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nz oram

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i have played opf and am currently keeping watch on ofp2 and now starting to look at arma can any one awnser these questions please

is the destructible enviroments

can limbs be blown off

can tress fall down

and if a tree falls down in the woods and no one is there to here it does it make a sound

thank you

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i have played opf and am currently keeping watch on ofp2 and now starting to look at arma can any one awnser these questions please

is the destructible enviroments

can limbs be blown off

can tress fall down

and if a tree falls down in the woods and no one is there to here it does it make a sound

thank you

confused_o.gif I'm gonna beat this guy for his crappy questions

1. It's partially destructible, hit in the stomach

2. Limbs won't blow up, go play GEoW2, hit in the nuts

3. Trees fall down, hit in chest

4. maybe, wave the body in the air!

HI, welcome to the forums, have a nice stay welcome.gif

PS. Offence in this post is meant as a joke help.gif

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I uh, find it hard to understand you nz oram. Try a little punctuation, capital letters etc.

The environment is destructable, but not everything is as accurately modelled to look good.

Limbs can't be blown off I think. Maybe this'd raise the age limit?

Trees fall down from expliosions and tanks crushing them.(are you an enemy of Greenpeace by any chance?)

The last question was incredibly vague so I can't answer it.

Hope I helped.


P.s. you gave me a good chuckle Raphier. ^^

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1. Quasi-destructible houses and if my memory of screenies are correct, the terrain itself is likely to crater like in VBS2.

2. Nup, likely to be similar to Arma (as in, supermanning corpses).

3. From what's been posted, similar to ArmA. Whether they're still obstacles or block AI vision when they fall down is another matter (methinks not, sadly).

4. What is the sound of one hand clapping? No finger curls allowed.

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"Limbs blow off"

DUH... !! crazy_o.gif

Seriously, these questions literally sound like you just came back from Fallout 3 or GoW2 and you want all these hyped buff in ArmA wow_o.gif

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Or maybe he just came back from Red Orchestra ..  wink_o.gif

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Why does it matter what he was just playing?

1.) Partially

2.) Doubt it

3.) Yes

4.) Answer from wikiAnswer:

Quote[/b] ]Everything that vibrates the air creates the potential for sound, regardless of what conscious being is there to perceive it in the first place. If there is nobody is there to perceive it occurring, then it could not exist as sound, only vibration.

Sound is a subjective interaction with matter. All that sound is, is vibrations through a medium, without humans to perceive it, those vibrations that we call sound, when the tree fell, would make vibrations, but "sound" as we know it, couldn't exist, since no conscious being was there to interpret those vibrations.

EDIT: The above answer to #4 was the first answer I found and may not be completely accurate. Believe it at your own risk. I may or may not disagree.

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Whether or not a fallen tree makes a sound depends on how the game is coded. The game might process the command to create a sound even if the player is too far to hear it at all, but then again it might not.

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Wonder if the tree collision is kept after the tree is down this time around...? mmmm collision detection.

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then its maybe like Jakerod's quote. A soundevent is triggered but no player receive it. So there is no sound^^

Actually in that case there is a sound because the game classifies it as such. In a game there are no vibrations, just a source of sound and the specified sound itself. You can't call it anything else than sound because that's all it is.

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Limbs can't be blown off I think. Maybe this'd raise the age limit?

OFP 1 and ArmA 1 both were rated "M" in the United States.

Soldier of Fortune was rated "M" and it had more gore than both ArmA 1 and OFP 1 combined.

I think gore would be a great addition, but it would have to be realistic.

No Makarov pistols blowing off legs, etc.

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Heh for a game thats rated "M", a puff of red smoke that represents blood coming off a bullet wound is an interesting way to make it "mature".


1. Partially destructible. confused_o.gif

2. Limbs won't blow up. sad_o.gif

3. Trees fall down. smile_o.gif

4. Of course! smile_o.gif

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Hey i had loads of fun with that addon in OFP where you COULD actually blow limbs off and even disintegrate the whole into pieces ... it also had skeleton units and such ... blowing parts would make nice additon for all zombie mods and gore fanatics out there.. and another gamestyle ArmA can/could simulate, it will never end ... :D arma(b) rules!

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My input as a five time combat vet is always unpopular:

"Movie Gore" is not realistic.

Yes, I have seen limbs severed from the body. There was not blood squirting 4 feet in the air. Just a limb severed from the body. Couple of times, I saw people carrying their own limbs.

My first kill was shooting someone in the neck using an Acog 4X scope. There was no blood splatter flying through the air and covering nearby objects. The guy's head did not fall halfway off. There was a hole where the bullet went in. He fell. No flipping in the air or any of that BS.

Saw a guy shot square in the head. He just fell. No flipping over or anything. Just went totally limp and fell to the ground.

