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ArmA II: Weapons Sections

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If we are going to see more weapons in future or patches, here's my list:

RGP29 - Powerful and portable AT weapon for Russia

Pecheneg - realistic choice of MG for Russia

SVDS - Modern version of SVD for Russia

SV-98 - bolt action sniper rifle for Russia

AKM + GP25 - more variety never hurts

RPK or RPD - realistic choice of LMG for rebel factions

SKS - low tech weapon for rebel factions

SKS + scope - good choice for rebel snipers

Konkurs M - similar to already shown AT13 but less powerful, good choice for Chernarussian forces

The game has 4 factions that use Soviet and Russian weapons so I think we should have more of those smile_o.gif.

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How are arty kills awarded? The observer or the gunner?

Should it really matter who scores the kill though? I would hope the players care about more important things, than their scores, and focus on working towards the objective instead. wink_o.gif

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How are arty kills awarded? The observer or the gunner?

Ideally for those to whom it matters, the score per kill would be split 50/50. Though honestly it'd just be as well if no one is credited for the kills.

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If we are going to see more weapons in future or patches, here's my list:

RGP29 - Powerful and portable AT weapon for Russia

Pecheneg - realistic choice of MG for Russia

SVDS - Modern version of SVD for Russia

SV-98 - bolt action sniper rifle for Russia

AKM + GP25 - more variety never hurts

RPK or RPD - realistic choice of LMG for rebel factions

SKS - low tech weapon for rebel factions

SKS + scope - good choice for rebel snipers

Konkurs M - similar to already shown AT13 but less powerful, good choice for Chernarussian forces

The game has 4 factions that use Soviet and Russian weapons so I think we should have more of those smile_o.gif.

Jepp absolutely agree.

If all that weapons showed to us, are all later available ones, it would some kind of poor.

I think there should be no problem attaching a already available GP25 from other Guns to a AKM model.

Do we see the VOG25P Grenades this time?

Schema: http://www.palba.cz/forumfo....cip.png

Infos: http://club.guns.ru/eng/gp25.html

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Check out BIS site, they claim doing proper ballistics in a joint-venture with Rheinmetall-Defence !!!

Quote[/b] ]... Rheinmetall-Defence is responsible for proper ballistics calulations and scaling to our new ArmA 2 engine ...

Check out Rheinmetall Defence goes ArmA2!

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Who made the research for modern russian armament in Arma2 development?

The RPG-18 has been superseded/replaced by models of the RPG-22 and RPG-26 type. What about the "new" RPG-30/32?

What about Kornet-E ATGM system on Russian side?

Just curious - if US side got the fictional and not ready+not in duty F-35 Lightning II (JSF) will Russia get at least the Su-47 or MiG 1.44?

I dont think that Russia in Arma2 should be on the same low-tech level like CDF, ChDKZ or Napa.

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NoRailgunner, the Su-47 and MiG 1.44 were demonstrator aircraft. None ever launched live ordnance, nor did they have the capability to.

The F-35 Lightning II, while still only a prototype (actually, its now past that) was intended to be the successor to several USAF aircraft, and it has fired live ordnance, and has the capability to carry A2A and A2G weapons.

The same can be said for the XM8 - while only a prototype, and one that was never selected for battle, its function in the game emulates its proposed function in real life. This can be considered realistic.

When Berkuts and 1.44s start carrying Aphids and Alamos - something IS wrong.

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Check out BIS site, they claim doing proper ballistics in a joint-venture with Rheinmetall-Defence !!!
Quote[/b] ]... Rheinmetall-Defence is responsible for proper ballistics calulations and scaling to our new ArmA 2 engine ...

I can't find where that quote is from. Could you please link to it?

Sounds interesting but I don't see it on arma2.com.

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An-225 its even not sure that the F-35 will be in duty.  wink_o.gif

Imho - if there are some prototypes ingame on one side the other side should have some too.

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Trust me, the F-35 WILL be placed into duty. wink_o.gif

Its already received orders worldwide:

~ Australia

~ Canada

~ Denmark

~ Great Britain

~ Netherlands

~ Norway

~ Italy

~ United States of America (USAF and USMC)

~ Turkey

The F-35 is not a basic prototype anymore - it has advanced very far, and is almost ready for service. With such a huge list of orders, Lockheed will not suddenly cancel the program. wink_o.gif

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I've never known a weapons's manufacturer to cancel a project, only the customer. There are few question marks surrounding the JSF program.

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An-225 read about the timeline when the Chernarus conflict break out. Than reread my post and think of existing US prototypes in Arma2 and missing RUS prototypes...bit one-sided, isnt it?

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The conflict in Chernarus takes place around the year 2011.

The F-35 is expected to be in service by then, albeit in limited numbers.

The F-35 was designed for combat.

The Berkut and MFI were demonstrators. They were never truly intended to fight in a conflict. To have MFIs and Berkuts full of Aphids and Alamos would be stretching it.

The truth is, that by 2011, Russia will have nothing that really compares to the over-hyped pile of crap that is the F-35. PAK FA will still be a prototype.

I am having trouble finding photos of the Berkuts cockpit - forget the 1.44.

