bushlurker 46 Posted July 17, 2010 (edited) Hi Xeno! I've been fooling around with your new Dom Maker - very clever!! However, I've run into a couple of snags with the generated missions... First problem was common to all the versions I unpacked and checked - the "fsms" folder isn't being compiled into the final mission... a relatively easy fix... The second issue was a bit more fundamental... The "TVT40_Domination_2_21A2_TT.Chernarus" version crashes Arma to desktop with the following error... Preprocessor failed on ~ init.sqf - error 6 Ultimately I'm aiming at developing a coop USA + Russia Vs Insurgents Takistan TT version for Combined Ops - first step is a working 2.21 TT Cherno version - the rest is just a port and some tweaking... sadly I'm failing at stage 1 (nothing unusual there ;)) Is there some sort of "the TT bit's not actually working yet" flaw in Dom Maker 2.21?... or am I missing some obvious step as usual??? Any advice much appreciated... *edit* - Aha! Found that "DOMFSMClean.cfg" file on Dev! Scratch that issue hopefully... Cheers mate! B Edited July 17, 2010 by Bushlurker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hud Dorph 22 Posted July 17, 2010 Please morron Xeno,stop your 'works' with the domination!!!!!You morron distroy all about arma or oa. We played your 'mission'...crap!!!! Wishes from Quebec (Pok no hon Alex ;-) ) Nice first post you made there - hope it will be your last. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RT. Green Label 10 Posted July 17, 2010 Please morron Xeno,stop your 'works' with the domination!!!!!You morron distroy all about arma or oa. We played your 'mission'...crap!!!! Wishes from Quebec (Pok no hon Alex ;-) ) just a simple minded soul... let's see you come up with something better before you start complaining about others' hard labour. instead of complainng you can give productive feedback. oh yeah, simple minded, i forgot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-BNS-Fallout 10 Posted July 17, 2010 Game crashed and Battleye disconect @ weaponbox when you where promoted !! is usesd combined operrations same problem at other persons Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xeno 234 Posted July 17, 2010 (edited) stop your 'works' with the domination!!!!!You morron distroy all about arma or oa. Nice... Oh wait, wrong game :D No problem. You don't have to like what I do. I have to deal with the same BS in another project I'm involved in (the one that starts with an A). Dorph;1687294']Structures at base (wreck/chopper/jet-service) have strange rubbles when destroyed' date=' and when repaired again never gets the old structure back. So when somebody have repaired and its working again it looks like its not there.[/quote'] At least in 2.21 all ruins should look the same (well, it's the first ruin I've found in the OA configs, not nice, I know. Still have to spawn all available ruins to find the best one). There was a bug in versions before 2.20/2.21 which still spawned A2 ruins that are not available in OA. Dorph;1687294']Also sometimes when towns are done the keep beeing red. Clients also complaning sometimes they have no towns marked on map as maintarget. Is it a vanilla Dom version or a modded one ? And if it is a vanilla version from me' date=' could you please provide RPT files (client and server) over at dev-heaven in a ticket ? No server I've joined so far had that problem. One thing you have to remember when modding/making missions... Compared to ArmA 1 there is now a time limit per frame for the scripting engine in A2/OA. So if you add some demanding scripts execution of other scripts might get delayed (talking about scheduled environment not non scheduled scripts like in trigger conditions or eventhandlers). Worst case scenario is that instead of getting a script result immediately it could take a few seconds (easy to make testcase to reproduce it). Why does everyone can use the artillery? Is it possible to change that so only the artillery operators can call in artillery? And it seems that there isn't an 'artillery 2' only '1'. still using 2.19 version, but currently editing latest version for my clan, would be cool if i could fix that in the same time. Only in the AI version all players can use artillery and there is only one battery available for all players, like Strikor wrote allready. It's done on purpose. Just think about having 30-40 players on the server and everyone uses artillery. Main target done in 5 seconds... hope your wife is better and all the best to u and your fam. Yep, wife is better, still not perfect but compared to doctors saying "we don't know if she will be alive tomorrow" everything is a huge improvement. Life can be a bitch. Don't know what I've done wrong in my life having also a daughter which suffers from diabetis. But whatever... allways look on the bright side of life. why im writing? i justed pressed the link in your signature of Igor Presnyakov. amazing guy, just listended over an hour to his songs. im also a guitar player but igor kicks ass. thx 4 sharing this with us m8 and keep up the good work @ arma, sir. I'm in the same boat. When I start listening to one of his songs I totally forget time. Amazing what a real guitar master can do with a classical guitar. And specially when somebody puts so much heart into it. Who's Igor Presnyakov? Naah, Jorge Caballero FTW :D Especially Bach's Chromatic Fantasie and Fugue really rocks my world as far as skill goes. Ok, not Bach but at least Beethoven :p http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=dTQ0imT5-aA&feature=related @Xeno: Heard today that someone got stuck in parachute close to ground. I've had that bug happen numerous times myself in Arma2, and implemented the following fix for it for Domino (CombatJump): The "stuck in a parachute" FSM is still in Dom but not activated (can't remember why, that's one of the drawbacks youare facing when getting old :)). It takes a different approach. Instead of ejecting the player it unlocks the chute and the player can move out of the chute himself. First problem was common to all