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trini scourge

Secondary Ops Manager Module Discussion

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hi, i want to do a sniper mission with SOM, but i don't know if i can do assessination missions (maybe ambush?), and i don't know how to show the missions in the journal, and can i set the SOM in an specific area?, because i want to sniper from mountains to towns, for example and i don't want to do an objective in the other side of the mountain. Another question i only have used this module in one mission of red harvest but can i set the time to unlimited until i kill the target? and need i to poblate the towns and bases with soldiers with the help of a script or manually or the spec ops spawn the units?. I want to make a mission like in SP one shot one kill, but in free roam is this possible? and the last question, i saw in armaholic an ascript calles SOM mission menu, but the archive is damaged, anyone know how can i do this manually?

Sorry but i need some answer for understanding better the editor and his scripts :S. If anyone can help me, and tell me if i can do this things with this module ( think it's the script that most closely resembles what I'm looking for that I write here, but could create a new thread talking about this if I look has nothing to do with the SOM

Edit: i have now the SOM mission menu downloaded ( from Cobra4v320) but i have a question, how can i configure it?, in normal SOM, you can configure the distance between objectives and the time between the task, how can i configure it? so i can do missions with 5-15 minutes time? And Can i add a menu for random command?

Edited by anonim092

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Has anybody got the DEFINITIVE, descriptive and wonderful example mission that encompases everything in this thread, so that those of us less skilled can learn from the masters?

Would be much appreciated by the community.

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as of now it looks like bis forgot about there modules in total i just looked back and found a post by BIS dev. dating from june 2009 stating complete documantation is comming about the modules well we are still waiting for it :p

(i asked a long long time ago the question about blacklisting areas from the SOM module as the darn reds keep spawning in my base all the time but never got an answer :( )

(ps the wiki pages are not real complete documentation as i miss a lot of thing on them)

Edited by supergruntsb78

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(ps the wiki pages are not real complete documentation as i miss a lot of thing on them)

wiki pages are updated by members such as yourself, so just update when you have reliable information on any subject ;)

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Ok, so I set myself very nice mission using SecOps as centerpiece. However I dont know how to make mission ending. DnA posted that you can check SecOps history to see how many times you succeeded and failed SecOps missions.

private ["_mainScope", "_history"];

_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope";

_history = _mainScope getVariable "history"; //[# completed, # failed]

I would like to use this to make a waypoint that ends the mission after player reaches it and that shows up only after 3 successful SecOps missions. How do I do this?

BTW: Right now I have Unsung vietnam map, ACM set to max to spice up things a little, other ambient modules, air taxi script to carry my ass around, advanced artillery script, UAV script, behavior jukebox script, and revive script as I suck at not dieing :p. I must say that in those conditions SecOps works wonderfully, I really advise everyone to check out that module if they didnt.

Edited by Taro8

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Well, im still working out the kinks like arty script not working and it lacks any ending, also it still needs unsung mod for map.

I can post it up when I at least figure out how to make that arty script working.

However in return i would like you guys to help me out with scripting the end of this mission, ok?

EDIT: OK I put together soemthing you can play a bit, its Chernarus mission as vietnam maps didnt quite work out in the end, there is so little free space game keeps spawning objectives in same places or very far apart. Also I experienced a lot of problem with addon UAV so I used vanilla Arma 2 one. However I attached prop serving as UAV terminal to player, so you can use UAV anytime you want to and everywhere. Advanced artillery, it was conflicting with revive script and that one was more important.

Scripts belong to their original creators, used in this map are:

*revive script by norrin

*aerial taxi script by norrin

*behaivor jukebox by scifer

Note that this scenario is playable a bit, but its just few scripts thrown together.


To stay in topic: is there any way to make SOM spawn objectives in lightly forested areas? there is some of them in Nam maps, but there is some random junk there. Best solution would be to decrease ammount of free space SOM is looking for.

Edited by Taro8

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i have a prob , i am trying to set my SOM module (named SOM1) to give me mission but only all 10 min, i checked out the wiki but i cant' find issue , can someone help me ?

