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avibird 1

Good bye to the consoles! WOW

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Will the release of ArmA 2 on consoles have some time delays?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide any information regarding the release of ArmA 2 on consoles.

Will the release of ArmA 2 on consoles have some time delays?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide any information regarding the release of ArmA 2 on consoles.

Will the release of ArmA 2 on consoles have some time delays?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide any information regarding the release of ArmA 2 on consoles.

WoW, oh my god, WTF, oh shit and many other words came to my mind when I saw this statement from BI.

What the hell this is not CIA or KGB stuff It's a game. The game will been done soon and the release date within a few months and they still can't give any information if they will make a console game or not this is a load of bull.

I can tell you BI you will lose most of the console market because you give us no choice but to go with OFPDR and never look back at you.

If you told us that we needed to wait for a year we would but you don't even know if you are going to port the game over at this time. Then just tell us the truth.

Due to money we don't know if we can make a console game we need to see how sales go and if we (BI) really can make this game work on the consoles.

If you guys told us the truth we would stay here and hope for the best and still support you in this forum. We would still tell our console friends about this game until the day the console game is done.

The truth is I am done with this forum and will give myself to codemasters and OFPDR and help build that console community not yours because I would be wasting my time here like I have been.

Wow my dad had a good saying - (THAT THE TRUTH HURTS SOMETIMES). He was so right.

I will soon see all my XBOX LIVE boys on OFPDR!

Number 1 status..............dam AVIBIRD 1 down!


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The limits on a console suck anyways. Consoles would dumb down the game and im glad that PC is a priority for a game with such magnitude. OFPDR looks like an arcade game so I would see it being aimed at the consoles.

Have fun!

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If they took a chance and announced a console version, but then couldn't do it because of financial/technical or other reasons, you would claimed that BI lied when there is no console game after all.

The bottom line is that they don't know if and when, and what you are asking for is therefore unreasonable.

As soon as they know for sure, they have no reason not to tell us. Now they are probably putting all focus on the upcoming PC release,

something which is a GOOD thing for the consoles, since it will be the same game ported.

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they are still working on finishing the game, i think they will port it after its done on PC

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That interview was published on January 1, well over 2 months ago, and as far as I can tell it's saying the exact same thing we already knew at the time. But what do I care? Since you're done with this forum I guess you won't even read this, so what's the point of even creating this thread?

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Will the release of ArmA 2 on consoles have some time delays?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide any information regarding the release of ArmA 2 on consoles.

Will the release of ArmA 2 on consoles have some time delays?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide any information regarding the release of ArmA 2 on consoles.

Will the release of ArmA 2 on consoles have some time delays?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide any information regarding the release of ArmA 2 on consoles.

WoW, oh my god, WTF, oh shit and many other words came to my mind when I saw this statement from BI.

What the hell this is not CIA or KGB stuff It's a game. The game will been done soon and the release date within a few months and they still can't give any information if they will make a console game or not this is a load of bull.

I can tell you BI you will lose most of the console market because you give us no choice but to go with OFPDR and never look back at you.  

If you told us that we needed to wait for a year we would but you don't even know if you are going to port the game over at this time. Then just tell us the truth.

Due to money we don't know if we can make a console game we need to see how sales go and if we (BI) really can make this game work on the consoles.

If you guys told us the truth we would stay here and hope for the best and still support you in this forum. We would still tell our console friends about this game until the day the console game is done.

The truth is I am done with this forum and will give myself to codemasters and OFPDR and help build that console community not yours because I would be wasting my time here like I have been.

Wow my dad had a good saying - (THAT THE TRUTH HURTS SOMETIMES). He was so right.

I will  soon see all my XBOX LIVE boys on OFPDR!

Number 1 status..............dam AVIBIRD 1 down!

wow_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  mad_o.gif  sad_o.gif  confused_o.gif  goodnight.gif

Grow up and stop whining, attention seeking creep.

Just buy the game for your pc and play it untill the xbox360 version comes out, then when it does come out buy it for the xbox360 and play it.

Not rocket science is it?

Don't come back giving us crap about not being able to afford both, then just buy one or the other. I'd like to own a Ferrari but i can't afford it. Life's not fair deal with it.

