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Allow shooting from the hip when running?

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sorry but my demande is simple... change weapon when walking :)

arma is a great game...realy nice graph. nice stuff but the big thing is the "liberty" if we takling about stategie. But if we talking about the closeCLOSE combat, the simulation is not good. maby more time to swap weapon (with a good animation) is not a probleme ...but where the knif (for example)!!!! you are a bot with a gun and a brain nothig else...no hand,

[(little trip) if we fall in a space time hole , to fall in the war with real contact , and basic stuff, WE ARE DEAD!!! what a warrior!!]

too bad not be a real warrior: firste do physics to do closeclose combat with a real sesation of power ( call of duty 2 knif have a good "power impression")

i talking about this just to say: in arma you are powerfull, but we still move like robots . ITS BETTER THAN ARMA 1 !!!!! the game is great and i love it ...but i can be better... allways :bounce3::):D


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If they allowed this.... then it should be like when you are running ingame now, where your crosshairs spread out and you get no shooting accuracy till you catch your breathe.

I did Infantry time myself many years ago. And no way can you run, shoot from the hip, and be accurate. It`d be spray`n`pray. I got into FP/ARMA type games to get AWAY from spray`n`pray gaming, and spray`n`pray gamers.

I still say leave it as is. It`d sure be nice if at some point in time we can just let the devs bring the game they wanna bring us eh? But IF BIS was to impliment the kind of hip shooting described, I say fine and dandy. But the crosshairs should be spread like they are now when running, and your accuracy goes to the crapper.

There ya go. Enjoy.

Nobody in this entire thread at any point in time said they wanted "spray`n`pray" implemented, it isn't about that, it's about jogging/slow run while firing, "firing on the move". This IS possible and has been done before in real life, I'm not saying A2 should be any less realistic than it is or any more arcade, simply that this feature would improve the feel and smoothness of it.

Let me say that again:

I in no way want to see a system implemented which would jeopardize the realism of ArmA2, nor do I wish a system implemented which would allow "spray n' pray" in an effective manner.

I would, however, like a system which would allow the player to fire while on the move so that they were able to put down suppressing fire and move toward cover, it isn't going to help you assault a position(in fact, you can't even do this in an arcade game like BF or COD), but it IS going to help you if you need to move 5 to 10 meters into cover and are confronted with a stationary enemy. In that situation it is absolutely pointless to stop, aim and fire, it is virtually impossible for you to win that fight unless the other player/AI is [excuse the word] an immense noob, you are forced to run. Now it would be nice if you backup to suppress the enemy for you, but in my experience I've practically never had backup at all, especially not in MP.

To limit the player to textbook style gameplay is ridiculous, it feels forced, much like the teamplay in BF2 did, they want you to play a certain way and the easiest way to do so is to force it on the players - eg: making it impossible to fire your weapon while jogging. Another example would be in those arcade games of old (and now unfortunately) which would do things such as fail you in a stealth mission if the enemy forces were alerted to your presence. It isn't fun, it's just the game forcing you to play a certain way because if it didn't you'd do stupid things, this isn't true of ArmA2 nor of firing on the move in A2.

Were BI to implement this system realistically there would be no change at all in the way people played ArmA2, it wouldn't turn into CoD4 or BF, but it would smooth the game out more (one time I can actually say that would be a good thing) and make it much nicer to play - if you're playing a game in a certain way only because the game allows you no alternative [regardless of how effective that alternative is] something is terribly wrong.

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Will release an addon to allow it soon.

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Will release an addon to allow it soon.

Called operation flashpoint 2 through grenades while running, shoot when you want, Loose blood, crouch quickly, weapon jammings all without addons.

Sorry nice thought but wont install addons as the player base is small enough.

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As always client side addon.

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Client side only is great but still leads to a lot of difficulties keys and community acceptance, I will use it though will just put a msg on server connect to dl this addon was it you who wanted to do a ofp convertion better crouch faster anims etc?

