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trini scourge

Secondary Ops Manager Module Discussion

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If you need a description how to use each module, just extract the module.pbo from ArmA2 Addon folder and have a look at the scripts in the "s" directory. Every module has comments in the scripts, how they have to be used.

This post, the OP, and this entire thread are easily the single most informative things I've found on this forum. Thank you guys very much!

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Is there anyway to tell the secop module which type of units to spawn in on the random side mission generator? I would like the module to spawn takistan militia instead of russian troops / vehicles at the random objectives.

Is this possible without turning it into an addon?


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Another approach to this is to simply replace some of the SOM module code in your mission folder structure.

For example, in your mission folder create the following folders:

CA > mission > som > data > scripts > secops > transport

DePBO the missions.pbo and find the corresponding folder. Copy the 07_create_secop_assets.sqf into your mission folder under the corresponding folder structure (above).

Edit the sqf. For example,

change the line


to whatever default chopper you want. Such as


You can do this for pretty much any of the BIS content. Not sure if this is allowed by BIS, but it certainly helps get around some of the issues with the modules (and MP play).



Edited by Tupolov

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So is there anyway to change the a-10 from the airstrike to another vehicle such as a bomber from the unsung mod? also is it possible to change the gunships too?

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Is it possible to use a custom min/max spawning distance with the ["ambush", true, player] call BIS_SOM_requestSecOpFunc;

I know i can set custom spawningdistance for standard SOM operation, but when i try to use the manual SOM operation it always uses the default min/max distances 150/700?

I´ve found some clues in the "requestSecOp.sqf" file:

File: requestSecOp.sqf

Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land


Function allowing designers to request a specific SecOp to be started.

The SecOp can be started immediately with high priority or wait for the next available opportunity.

It is also possible to pass along certain specific parameters and even

to replace complete phase-scripts.


_this select 0: name of the SecOp (String)

_this select 1: is this a high-priority request? (Boolean)

_this select 2: SOM main scope reference (Object)

_this select 2: (optional) parameters (Array)

_this select 3: (optional) phase-script paths (Array)

Problem is that i dont get what "It is also possible to pass along certain specific parameters" is meaning.

To me its more like "You could do very cool stuff but we wont tell you how"

Anybody got a idea?

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This is what I use it is somewhere back in this thread ,change anything in the setting you like then !

In yout INI.sqf @ the top

[] execVM "init_SOM.sqf";


//Configure SOM module with custom settings. Must run during the first 2 seconds of a mission.

private ["_pool", "_hq", "_callsigns", "_initialDelay", "_autoReinforce", "_secOpSpacing", "_randomActivation", "_secOpDistances", "_settings"];

//List of secops.
//Default: ["ambush", "attack_location", "defend_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"]
_pool = ["ambush", "attack_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"];

//Enable or disable HQ.
//Default: true
_hq = true;

//Team text, team speech, H.Q. text, H.Q. speech.
//Default: ["ALPHA", ["Alpha"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]]
_callsigns = ["Bravo", ["Bravo"], "Zero Alpha", ["Zero Alpha"]];

//Delay in seconds before starting random SecOps selection. Only seems to affect the first secops.
//Default: 30
_initialDelay = ((random 300) + 300);

//Should an automatic Reinforce be triggered when there are casualties?
//Default is true.
_autoReinforce = true;

//??? Delay between sec ops?
//Default: 30
_secOpSpacing = ((random 300) + 300);

//??? From 0 to 1. 0 means no secops starting. With 1 they do start. Some kind of chance variable?
//Default: 0.7
_randomActivation = 0.4;

//Min Max distance of sec ops.
//Default: [300, 700]
_secOpDistances = [1200, 2000];

_settings = [_pool, _hq, _callsigns, _initialDelay, _autoReinforce, _secOpSpacing, _randomActivation, _secOpDistances];

//BIS_SOM is module name.
BIS_SOM setVariable ["settings", _settings];

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I've found a way to blacklist areas.

SECOPS uses the function BIS_fnc_findSafePos to locate a point to create dynamic content, when you use that function one of the parameters is a blacklist, but SOM doesn't use it.

