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ArmA feedback thread - based on Beta Patch 1.15

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Patch doesn't fix shit with my 4870X2. Just like many features of 1.14 didn't fix what they said they would, and memory error is still there.

In other words, the patch is still for old computers and anyone with Vista / decent hardware should stay away. Beta or not, release notes say the issue is 'fixed' - it is not.

X48 DS4


8GB Ram (changed to 3GB for game)


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I had posted this in the 1.14 feedback thread. But it belongs to here. =)

PLEASE BIS, bring back the deflected FOV "bug" caused by deleting the TrackIR +tZ.

It wasn't a bad bug, at least for those people that doesn't like the 1.14 FOV:


This is really nice, and I'm sad to see it gone now.

but thanks for the new patch anyway, BIS.

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Patch doesn't fix shit with my 4870X2. Just like many features of 1.14 didn't fix what they said they would, and memory error is still there.

In other words, the patch is still for old computers and anyone with Vista / decent hardware should stay away. Beta or not, release notes say the issue is 'fixed' - it is not.

X48 DS4


8GB Ram (changed to 3GB for game)


Hi Philljc

I am running the following..

Vista 64 sp 1


8 GB Ram


and after first applying the patch I still got the black screen. I was using ATI Catalyst 8.11. So I updated to 8.12, rebooted the PC and hey presto... the game runs without having to use the -windowed option. Thx Bis.. If anything else pops up I will report it.

good luck Philljc

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Hi Philljc

I am running the following..

Vista 64 sp 1


8 GB Ram


and after first applying the patch I still got the black screen.  I was using ATI Catalyst 8.11.  So I updated to 8.12, rebooted the PC and hey presto... the game runs without having to use the -windowed option.  Thx Bis.. If anything else pops up I will report it.

good luck Philljc

I already had 8.12's from GTAIV.

I don't get a white / black screen, I get into the game and a message always pops up in the background saying ARMA is using too much memory and I should close it.

Then I'll get to the mission loading and almost immediately it will crash with another memory error. I have rebooted, tried SO many different settings and reinstalled the games 5 effing times which takes ages.

I'm thinking of putting the disc in a blender then putting it on Youtube, at least someone will get some enjoyment out of the piece of crap. You can see threads I've made in the past, nothing is going to fix this thing.

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I did not realised how used to the FOV (track ir bug) I had become... please add a customiseable feature for people who have rather large monitors..

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Quote[/b] ]To all with FOV issues: I'm using the unafov 1.1 addon and I  don't seem to have any FOV issues after 1.15. (I'm using the 1.08 FOV values.)

You cannot use UNAfov on all servers, in SP its best solution, but not in MP.

@[CAS] Daniel

Answer is above my post biggrin_o.gif

Personally I prefer UNAfov but on some servers I just have to use this, let's say "bug" ;p

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Quote[/b] ]n other words, the patch is still for old computers and anyone with Vista / decent hardware should stay away. Beta or not, release notes say the issue is 'fixed' - it is not.

X48 DS4


8GB Ram (changed to 3GB for game)


what are you talking about?? my computer is:

AMD athlon x2 64 3800+ 2gh

4GB ram

nvidia 9600GT 512mb

running under vista 64!!!!...

with this patch the game runs better for me, no crashes, bether fps. Al textures in very high and no popping textures...

Better distance of view and better fps than in 1.14.

So watch what are you saying, its possible that the problem that experiences a person with the game is not for all users.

For the user that says :

Quote[/b] ]I'm wondering, could I expect better performance with this patch on my PC?

Just the other day I uninstalled ArmA after experiencing poor results with my new rig. On Rahmadi, with just me and the seagulls I was lucky to reach 27fps at 1680x1050 (xp) with view distance about 3/4 up the slider. I thought, oh well, my new PC's just too good for ArmA.

To be specific:

Core i7 940.

Radeon 4870 X2 2GB.

6 gigs DDR3 memory.


decrease the FOV at maximun 1500-2500meters, learn to configure the game and think in witch game you have more than 1000-1500m of field of view... with this level of detail.

With my modest computer I have bether fps than you and my computer is worst, so the problem is that you´re doing something wrong, not is a game problem. So I admit this game requires too much pc than games with better graphics.

