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My first post :) Hii everyone!!!

I was just wondering if the civilians are part of the world in ArmA2 or are they something i would have to put out myself in the editor.

I know in ArmA1 i have to put them out myself and assign them waypoints and stuff so they dont stand still :P

If they are part of the world are they dynamic? Do they move around and do stuff??


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There should be some kind of Civilian Logic you can place in the editor which will populate the towns with AI going about their routines. I don't have the game, but from what I've read and heard, that should be the jist of it.

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Go into Game Logics -> Modules -> Ambient Civilians and place one.

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Are those things only in ArmA2 or have i been stupid and missed them in ArmA1????

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the game-logic system is a new and nifty feature of ArmA2

I am looking forward to playing with them, and seeing what awesome things the community will be able to do with them

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that module is great you place yourself on the map and an Ambient Civilians module then start the preview and walk around the town people come out of houses, random cars about, really adds life to the towns/villages

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Noticed that they even walk up to eachother and talk also. :) And they visit eachother houses and also if you start a fight in a village you will here some of them scream and run for cover etc. Yeah it was very nice indeed.

PS. Oh i also think i saw houses chimneys were smoking! :) Maybe wasnt the civ module though? Awesome never the less.

EDIT: BTW also test adding the Animals Module for random chickens, cows and other animals around and in villages.


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Milsim with civilians? What nonsense!

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Milsim with civilians? What nonsense!

Yeah, they should totally have left out the civs and animals and said they had all left the country because of the war. ;)

About the logic modules, it's actually possible to create a completely living world and totally random experience just by placing a few of these babies in the editor. I recommend the civilian, civilian vehicles, animal and ambient combat logics. Then place yourself as whatever you want, give yourself a mountain bike and a hunting rifle, then take a hike through the countryside. It's amazing. :)

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Milsim with civilians? What nonsense!

lol I couldn't say it better.

I like the civs in ArmA II. It's far more interessing planning them in for missions.

By the way ..... hmmmm The Civs ... sounds like The Sims, right? I guess I smell another mod :D

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The civs are so stupid though, walking calmly down the road into crossfire, having a chat with bombs going off next door. Same with wild life, they just graze in the middle of warfare.

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The civs are so stupid though, walking calmly down the road into crossfire, having a chat with bombs going off next door. Same with wild life, they just graze in the middle of warfare.

Stupid? Pah! That's pure bravery :D! Sometimes you just gotta cross the street to talk to your neighbors, no matter what. Screw those 7.62mm bullets whizzing through the air! They don't concern me, nuh uh!

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ArmA civilians > The Sims civilians

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That's not true :p ArmA civilians can't cook and they don't wash themselves!

I smell a mod, Chernarus life :D

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Are you penalized when killing civilians? How about when using indirect fires like mortars and artillery? I Arma1 it was a bitch trying to maintain some ROE in public games since there was never any penalties for causing collateral damage.

If not, is it possible to detect at least the side of the artillery that kills them, and manually give them negative scores?

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Somebody mentioned here ambient combat logic i gived it in editor and nothing happend i have active the civilian , civilian cars and animals too and they work i actualy see cars civilians no animals but i think i only miss thems but don t see any fight also SOM doesnt work for some reason i have version 1.00 so maybe thats the problem but maybe i only don t do something in editor can somebody explain somewhere how each of this module work and how to use them in 1 post? i saw only few of thems how to use thems but every of this explanation were tooo much separeted from itselfs :(

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