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AI Real in-game Dialog System [DSAI]

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Is it possible to make all the commands u hear and all the chatter u hear in the ear piece come out of soldier's mouths? so if u r not a part of a group u can still hear them talking but from afar, or even hear the enemy shouting stuff if u r close enough...

Isn't this how the game already works. I've been hiding in a house and listening to the enemy officer outside commanding his men around.

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Isn't this how the game already works. I've been hiding in a house and listening to the enemy officer outside commanding his men around.

what? no. no way. i think that what u heard was just some random shouts. if u were a CHDKz soldier and listened to the USMC than u'd hear only some generic shouts that are not nearly as complex and detailed as the chatter.

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Hmm.. I'll have to check it again then. I'm pretty sure I've heard it as a commander while standing next to another group's commander too.

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Um. What DSAI does is, in short, provide (somewhat) context-sensitive random chatter to ALL units that have it initialized, including your own and all your enemy squads. Most languages only have fairly few shouts (such as Spanish) whereas English and Russian are fairly extensive. Depending on mode (safe, aware, combat, stealth) they shout different things. They should also call out new contacts (but not in the "near...stary sobrov....north!" kind of way, just a generic "Contaaaaact!" most of the time), tell you when they're throwing a grenade, when they're hurt, when they're fleeing etc.

This all happens with the simple "say" command and a bunch of loops - so yes, everyone speaks and yes, you should be able to always hear it! Note that by default it cuts off at around 300 meters, but then again you shouldn't be hearing voices further than that either.

More information BIKI page.



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There is actually almost no Addon that uses scripts, and thus Eventhandlers, therefore I didn't see the need to also convert Killswitch Extended Eventhandlers for the moment.

This will be done in an upcoming version, though.

Are not allowed to do that. There is an official release for that.

Remember permission and copyright?

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Are not allowed to do that. There is an official release for that.

Remember permission and copyright?

First, I was even not aware of an upcoming official release of the Extended EH, sorry time doesn't allow me to check out every topic's post within these boards.

Secondly, I don't get your point as mine is to simply to make people's life easier by porting the most 'useful' Addons by fully and respectivuly crediting the authors of these quite necessary Addons.

The credits do fully go to the authors of these Addons, not to me.

I'm getting the slight impression that the intent of your question ["remember persmission and copyright?"] is to make me look bad in a certain light and I don't get your point at all, to underline it once again.



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> as mine is to simply to make people's life easier by porting the most 'useful' Addons by fully and respectivuly crediting the authors of these quite necessary Addons.

This is not how it works TB. You should know hat.

> I was even not aware of an upcoming official release of the Extended EH

Did you use the search in this forum?

CBA was announced several days ago.

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This is not how it works TB. You should know hat.

Giving lessons now, a good thing sure.

But with no basis behind as releasing such a community important Addon can't be done without the author's permission and I wasn't risking that.

No need to remind it, I have been long enough here to know it.

But the "Addon's Police Hat" doesn't fit to your head, to say the least.

Truthfully, I wasn't expecting that coming from you, but we better put an end to this.

After all, I see no more the need to convert Killswitch's Addon as he will do it himself.



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None of this stuff is made for a profit, and it's all provided to the community at some point, anyway...

With proper credit given, what reason is there not to allow free distribution of addons, by anyone, for anyone?

And if the original creator has a reason why they don't want it being provided, they can request its removal very easily - no harm done.

Personally, I'd be pretty proud if I saw something I made was good enough for others to use...

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hmm can we get a youtube video with this? as a preview?

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If original authors are going to convert A1 models/functions/mods/addons to A2 they should please let the community know. That way other members of the community are not standing on authors' toes.

If we don't hear from an author are we to do without the functions/addons/mods etc in A2 or is it better that (whilst still following author's wishes) some keen person converts it ?

Discuss :)

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Hi all!

How do i install this mod correctly ? ? I have created a folder i the addon folder named @aisound and a parameter in the shortcut -mod=aisound

i dont think this works...

plz help :)

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@ Kremator

There is a sticky explaining the process. It is definitely not working the way you are describing it.

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But should it? ..... that's the question. I want A2 to be the best it can be. We either need to know that someone is working on their mod or allow others to convert it .... that's all I'm saying.

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Keep the faith - there will be an extended eventhandlers for ArmA 2. The current one from ArmA 1 can be used with a few modifications, but as mentioned, it will break core A2 functionality.

I'm currently looking into all the new features and particulars of ArmA 2 to see how they can be used for XEH for ArmA 2. (I won't be able to buy ArmA 2 until later this month, so you'll have to be patient for now.)


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Read the CBA announcement and you will be up-to-date.

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Hey. My first post so please be gentle. :D

I really like the idea of this mod and would be interested to try it out. But could some kind soul tell me the exact line I have to add to launch options (I have steam version). I mean is -mod= all I need or do I have to add mod folder path or something?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by LilRoller

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Hey. My first post so please be gentle. :D

I really like the idea of this mod and would be interested to try it out. But could some kind soul tell me the exact line I have to add to launch options (I have steam version). I mean is -mod= all I need or do I have to add mod folder path or something?

Thanks in advance.

You have to create a folder inside your ArmA2 main directory.

Name it for example @Mymod, then inside this one create another which must be called Addons (u can not use another name). Now place the pbo files inside this last folder.

Now in your shortcut add at the end of the target line -mod=@Mymod

For more modfolders use -mod=@Mymod;@Mymod2;@Mymod3

More info aobut using modfolders with steam version and guide to use modfolders in ArmA\ArmA2 can be found here:

Forums: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=7129

Modfolder guide: http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=faq&q=18

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i'd like to see a proper XEH version of this also

or has anyone tested if the A1 version works reliably?

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