the versions I unpacked and checked - the "fsms" folder isn't being compiled into the final mission... a relatively easy fix... You've got the solution allready. You need the FSMCompiler from the BIS tools suite #2. The "TVT40_Domination_2_21A2_TT.Chernarus" version crashes Arma to desktop with the following error... Preprocessor failed on ~ init.sqf - error 6 Exactly the reason why I haven't released a TT version yet. Haven't found the time to test if all changes for the OA version do really work when __TT__ is enabled Fallout;1687732']Game crashed and Battleye disconect @ weaponbox when you where promoted !! is usesd combined operrations same problem at other persons The only way you can fix this issue is to get the latest OA beta patch: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php Quote: [72094] Fixed: client freezes when accessing ammobox You can install OA beta patches without a problem (ok, no idea if it is easy for steam users) as they don't change the original game. Please read the readme file provided in the beta patch. It's only needed for a client, not for the server. You can still join normal 1.52 servers with the beta. Xeno Edited July 18, 2010 by Xeno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sehun 10 Posted July 18, 2010 Please morron Xeno,stop your 'works' with the domination!!!!!You morron distroy all about arma or oa. We played your 'mission'...crap!!!! Wishes from Quebec (Pok no hon Alex ;-) ) 1 , Its moron , not morron 2, You dont have to play domination , noone is forcing you to 3, People like Xeno do this for free , so some thanks for his work is probably forthcoming Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpecterM 10 Posted July 18, 2010 http://dev-heaven.net/projects/domination/files link not working? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tromac 11 Posted July 18, 2010 Please morron Xeno,stop your 'works' with the domination!!!!!You morron distroy all about arma or oa. We played your 'mission'...crap!!!! Wishes from Quebec (Pok no hon Alex ;-) ) Hillybilly learn to speak English if you plan on using it. As you have been told you do not have to play it and just because you are so small minded does not mean the rest of the world does not appreciate the hard work Xeno puts into this. Go elsewhere with your insults and grow up! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murklor 10 Posted July 18, 2010 Curious question: Xeno, have you changed the parachutes between 2.17-2.21? Just trying to figure out if its a customized versions or not. In 2.17 (and maybe some later too), you drop from a lower height and parachutes open slowly over like 100-150m drop. I played a 2.21 version yesterday and you dropped from a far, far higher altitute but with an altimeter and when you deploy the chute its instant. The old method was much, much better IMO :/ There's no point in dropping from a massive height only to watch the fog for half a minute and the slow open parachute meant you couldnt deploy 20m above ground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted July 18, 2010 can't remember why, that's one of the drawbacks youare facing when getting old :) Bah, getting old apparently also prevents my eyes/brain from seeing what is already there instead of making my own version :D Sounds like a better solution, will have a look. About the chutes: I prefer the old one as well (but from high altitude). The altimeter isn't really needed anyway. Altimeter would afaik show above sea level (add island vertical offset of 2000m for Takistan, which can probably be obtained from world config) - I don't think parachutists are running around with radar altimeters on them :) They are typically used in real life to get a good opening altitude when ground cannot be observed - those conditions do not exist in A2OA (not by cloud cover anyway, not 100% sure what full fog does). In A2OA the altimeter (iirc it was radar altimeter instead of barometric, giving distance to ground where you're at?) is only used to get the absolute minimum to the ground, waaaay below what would be considered safe in real life. It could be used to trigger opening at predetermined HAHO altitude as well, but the travel distance for a HAHO glide doesn't exist in A2OA, and are as such not applicable. Furthermore, if calling it HALO, why not make it start high above the airport and you have to glide where you want? There could be an alternative though - Combat Jump - where you are line ejected 150 meters above ground but no steering (round chutes typically used here), but not too close to target or side - for the aircrafts safety :p I'm using both variants in my version, not hard to do. Btw, I noticed as a SAW gunner that I'm only getting 100rnd mags (I don't like to use the Domination ruck system). Is this intentional? The 200rnd box is available in OA as well afaik. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted July 18, 2010 The old method was much, much better IMO :/ There's no point in dropping from a massive height only to watch the fog for half a minute and the slow open parachute meant you couldnt deploy 20m above ground. The old HALO is back in the current version. I have to admit, I didn't like the new HALO when I first got it, but having played it a couple of times, it grew on me. I know it's harder to use and harder to be accurate with it, but it is more realistic and more immersive. Not that I strive for realism at every turn, but parachuting is by it's nature, not a terribly precision science and I think the new HALO does it better. My guys are split right down the middle with their opinions on this, but for me, the new one was better. I particularly like player decelerates after deploying the chute, prevent ninja jumpers free-falling 'till 18m, pulling the cord and instantly stepping out of the 'chute at ground level, ready to fight. Perhaps which is used could be selected by parameter? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murklor 10 Posted July 18, 2010 Furthermore, if calling it HALO, why not make it start high above the airport and you have to glide where you want? Well that would at least make a purpose with the high altitude that I could live with. The problem with the current system is that you obviously drop smack over your target. As such, a high drop is pointless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-BNS-Fallout 10 Posted July 18, 2010 Ah okay thanks @ xeno i will test it and give you an result ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RT. Green Label 10 Posted July 18, 2010 hey, another question: i put a couple extra vehicles on the domination map 2.21, like humv's and some strykers. Currently it is not possible to 'lift' any of them by blackhawk. Can someone pls advice me in how to change it so i can lift up the added vehicles aswel? otherwise there is not really a point to put extra vehicles there, unless you want your AI to drive it for half an hour to the AO :) tx for any feedback Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strikor 10 Posted July 18, 2010 You need to add them to d_helilift1_types in i_client.sqf. Just look for the proper list and add the class name for that vehicle type in there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slowest 10 Posted July 18, 2010 With the latest version, 2.21, if I land with my parachute on a non plane (horizontal) surface, there is a good chance that I never get out of my parachute. I just lie there on the ground, with no menu option to "get out" of my chute. Only solution is escape key / respawn. edit: and I agree with Tank, lots of people loved the slow opening chute, would be cool to have it as a parameter indeed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kdjac 19 Posted July 18, 2010 If you want a marker as such when using HALO, before you jump Shift and left click on the map.Then as your going down you see how far away you are from your marker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RT. Green Label 10 Posted July 18, 2010 (edited) You need to add them to d_helilift1_types in i_client.sqf. Just look for the proper list and add the class name for that vehicle type in there. tx Strikor, where can i find the right names for every vehicle? they all end with: _EP1 (for blufor) i believe? need the name for: HMMWV (TOW) HMMWV Crows (M2) HMMWV Crows (MK19) HMMWV SOV Stryker TOW " CV " MGS M270 MLRS or if there is a list with the names, i would greatly appreciate a link :) Only in the AI version all players can use artillery and there is only one battery available for all players, like Strikor wrote allready. It's done on purpose. Just think about having 30-40 players on the server and everyone uses artillery. Main target done in 5 seconds... Yah, that's one of the reasons why i want that only rescue-and-artillery operators can use the artillery. Is it possible to change that in the AI version? I don't even want a 2nd artillery, would be good if 1 artillery gets devided between the operators only. Edited July 18, 2010 by RT. Green Label Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted July 18, 2010 http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class/indexOA.php Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RT. Green Label 10 Posted July 18, 2010 awesome tx, Tankbuster! as always :) another problem solved, and knowledge improved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr_Branca 10 Posted July 18, 2010 (edited) Hi guys How do I edit a dominationOA2 to display vehicles at the base since the beginning? I have a dedicated server. Sorry for my bad english guys :p Edited July 18, 2010 by Mr_Branca Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hud Dorph 22 Posted July 18, 2010 Im a little lost here - can someone help ? I want reserve a medic-slot for admin - i edit the "i_client.sqf" to what. d_reserved_slot = ""; to d_reserved_slot = "MEDIC"; or d_reserved_slot = "US_Soldier_Medic_EP1; or am i way off ?? :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xeno 234 Posted July 18, 2010 Dorph;1688598']d_reserved_slot = "US_Soldier_Medic_EP1; d_reserved_slot = "bravo_6"; or d_reserved_slot = "alpha_6"; or d_reserved_slot = "charlie_6"; It's not the type of the soldier but the variable name (editor name). Xeno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Charles 22 Posted July 18, 2010 (edited) I am all in for Parametered parajumping, the new one was way better and not so buggy. The old system was just too clumsy, because you could just pull the chord on 50 meters and survive, but not on not plane surfaces. They will kill you for sure. €dit: Try to land on the side of a mountain, it mainly results in face->dirt and open parachute, respawn being the only option -_- Edited July 18, 2010 by Mr. Charles Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xeno 234 Posted July 18, 2010 (edited) OA Only 2.22 Release Some changes, see changelog. The OA version still uses only OA content so all players can play it and not only those who have ArmA 2 allready. Changelog: Changed, HALO type can now be selected in the lobby (new OA system or old implementation, default old system) Fixed, internal backpack now working properly again Fixed, sidemission where you had to destroy tanks didn't work in the ACE version Added, MANDO version with mando missiles (be aware that the MANDO version has ~7 MB because it's using the mando missile script suite) Fixed, missing config file for the FSMCompiler in dom_maker added again and some more changes under the hood Download: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/domination/files The mission package now includes the following versions: - West - West AI - West Revive - West Ranked - East - East AI - East Revive - East Ranked - West ACE - West ACE AI - West ACE Revive - West ACE Wounds - West MANDO One more thing... You don't have to ask me to modify Dom, just do it. You can even release modified versions of Dom without asking me. There are more important things in life. I won't answer to mails regarding modifying Dom, my time is to limited, sorry. Enjoy! And have fun... Xeno Edited July 18, 2010 by Xeno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites