, how can I put this. If a game seeks to be nothing but an ad-hoc representation of 'RL' it ends up being mercilessly governed and constricted, and usually boring because of it. Giving a little leeway here and there on tiny gameplay mechanics such as the topic doesn't make it unrealistic, it just makes it a bit more playable.

Also, thank you Cheeba, for your incredibly valuable contribution to the thread. Could we put a stop to the "if this, then why not this!" non-sequiturs, please? They're retarded and childish, and anyone knows they're both a poor way to argue and usually a misinterpretation of the argument anyway. Haven't you people graduated high school?

edit: to clarify:

The best course of action is probably to duck and weave and sprint for the nearest cover, failing that, shooting wildly at your enemy while you do so is a good option in my opinion, especially seeing as it will at least disturb their aim and might just cause them to miss.

This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. It's not like implementing it would make some overwhelming change to the game and turn it into "Battlefield!!!!112", it's just another little option that smoothes the gears and can be used every so often. I'd bet if it were in A1 and A2, in a similar manner to OFP, none of you would make a sound unless it was brought up and you had to think about it.

Edited by Gumpy

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If they allowed this.... then it should be like when you are running ingame now, where your crosshairs spread out and you get no shooting accuracy till you catch your breathe.

I did Infantry time myself many years ago. And no way can you run, shoot from the hip, and be accurate. It`d be spray`n`pray. I got into FP/ARMA type games to get AWAY from spray`n`pray gaming, and spray`n`pray gamers.

I still say leave it as is. It`d sure be nice if at some point in time we can just let the devs bring the game they wanna bring us eh? But IF BIS was to impliment the kind of hip shooting described, I say fine and dandy. But the crosshairs should be spread like they are now when running, and your accuracy goes to the crapper.

There ya go. Enjoy.

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Playing ArmA to get away from Spray&Pray, imho not a good idea

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I don't get how such a useless thing is taking 7 pages of posting.... (even though I contributed :( )

Because we have a lot of people with 0 combat experience arguing both ways, and all of those are pretty much wrong, yet insist on bringing childish/arcadish/look-at-game-X/don't-turn-it-into-game-X arguments.

Bottom line, if you're going to shoot on the move, you aim your weapon and walk (which IS modeled in the game)

Not true. IRL you will in certain situations shoot on the move, either with your weapon shouldered (rifles) or hipped (machineguns), and in those situations the range will generally be short enough for it to be more than effective. And I'm not talking about just walking, but also running. Not sprinting, though, and not the current in-game run speed which is practically a semi-sprint. But if you run somewhat slower (say, AA3 speed), then you can definitely shoot on the move with reasonable accuracy out to like 15m.

Seriously, please stop using games as a measurement of how effective certain actions are. I mean, bringing another game as a "in X game Y was done rather realistically based on my RL experience" is cool, but saying "look at hip shooting in X game, that sucked, I don't want that" just makes you look like someone who never left his computer screen - which is fine, don't take that as an insult, just please stop acting like you actually know how things work IRL.

I still couldn't find a youtube video showing the stuff I was trained to do, so you'll have to take my word for it.

@3:20 he didn't actually fire but he was running and pointing his weapon in a way that definitely allowed him to, while still running (though slower).

M240B, I want to see you aiming that thing (yes I know there's a video somewhere of someone aiming and shooting it while standing, but I just don't see anyone doing it in a sustained or quick manner).

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I never said it was. How much would you personally use it? Do you want the ability to accidentally shoot yourself put in too?


I could be a Section 8, Like private pyle in full metal jacket and suddenly fill the need to shoot myself in the face.:yay:

Edited by ghOst.luke

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