Shotgun blasts have to send people reeling and body parts flying right? Nope. They just make a big hole if the range is close enough or a bunch of small holes from father away. The person who was shot did not go flying backwards through the air. They just doubled over, fell, and died.

No gamlour, no big pools of blood, no veins flying around and squiting blood like mad, etc etc

For video game players, combat reality would be rather boring. No glamor, no movie gore. Just doing your job and hoping you see tomorrow.

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You've made your point -Total-. :(

Call me old, but I don't see the need of gore. I played the last COD and I tought there was too much unreasonable/senseless violence. That was not even to try mimicking the real world or a real combat warfare. That was pure stupidity.

I really don't need that in a game.

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i have played opf and am currently keeping watch on ofp2 and now starting to look at arma can any one awnser these questions please

is the destructible enviroments

can limbs be blown off

can tress fall down

and if a tree falls down in the woods and no one is there to here it does it make a sound

thank you

1) Yes. ArmA 2 has a destructible Environment

2) Can Limbs be blown up. Don't know about that one.

3) Yes. Trees can fall down. And other things to.

4) Yes. The tree will still make a sound. And give some poor bird a heart attack.

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That depends on what you mean by 'environment' and 'destructible'. Some damage will show buildings before they 'implode', and trees can get blown down. I think the questions were more aptly answered above.

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Originally Posted by [b

Quote[/b] ]Everything that vibrates the air creates the potential for sound, regardless of what conscious being is there to perceive it in the first place. If there is nobody is there to perceive it occurring, then it could not exist as sound, only vibration.

Sound is a subjective interaction with matter. All that sound is, is vibrations through a medium, without humans to perceive it, those vibrations that we call sound, when the tree fell, would make vibrations, but "sound" as we know it, couldn't exist, since no conscious being was there to interpret those vibrations.

I have a couple of issues with this quote. Is this actually from Wiki?

First, I'm not wanting to upset someone but the grammer is not too good for one, it looks like it's been put through an internet translator. This may be the case but this is not my main concern...

Second, it seems to imply that humans are the only "conscious" beings capable of interpreting vibrations as sound. Like we are in some way superior.

This makes me want to remind people that we are the only species of animal that has existed in the known history of the planet that is knowingly destroying the world in which we live and threatening our own existance.

And that's not particulaly good grammer either but hey, nobody's perfect.

I believe the scientific world uses the term "an observer". I read a good book called Shroedingers cat that covers the obscurities of quantum physics and how it is "an observer" that makes things real. It kinda messes with your head a bit but I can recommend it to anyone who wants to try and understand how we think the universe works.

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I don't think that an observer in quantum mechanics is necessarily a conscious being either.

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I uh, find it hard to understand you nz oram. Try a little punctuation, capital letters etc.

The environment is destructable, but not everything is as accurately modelled to look good.

Limbs can't be blown off I think. Maybe this'd raise the age limit?

Trees fall down from expliosions and tanks crushing them.(are you an enemy of Greenpeace by any chance?)

The last question was incredibly vague so I can't answer it.

Hope I helped.


P.s. you gave me a good chuckle Raphier. ^^

I think his last question was meant as a joke. The old saying, "If a tree falls down in the woods and noone is there to hear it does it make a sound?"

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i have played opf and am currently keeping watch on ofp2 and now starting to look at arma can any one awnser these questions please

is the destructible enviroments

can limbs be blown off

can tress fall down

and if a tree falls down in the woods and no one is there to here it does it make a sound

thank you

why in gods name do you watch OFP2 when you are a OFP veteran? Dont get fooled by CM marketing strategy, they just "stole" the name of BIS but the original predessor will be ARMA/ARMA2.

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Ehm, I'm watching it too. I'm perfectly aware of the name situation. I'm also a OFP veteran. Does watching OFP:DR evolve make me a bad person or bad fan? To me they are both 'games'. Let the best game 'win', although I'm pretty sure they both will have their own strong and weakpoints. I'm naturally hoping that ArmA2 comes out the winner. I'm kind of scared what the future will hold if they don't. Both for me as a mil sim gamer, and BIS future games.

Yes, I was keeping a watch on Stalker, COD4, and FarCry2 too. Doesn't make my 'feelings' any different.

As for the limbs. I wouldn't mind it, but there are far more important stuff to consentrate on. As a combat engineer (conscripted traning, never saw battle), my lieutenant told me some ugly stories from his 'old days' clearing minefields. He lost a good friend to a mine (booby trapped AT mine I think), and said what you see in the movies are not true at all: In movies people are just flying from the blast. In real life they they would still fly, but not all parts would be attached. Yuck.

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i have played opf and am currently keeping watch on ofp2 and now starting to look at arma can any one awnser these questions please

is the destructible enviroments

can limbs be blown off

can tress fall down

and if a tree falls down in the woods and no one is there to here it does it make a sound

thank you

Hahahahaa, nice one!

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