You could always go back to codemasters forum and cream over DragonRising, i'm sure they got a great console game just for you.

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Will the release of ArmA 2 on consoles have some time delays?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide any information regarding the release of ArmA 2 on consoles.

They didnt say there not going to release on Consoles just that they have no info about a release on consoles at this time.

AVIBIRD 1 please dont give up on Arma2 on consoles over 1 interview, have faith in BIS, Even if we have to wait for a Console release it will be worth it.

I dont trust Codemasters as far as i could throw them.


Quote[/b] ]The limits on a console suck anyways. Consoles would dumb down the game and im glad that PC is a priority for a game with such magnitude

Theres features in OFPE that were not in the Vanilla OFP release, Depth of field, Streaming Terrain, Ricochets, Lightning in Stormy weather, Grass, Rainbows, plus other improvements,

Yeah it has its down sides, No mod support, No scripting, Limited Editor, among others, but it was defernetly not dumbed down just optamised for the console.

So theres no reason that Arma2 couldnt be realsed on a Console in a Optimised version,

I hope that BIS do release a Console vesion of Arma 2, anyway for BIS to increase there profits and fanbase is a good thing right?  

And for the record ive played OFP and Arma on PC since there release and still do, and OFPE on the Xbox, and enjoy both versions for different reasons.

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Theres features in OFPE that were not in the Vanilla OFP release, Depth of field, Streaming Terrain, Ricochets, Lightning in Stormy weather, Grass, Rainbows, plus other improvements,

But the thing is, it was released in 05, 4 years after OFP.

Anyway, I'm personally looking forward to both games, but I know what will be the sim and what will be "fun". ArmA2 is best suited to PC (as is any ground-breaking/next-gen game or simulation) mainly due to the hardware limitations of a console and the fact that the inputs for a console are just not as effective as a PC.

But anyway, they weren't even saying it won't be released for consoles as was said earlier, I too am glad PC is the priority, with a port for console. Best begin big and crop small.

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I was listening to some music in my headphones, when suddenly a loud interference came through drowning out the soundtrack to Leon the Professional. At first it sounded like garbled static, then it cleared up and became what could be easily identified as a loud transmission of some very severe case of butthurt. Now I know where the source of all this "butthurt" came from. Thanks a lot Avibird 1 for interrupting what was a rather enjoyable afternoon of Eric Serra.

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I couldn't a flying f*&^ if it dont make it to consols rofl.gif

But as said above-it doesnt say there not going to release it on consols.

If they do then it will be a bonus for the consol ppl. smile_o.gif

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Pfftt...I can never see ArmA 2 on consoles, we'll just get lots of console gamers coming and complaining on our forums like the guy who made this topic.

OFPDR is suited for consoles because it's not a Military Simulation, it's closer to the COD Series than the ArmA Series to be honest.

AVIBIRD 1, Get off these forums right now if you want to be a OPFDR Troll and accuse BI of doing something that has actually not been confirmed. Go and play with your 'boys' on OPFDR, we couldn't care less if you go actually.

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The limits on a console suck anyways. Consoles would dumb down the game and im glad that PC is a priority for a game with such magnitude. OFPDR looks like an arcade game so I would see it being aimed at the consoles.

Have fun!

please go back to your pc.

I stay on this forums, because i still believe they are gonna release it on consoles, i have faith

And besides everyone is a bit harsh against him, i would be dissapointed to if it would not come to consoles.

And he is right on 1 point, Bis needs to release some info about the consoles

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You could always just open the Xbox360, remove all hardware, open your PC, remove all hardware and put it in the Xbox360, connect stuff, attach a screen and play Arma 2 on your Xbox.

Or doesn't that count?

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The status has always shown as TBD, nothing in those answers is any different, there are existing console threads, please use them before starting new ones.

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To provide some more "insider info" about console development. The obligatory rule with titles published on consoles is that until you can announce exact details about the title, including a publisher, you cannot publicly confirm anything about the console title, not even the fact you are developing the title on the console.

Hence we cannot confirm anything and the status of the console versions stays TBD.

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