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waypoints. how do i make AI stick to the roads?

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i tried searching but couldnt find anything.

i m trying to make a mission but already at the setup i am failing. the ai always goes cross country, even if i place the waypoints exactly on the roads.

even if the next waypoint is only 100m away they will go off the road zick zack and then back on it.

i thought maybe it is like the issue move to command in SP but the APC always prefers cross country.

is there an option that i m not seeing? its quite the immersion breaker :(

also the more waypoints i place the more the whole thing is less of a convoy and more of a stop and go :(

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its because ai is terrible, you cant do anything right now:)

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how strange given that in SP they seem to stick to the road if you order them to move to in a car or apc. :(

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interesting. will try that. thanks mate.

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Safe or careless should keep them on the road but pathfinding is very bad at the moment, AI stop and start and crash into almost anything they can crash into. I hope there will be a fix for it.

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AI stop and start and crash into almost anything they can crash into.

They must of modelled the AI on my wifes driving skills :P

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Are there any tracked vehicles in the convoy? Tracked vehicles seldom prefer the roads it seems and for the most part adventure off of them...

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A wheeled car follows the road, a tracked vehicle not (Vers. 1.02). This must be programmed somewhere in the vehicles config. I would also like tanks to follow roads. Isn't that so unrealistic? Thought they go on roads until they encounter the enemy?

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You could try these scripts:

Credits to Tophe for

Random House Patrol - To stick them to houses.

Credits to Kronzky for

Urban Patrol Script - To stick them to a marker area(got option so enemy don't follow targets out of area etc.).

Find them here:


I use these scripts and they work pretty okay considered the current pathfinding :)

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Use the least number of waypoints as possible as they seem to mess up badly at times and always slow the vehicle to a crawl.

Don't have AI Vehicles within about 10m of them as they will take avoiding action, AI soldiers can be a little closer.

The Bargate is also very difficult to set up right if you stop the vehicles before it's open as if doing a check point it finds it hard to get going again.

The Fence type gate won't allow anything to pass through accept the player even when open.

Those are my findings and as said put them on safe for best results.

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The only solution that seems to work for me, reasonably (but not entirely) well, is to set behavior to careless.

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just out of curiousity, as i havent played around with it, but setting ai behavior to careless or whatever, do they change it themselves? eg, if they are careless moving along the road, will they switch to "aware" or "combat/stealth" when they are fired upon?

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Yeah i've had this same problem. I can tell someone to go somewhere far away (like a city somewhere) and they can get there just fine on their own after a couple of seconds but if I try to set up like a convoy they drive like a student driver I can't figure out what the hell the deal is. I've tried changing behavior to safe, stealth, combat, etc and tried putting the WP further and closer apart and yet nothing. If anyone can help out this would be much appreciated.

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These are the things we'd hoped that they would have fixed, this has always been a problem since OFP.

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I usually had decent luck in Arma 1 with wheeled convoys & roads. Arma 2, they always try to do the goofy front/back turn dance for a bit, then go a bit, then back to the dance.

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I think the best solution as it is now is to use the scripts which i linked to in my last post. Hopefully issues like this will be dealt with in a update sooner or later.

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Don't group any vehicle in the convoy with anything, just put singular vehicles with at least 100 meters distance from eachother, and put this on every vehicles init line in the convoy

This ForceSpeed 8 (you can change the number here to experiment what suits best the vehicles speed, also i have no idea what this is supposed to be, meter, kilometer, mile per hour or what)

It forces the vehicle NOT TO drive over 8, but won't limit the speed UNDER 8, it this even matters...

This way you can keep them in quite good column. Allthough sometimes some of the vehicles might just get the idea to ramn against something again and again, but this should work propably the best

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ArmA2 comes with a handy command called isOnRoad. It can be used to see if your vehicle has strayed away from your prefered path. If it does so, you can set it's behaviour to "SAFE" again, and it should trail back on course. Head over to Ofpec if you need help with the command.

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