But you can redefine BIS_fnc_findSafePos to point to another script...

In init.sqf (at the end to make sure the functions have been loaded so it won't get re-redefined...

BIS_fnc_findSafePos = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\custom_findSafePos.sqf");

then make a copy of the function "fnc_findSafePos.sqf", I called it "custom_findSafePos.sqf" and change line 52


_blacklist = [];


_blacklist = [top,bottom,left,right,miller,sabre];

where top,bottom,left etc are triggers marking areas to be blacklisted.

if any other script passes a blacklist to the findSafePos function then this will overide the default, otherwise the triggers will mask out areas. I've used them to prevent missions being generated off the map (top,bottom,left,right) and around the two bases in the mission (miller and sabre)

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I've found a way to blacklist areas.

SECOPS uses the function BIS_fnc_findSafePos to locate a point to create dynamic content, when you use that function one of the parameters is a blacklist, but SOM doesn't use it.

But you can redefine BIS_fnc_findSafePos to point to another script...

In init.sqf (at the end to make sure the functions have been loaded so it won't get re-redefined...

BIS_fnc_findSafePos = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\custom_findSafePos.sqf");

then make a copy of the function "fnc_findSafePos.sqf", I called it "custom_findSafePos.sqf" and change line 52


_blacklist = [];


_blacklist = [top,bottom,left,right,miller,sabre];

where top,bottom,left etc are triggers marking areas to be blacklisted.

if any other script passes a blacklist to the findSafePos function then this will overide the default, otherwise the triggers will mask out areas. I've used them to prevent missions being generated off the map (top,bottom,left,right) and around the two bases in the mission (miller and sabre)

How exactly did you get this to work? I've tried everything and I keep getting this error Script scripts\custom_findSafePos.sqf not found. I have the triggers on the map and SOM but I always get script not found error. Oh and yes I have a scripts folder inside my mission folder with the .script.


BIS_fnc_findSafePos = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\custom_findSafePos.sqf");

EDIT: NVM still errors.

Edited by FelixK44

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How exactly did you get this to work? I've tried everything and I keep getting this error Script scripts\custom_findSafePos.sqf not found. I have the triggers on the map and SOM but I always get script not found error. Oh and yes I have a scripts folder inside my mission folder with the .script.

Here's the mission I knocked up with the alternate findSafePos function...


Its on Aliabad and uses SECOPS, Ambient Combat Manager and OPSMON. Don't think it uses any other mods.

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Guys, I believe I have found a bug in SecOps.

I have OA only and all SecOps missions are broken as there are never ever any units spawned on objectives (no defenders, no POW, no team to be escorted) - only structures. I used to play Arma 2 only and there was no problem with SecOps at all but in OA only it is broken completely. I believe it has to do something with classes settings for SecOps in OA as if there were still units from Arma 2 set up and not from OA. Do you know what I mean?

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How do I get SecOps to use the whole map for Missions and not just a radius of where the player spawns?

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I read through all 11 pages in a oner, might be the reason my eyes are now square...

I want to do a WAH-64 mission with the SOM here are the parameters I would like to implement as to create a "Campaign" much like a Dynamic Helicopter simulator

-Have specific areas where the SOM will generate missions (Linked to trigger or markers)

-Tell some Triggers what kind of units to use (Tanks, IFV's, Inf and their factions)

Well... Thats all I got so far... If someone is willing to lay this out in a way that a slow c*nt like me could understand I would appreciated it... I do art, not scripting... Very visual... Also, If anyone knows of a mission or example of something similar please point me in the right direction... Please PM me when you get a chance. Thanks in advance!


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-Have specific areas where the SOM will generate missions (Linked to trigger or markers)

I created a friendly AI USMC Rifleman in the very center of Zargabad town (While players spawn on the North East in the Military Base).

In his Init field I put "deleteVehicle this;" and Synchronized him to SOM.

I updated my SOM Config from the Cipher game mode and since doing so, that seems to generate missions about that USMC game logic player.

It's not necessarily what you want, but It may help in some way.