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Were BI to implement this system realistically there would be no change at all in the way people played ArmA2, it wouldn't turn into CoD4 or BF, but it would smooth the game out more (one time I can actually say that would be a good thing) and make it much nicer to play - if you're playing a game in a certain way only because the game allows you no alternative [regardless of how effective that alternative is] something is terribly wrong.

Don't be ridiculous! Being able to spray bullets while running would add nothing in the same way that not being able to do it removes nothing. This thread has just been a childish bout of 'I WANT, I WANT'! On the list of things that need sorting this idea should be last, if it's on it at all.

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> was it you who wanted to do a ofp convertion better crouch faster anims etc

In general yes I am doing such addons. Can please be more precise what you mean here Anth.

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> was it you who wanted to do a ofp convertion better crouch faster anims etc

In general yes I am doing such addons. Can please be more precise what you mean here Anth.

As in anims back to the way operation flashpoint was being faster:-

Faster crouching

Fire while running

Grenade while running

Better aiming after running

Or maybe you can tell me what your doing :).

Edited by [-DST-] Anth

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Crouching is fast enough.

If firing on the move would be a "gangaster stuff, never to be done by a trained soldier that knows what he's doing", then fine. But the facts are different - soldiers are trained to do it and it's even in "the book". Sure not at someone shooting you from 50m, but someone at 15m shouldn't be hard to hit while you're running at him at a reasonable speed.

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> Faster crouching

As galzohar, seems fast enough for me.

> Fire while running

I will just enable shooting in "any" animation state.

This does not influence where your weapon is aiming at.

So if people are happy with that, we will see.

More needs actual anim changing - out of scope for me.

> Grenade while running

In general possible via gestures (anims during other anims).

Probably needs BI tools and lots of work.

> Better aiming after running



There are some more like:

* no recoil (instead more sway).

* OFP style crosshair.

* some faster animations like step over, grenade lift.

and several others.

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yes but u had a supression effect :)

And no Munition with an enenmy in 10 Meter Distance.. very clever :rolleyes:

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I don't think it's so much of a "aim better after running" issue, but rather a "we need to not get so tired so fast" issue. Slowing down the rate at which fatigue accumulates would be awesome.

Regarding shoot on the run, I think it would be good that instead of walking, we'll have slow jog during which your weapon stays pointed forward and you don't get tired as fast, sway will be noticeably more significant than while walking but still give a reasonable (not too high) chance to hit a target at ~15m, and only actually use the current walk when you're trying to move while actually aiming down the sights. If animation creating is a problem, you can try use a sped-up walk animation instead - may look funny but it's probably the best you can do without making new animations.

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The military version of ARMA2 doesn't seem to have gaily running and shooting either:

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I still wonder why all games tilt your weapon when you lean... You lean with your body, but you keep your weapon leveled at all times other wise your aiming is pretty pointless, and there's no real disadvantage leaning while keeping the weapon leveled.

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well.. you should be able to fire your weapon at all times..

but it should be REALLY unaccurate..

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> Faster crouching

As galzohar, seems fast enough for me.

> Fire while running

I will just enable shooting in "any" animation state.

This does not influence where your weapon is aiming at.

So if people are happy with that, we will see.

More needs actual anim changing - out of scope for me.

> Grenade while running

In general possible via gestures (anims during other anims).

Probably needs BI tools and lots of work.

> Better aiming after running



There are some more like:

* no recoil (instead more sway).

* OFP style crosshair.

* some faster animations like step over, grenade lift.

and several others.

Where are these done addons? kju do you have a post or link please? I looked at the ones in your sinature but am a little confused to finished projects.

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I don't think it's so much of a "aim better after running" issue, but rather a "we need to not get so tired so fast" issue. Slowing down the rate at which fatigue accumulates would be awesome.