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Try to put this in init.sqf file, or in your SOM init field

Som1 setVariable ["settings", [["ambush", "attack_location", "trap", "rescue", "patrol", "escort", "defend_location", "destroy", "search"], true, ["Alpha", ["Alpha"], "H.Q.", ["H.Q."]], "60", "true", "180", "0.3", [300, 1000]]];

Som1 setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", AFB_Transport];

Som1 setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]];

Som1 setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]];

Som1 setVariable ["supPool", [uS_Soldier_SL_EP1], TRUE];

Som1 setVariable ["supPhase", 0, TRUE];

Som1 setVariable ["onMission", objNull, TRUE];

Som1 setVariable ["stuck", FALSE, TRUE];

Ok something is just WRONG with detection of free space in SOM, it kept putting objectives in same camp over and over again about 5km from me (I set SOM limit to 1km), even if there was a lot of big fat LZ's with nothing but grass that were much clsoer to me.

Edited by Taro8

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Thanks, it seems to work for me :)

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Ok this definite, SOM will not place any objectives in forested area, except for search mission. Otherwise it will look for nearest town, even if there is something like big open LZ closer. This has to be changed, I would love to have some really good vietnam secops mission, but it just dont work well there.

Edited by Taro8

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Sorry for double posting, but I think I just found something interesting.

Lots of you guys were looking for a way to stop HQ from giving support as a reward. I think this can be changed in "cfgSecOps.hpp". Here it is, I marked palces that MAY IN MY OPPINION be responisble for rewards.

ne		true			1

#define false 0

//Special class defining data for all SecOps.

class CfgSecOps


class Default


//Short title / description used in the GUI.

title = "";

//Should this SecOp automatically be set as the currently active SecOp once it is triggered?

autoActivate = true;

//Should this SecOp be in the pool for random activation?

inPool = true;

//Define a path to the scripts for this SecOp ("" means use the default path).

scriptPath = "";

//Specific to support requests:

//Is this a support request?

[u][b]supportRequest = false;[/b][/u]

//How many of this request can be available at the same time?

maxCount = 1;

//How long will the request be available after gaining it?

timeAvailable = 0;

//(Warfare) For how long this support is disabled (its adding) after usage.

timeNotAddedAfterUse = 180;

//(Warfare) Price substracted after use of support.

price = 5000;


class ambush: Default




class attack_location: Default




class reinforce: Default



inPool = false;


class trap: Default




class rescue: Default




class patrol: Default




class escort: Default




class defend_location: Default




class destroy: Default




class search: Default




//Special type of SecOp used for support requests.

class SupportRequest: Default


autoActivate = false;

inPool = false;

[b][u]supportRequest = true;

maxCount = 1;

timeAvailable = 60;[/u][/b]


//NOTE: Caution - class names of supports are used in Warfare2 (search there for these classnames if adding new or changing names)

class aerial_reconnaissance: SupportRequest



timeAvailable = 2700; //45 min


class tactical_airstrike: SupportRequest



maxCount = 2;

timeAvailable = 1200; //20 min


class artillery_barrage: SupportRequest



timeAvailable = 1800; //30 min


class transport: SupportRequest



timeAvailable = 1800; //30 min


class supply_drop: SupportRequest



timeAvailable = 1200; //20 min



Just pointing out.

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Here's a question re. using the SOM as a support module. Is there a way to turn off the hint in the upper right side of the screen that tells the player what support is available? When one makes an HC mission, the hint interferes with any SITREPs that are requested by the player, making them visible only for a split second before the SOM hint comes back. It's a little inconvenient.

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After reading 39 pages there is no answer on how to BLACKLIST an area from the SOM? i saw a few ask about it but no reply....

I want to blacklist area like ACM, spawn mission f@$#%$^ away from my base and stop bloody spawn mission way off the map, cause i m making a air mission i hav to dial the number up a bit....

wish some body know how.....

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So i have a question and i found this :


So maybe it will help people.

So my question is, i use the SOM module with the simple support module, but when i receive a mission i cannont send answer, 0-8 and after nothing, when i delete simple support it's ok.

I changed alpha by golf in SOM but same, doesn't work. One of you know how do?


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After reading 39 pages there is no answer on how to BLACKLIST an area from the SOM? i saw a few ask about it but no reply....

I want to blacklist area like ACM, spawn mission f@$#%$^ away from my base and stop bloody spawn mission way off the map, cause i m making a air mission i hav to dial the number up a bit....

wish some body know how.....

Ive been searching High and low for this but no joy. Can anyone help please?

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same question here anybody knows how to blacklist SECOP areas ??? come on somebody has to know

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I have some issues with one of my missions:

I used the Special Operations Manager module to give my team artillery support. I know I programmed it right because it works when I copy and paste my work into a blank mission. But when I try to do it for my big MSO type mission with AI caching, the AI and the headquarters diaglogue takes a very long time. For example, I call HQ to give me artillery support, it takes them maybe 70 seconds to respond, and after I select what type of artillery, it takes another 70 seconds or so to respond, then it takes another 70 seconds for them to accept my grid coordinates. Any idea how to fix this? It might be all the AI i have on the field, but the game runs smoothly in terms of FPS.

I used the first method in this video

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Hello everyone, i am playing Arma 2 OA standalone. my problem is when i call a transport chopper from the sec op support. the chopper never shows up. i wait for about 10minutes and nothing. any ideas on why this happens?

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Hello everyone, i am playing Arma 2 OA standalone. my problem is when i call a transport chopper from the sec op support. the chopper never shows up. i wait for about 10minutes and nothing. any ideas on why this happens?

1. Insert a SecOp Manager Module and sync it the player. Name the SecOp module SOM1.

2. Create a trigger

3. Place SOM1 getVariable "initDone" into the condition field.

4. Place [["transport"],player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc into the On Act. field.

5. Aim your cross-hairs at the area where you want to be picked up and go into the communications menu and call for your transport.

---------- Post added at 07:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 AM ----------

I have some issues with one of my missions:

I used the Special Operations Manager module to give my team artillery support. I know I programmed it right because it works when I copy and paste my work into a blank mission. But when I try to do it for my big MSO type mission with AI caching, the AI and the headquarters diaglogue takes a very long time. For example, I call HQ to give me artillery support, it takes them maybe 70 seconds to respond, and after I select what type of artillery, it takes another 70 seconds or so to respond, then it takes another 70 seconds for them to accept my grid coordinates. Any idea how to fix this? It might be all the AI i have on the field, but the game runs smoothly in terms of FPS.

I used the first method in this video

Have you read or seen the artillery section here on the wiki?

Here is an example of the artillery module and SOM module.

Edited by cobra4v320

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Sorry i forget, how do i specify what chopper comes?

Im playing combined ops, and only the USMC UH1 comes.

I know its something to do with forcing the module to produce only US related items, but cant for the life of me remember how. (same goes for the Ambiant Combat module too).

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As well as my above question. How do we change the factions used in SecOps? I cant figure it out.

Please help.

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I dont believe there is a way to change what factions the SecOps uses.

For the helicopter, place your choice of helicopter on the map name it helo, then place this into the SOM module.

waitUntil {!isnil {player getVariable "mainScope"}};
SOM_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope";

[["transport"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;
this setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", helo];
this setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]];
this setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]];
helo setVariable ["supPool", [bIS_cooper], TRUE];
helo setVariable ["supPhase", 0, TRUE];
helo setVariable ["onMission", objNull, TRUE];
helo setVariable ["stuck", FALSE, TRUE]; 

The ACM Module you would need to change this line to whatever specific units you want:

[bIS_ACM1, ["TK_INS_Group", "TK_INS_Patrol", "TK_INS_AATeam", "TK_INS_ATTeam", "TK_INS_Technicals", "TK_INS_MotorizedGroup"]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc;

Edited by cobra4v320

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