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Alright I am really tired reading of all pages as searching, is there any way to make the SecOp Spawn only TAKI units and not RUSSIAN?

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Hello all,

Sorry if this is a newbie question, I have searched this and other posts.

Playing around with the ACR units in the editor, I noticed that the SECOPS dispatcher is American, and when you use the support feature, equipment is USMC. However, in previous missions I have done in Chernarus, I have used NAPA units and gotten a Czech dispatcher and the proper Sov Bloc equipment.

I assume that SECOPS has some sort of "local" parameter (like how you can spawn a "local" ammo crate), and that the reason the voice is American is because this is an artifact in the maps Bystrica and Bukovina left over from the Chernarus map they were borrowed from. In other words, side "BLUFOR" for the map defaults to USMC and the SECOPS Module calls out USMC "local" stuff if the module is synced to a BLUFOR unit.

Can you specify what defaults for BLUFOR when you initialize the mission? Is it possible to specify alternate voice files and equpment used for SECOPS? Furthermore, can you break it down and even get specific about what equpment is used (get an Mi-24 for transport instead of an Mi-8)?

I am sure that this -particularly the latter part, would involve a level of scripting I have yet to attain, but am I on the right track here? Sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere, but I have yet to really get my bearings with editing, and only could think to search for "SECOPS voice".


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Hi all,

Recently I have been working on expanding thomsonb's Dynamic Flashpoint Missions and so far I have submitted a couple new map conversions to him the problem I am facing now is attempting to add in SOM & Secops module into flashpoint as an alternative mission starting preset so that it doesn't conflict or interfere with his original dynamics.

basically you get a decent selection of choices in the beginning of his missions startup to set up the game yourself (or) alternatively choose a quick pre defined script based preset so this is how I wanted to approach adding in secops.

Although som specops module may already by itself be considered a dynamic mission in itself when synced & played separately threw "any" given empty mission threw the editor.. what I like about thomsonb's Flashpoint missions is that the player is given the ability of more predefined Dynamic variable choice settings depending on your individual preferences.

for example fine tuning random spawn distances, amount of east/west groups that spawn depending on how thick you want dynamic combat spawning around the player on the battlefield this gives the player customizable choice and ability to fine tune playing som secops threw flashpoint vs played separately by itself.

I have the start of the mission created & working well on a new reshmaan map however I am not having any luck figuring out how to glue the scripts together as a working preset threw his spider web of scripts so it doesn't conflict in any way.

I hope I am not breaking some forum rule by asking this here, but I'm really not sure what category this falls under so..

If there are any familiarized scriptors out there willing to contribute simple advice/help private message me please!

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This is what I use it is somewhere back in this thread ,change anything in the setting you like then !

I tried to change _initialDelay to something else, like 5 sec (just to see if it worked) and 600sec, and so on. But it always seem to start after about 30 secs.

I have a player synced (F5) to the module, and the script is the only thing in the init.

edit: Seems like the initial delay is affected by the _randomActivation variable too, so it doesn't always spawn after the _initialDelay is up.

any workaround for this? can you change the setting variable in game?

Edited by Taxen0

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Ok, so now I got another issue.

I tried searching but I didn't find anything specific, or atleast not anything that would help.

When playing with SOM in multiplayer Coop, is there a way to update the map for all players with the secop missions?

if there isn't a way to do it using the SOM module is there an other way to force it? like getting the markers and tasks from the leader(or maybe it is the host) and sending them to all players?

also, when I add support with: [2, player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

the other players get a script error, it disappears if i sync all players to SOM module, so is there any downside to that?

any help is appreciated!

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@Texan0 if you want to have more control over the random mission assigment you should put random activation at 1. so every x seconds there would be 100% chance for hq to give you a mission.

check this: http://sandbox.darrenbrant.com/arma_ii/settings-for-the-arma2-som-module

it explains how to change the som settings quick and easy.

and now i have a question: i've set the modules for a mission (ACE, CBA, ACM, SOM and others) and 1 minute or so after accepting a mission HQ cancels it. i searched but no answer. help would be much appreciated

ps: sorry for my poor english.

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