Regarding shoot on the run, I think it would be good that instead of walking, we'll have slow jog during which your weapon stays pointed forward and you don't get tired as fast, sway will be noticeably more significant than while walking but still give a reasonable (not too high) chance to hit a target at ~15m, and only actually use the current walk when you're trying to move while actually aiming down the sights. If animation creating is a problem, you can try use a sped-up walk animation instead - may look funny but it's probably the best you can do without making new animations.

something like this would be acceptable IMO. Only problem is we need another view so that the weapon isn't on the hip, and not looking down iron sights. We need a third that is just looking down the weapon so you get a good general idea where you're aiming. Only problem is the OP (and some others) want's shooting from the hip while running; which is just asinine

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@ Anth

Not yet release, but very soon!

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This game isn't about doing suicide runs at the enemy, this is not Call of Duty.

That is what will happen is we get running hip shooting, if you want to hip shoot while moving to different cover use walk for a few seconds.

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What do you do when you moved using bounding overwatch and reached ~15m from the enemy and yet there are still a few of them alive behind solid cover? You throw a grenade, fire some suppressive fire and then have your entire squad get up and start running forward shooting any leftovers. That's at last what we're trained to do IRL, and yes, it's shooting while running. Not the in-game kind of near-sprint running, but it's definitely not walking either.

If animations are a problem, just use a sped-up walking animation during which you can't aim down the sights and weapon sway is increased to the appropriate level (reasonable chance to hit at 15m if you fire a couple shots). I would use that kind of movement mode not just for running and shooting, but also for CQB where I want to move as fast as I can without lowering my weapon, which means I don't want to run as fast as the current in-game near-sprint jog, but I also don't want to move as slow as the current in-game walk. This isn't just about shooting on the run, but also about having a faster movement mode that doesn't force you to lower your weapon and take too long to bring it back up once you stop.

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This game isn't about doing suicide runs at the enemy, this is not Call of Duty.

That is what will happen is we get running hip shooting, if you want to hip shoot while moving to different cover use walk for a few seconds.

If shooting on the move would be anything like this then I'd rather not have it at all. Looks like fun, but not what I look for in this series. Don't really care how realistic it is or not. It just doesn't feel "right"... like I know what "right" is :rolleyes:


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This game isn't about doing suicide runs at the enemy, this is not Call of Duty.

That is what will happen is we get running hip shooting, if you want to hip shoot while moving to different cover use walk for a few seconds.

If shooting on the move would be anything like this then I'd rather not have it at all. Looks like fun, but not what I look for in this series. Don't really care how realistic it is or not. It just doesn't feel "right"... like I know what "right" is :rolleyes:


I don't think you understand what is wanted here somehow.

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Yeah, shooting on the move (or any kind of shooting really) in the COD series is one of the most retarded things ever made. Then again they don't even try to be realistic so I guess that's OK for their games.

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What do you do when you moved using bounding overwatch and reached ~15m from the enemy and yet there are still a few of them alive behind solid cover? You throw a grenade, fire some suppressive fire and then have your entire squad get up and start running forward shooting any leftovers. That's at last what we're trained to do IRL, and yes, it's shooting while running. Not the in-game kind of near-sprint running, but it's definitely not walking either.

If animations are a problem, just use a sped-up walking animation during which you can't aim down the sights and weapon sway is increased to the appropriate level (reasonable chance to hit at 15m if you fire a couple shots). I would use that kind of movement mode not just for running and shooting, but also for CQB where I want to move as fast as I can without lowering my weapon, which means I don't want to run as fast as the current in-game near-sprint jog, but I also don't want to move as slow as the current in-game walk. This isn't just about shooting on the run, but also about having a faster movement mode that doesn't force you to lower your weapon and take too long to bring it back up once you stop.

you are correct; but it's not shooting from the hip at a full jog (which is what the OP wants). You still raise the gun to look down the barrel, but not actually using the sights. They want just from the hip spray and pray which is stupid

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