How do BIS simulate something that was never intended for combat? They can easily replicate the F-35 or the XM8. There are ordnance lists out there for the F-35. To implement those prototypes would destroy the realism.

To try and balance the game could possibly destroy the realism - the VVS use aircraft that can take high AOA maneuvers, the USAF, now use stealthy aircraft.

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There are already the Ka-52 and Su-34 in Arma II, of which the RuAF currently operates perhaps 10 units each. Not exactly a realistic representation of the current RuAF either.

I agree that the F-35 is a bit of a strech, but in a slight alternative universe (*cough* Chernarus) one could say that they do combat evaluation in Chernarus.

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Fair point on the Kamovs and Sukhois too. It's really as balanced as it will be for both sides without creating fictional airplanes, like in Ace Combat, or creating fictional renditions of airplanes, like loading an Su-47.

I do realise, however, that the BIS KA-52 cockpit may just be guess work, as I do believe there is no known photograph of the Alligator's cockpit.

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Imho F-22 or upgraded F15 + F/A-18 would be closer to real world. On Russian side some modern MiG-29 or SU-30 variants would fit. But the hyped F-35 JSF doesnt fit very well into this scenario around autumn 2009 (Campaign presskit).

Beside prototype issues - it would be good to see how good the AI is using weapons+vehicles in Arma2.

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Ak101 is export rifle, russians don't use it, ak107 is actually the proper replacement to the ak74.

I never knew they it was going to replace the AK74M with the 107...

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An-225 read about the timeline when the Chernarus conflict break out. Than reread my post and think of existing US prototypes in Arma2 and missing RUS prototypes...bit one-sided, isnt it?

To be honest mate I don't think it will, The F-35 is not a true fighter. ITs supposed to replace the A-10, Harrier and F-16 in ground attack/fighter-bomber roles. Ruskies have the SU-25, yes alot older, but still more than able to turn tanks into scrap metal. smile_o.gif

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Ak101 is export rifle, russians don't use it, ak107 is actually the proper replacement to the ak74.

I never knew they it was going to replace the AK74M with the 107...

Me to, I was under the impression the entire AK-100 series were export rifles.

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How are arty kills awarded? The observer or the gunner?

Ideally for those to whom it matters, the score per kill would be split 50/50. Though honestly it'd just be as well if no one is credited for the kills.

Personally I couldn't care less about the score. In fact I would like the possibility of only showing your own score on the scoreboard. Or not at all. And yes, even after mission has ended. I don't really like the idea of artillery scores at all, since they would be 'too easy' to obtain for 'score whores'.

I've been asked if it is possible with a scripted solution for adding scores in missions, since they tend to use shells created by scripts and have no 'owner' (?). I don't think I will pursue this. The reason I ask is that ArmA2 seems to promise something more than direct fire, and I'd like to know what my future possibilities are.

I will say this though. If arty scores are awarded, the penalty for friendly kills should be -10 in score per kill, maybe even more.

I realize that the copperhead isn't a realistic round for the M119. But if 155mm howitzers are not implemented, I'd rather have an M119 with copperhead than live without. Proper models will come later as addons, and we have a simulated laser guided round that doesn't involve scripting.

Speaking of artillery, will there be proper smoke (even WP) rounds? Or how about very bright illumination (compared to the typical scripted M203 flare which are far too weak). I like the idea that fire support can be more than just explosives and mayhemish destruction.

Edit: Fixed important typo.

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Ak101 is export rifle, russians don't use it, ak107 is actually the proper replacement to the ak74.

I never knew they it was going to replace the AK74M with the 107...

Me to, I was under the impression the entire AK-100 series were export rifles.

Nar they all are not only export, ak-101 ak-102 and ak-108 are for export since they fire Nato ammo, ak-74m is essentially ak-100.

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I am glad to see mortars and artillery being bought to bear, as an old 11C and 13B. Nothing would be cooler then doing a lazy W illumination mission for an advancing armor line, or laying down some willy pete, except doing a "Battalion Fire for effect" mission.  pistols.gif

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I have a noob question,

How can I spawn with an M4 CCO SD in the editor.

I don't see it in the Units layer, under type.


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To be honest mate I don't think it will, The F-35 is not a true fighter. ITs supposed to replace the A-10, Harrier and F-16 in ground attack/fighter-bomber roles.

I like this joke. The joke made by politicians that is, that they want to replace the A-10 with a soft-as-cotton airplane that can't even be used in the same kind of role.

I mean... actually *having* something to replace the A-10 with would be a good start... Like maybe.. a Su-39? :P

As for the weapons in ArmA2 I'm quite happy. Everything I expected to be there is there. I just miss a light mortar, since the 81/82mm ones packs too much of a punch for good gameplay.

Oh, and the M136, RPG-7 and SPG-9... especially the first and last of them... Why did they have to be violated so much as making them into soft-launch rocket launchers? The M136 is a 'hard-launch' rocket launcher, more resembling a recoilless rifle than a rocket launcher, and the SPG-9 IS a recoilless gun (albeit a low-pressure one, using a brief (BRIEF! Not entire flight!) rocket booster to propel the charge after firing)! If anything it should belong to the Cannon type weapons.

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