People I play with using ATI card 4870 and FOV 5000 meters had much bether fps than me. So Its a problem of configuration. The people I´m refering had monitors of 1600x1024, in that resolution more or less.

I play in 1280x1024.

Regards and merry chrismas!!!!

PD: sorry about my english so i´m spanish...

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You cannot use UNAfov on all servers, in SP its best solution, but not in MP.

Sorry, didn't know that - I only play SP.

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I can't get UNAFOV to work with arma 1.15 everything is still zoomed in. Pure horror driving a truck or flying a helicopter.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Another thing is that the map problem with widescreen resolutions is still there.

Watch this small movie to see what bug I mean:

http://lee.plankton.ch/Mapbug.wmv (right klick save as...)

Look at the mouse arrow, it should be over the watch all the time, but when you move it to the borders it goes away.

Impossible to click on "plan/group/etc".


I have to point the mouse at a.) to click on b.)

MfG Lee

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Quote[/b] ]what are you talking about?? my computer is:

AMD athlon x2 64 3800+ 2gh

4GB ram

nvidia 9600GT 512mb

running under vista 64!!!!...

Sounds like an old enough computer to me. Your video card has 512MB of VRAM, mine has 2GB. You have 4GB of ram, I have 8. And your processor is like 2 years old and is running DC @ 2ghz, mine is DC @ 3.16ghz.

Thank you for proving my point.

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ArmA runs great on my rig:

AthlonXP 3200+ @2.2Ghz

2GB DDR (PC3200) RAM in Dual-Channel mode

MSI GeForce 7600GS 512MB RAM AGP Card

Creative Audigy 2

WinXP Prof. SP2 32 bit / Vista Home Premium SP1 32 bit

ArmA worked great before this patch too. nener.gif

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Patch doesn't fix shit with my 4870X2. Just like many features of 1.14 didn't fix what they said they would, and memory error is still there.

In other words, the patch is still for old computers and anyone with Vista / decent hardware should stay away. Beta or not, release notes say the issue is 'fixed' - it is not.

X48 DS4


8GB Ram (changed to 3GB for game)


I have Vista64 6GB of ram, GF 8800 GTX, E6750 and it runs a lot better and more stable then 1.14.

Drawing the conclusion that the patch "fixes nothing" is quite retarded, based on a one system experience.

Maybe you should look into the problem a bit deeper, trying different hard and software configurations. Most importantly: don't advise people to stay away from this very good patch.

Also the 4870 X2 is actually 2 GPU's on one board. This might sound good but it isn't allways. These dual GPU cards are known to have issues in numerous games. Maybe get some advice on which crossfire profile to use for the game. Untill all VGA's are dual GPU i'm staying away from these things.

Allthough i don't know if anyone else has this VGA and has no problem at all.

Besides all this, new hardware is known to have issues more often then seasoned hardware. (Yes that's why mainboards etc have version numbers too!wink_o.gif

-Does the game run in windowed mode?

-Can you test the game on the same system using a different VGA?

-Have you tried different drivers

-maybe the issue with large PC RAM memory combined with Ati card in Vista is solved, but there is an issue with large GPU memory?

I understand your frustration, but the patch IS beta after all, so try and see if you can give the developers some good feedback they can use to get the problem sorted.

Is there anyone here with Vista64, more then 4GB Ram and the same VGA that doesn't have the same problem?

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I can't get UNAFOV to work with arma 1.15 everything is still zoomed in. Pure horror driving a truck or flying a helicopter.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Another thing is that the map problem with widescreen resolutions is still there.

Watch this small movie to see what bug I mean:

http://lee.plankton.ch/Mapbug.wmv (right klick save as...)

Look at the mouse arrow, it should be over the watch all the time, but when you move it to the borders it goes away.

Impossible to click on "plan/group/etc".


I have to point the mouse at a.) to click on b.)

MfG Lee

you messed around with the FOV setting in your profile file and that's why it's doing that.

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Quote[/b] ]I have Vista64 6GB of ram, GF 8800 GTX, E6750 and it runs a lot better and more stable then 1.14.


I finally got it to run after doing a full system format and using the exact same drivers. Now that it actually goes in game, any time I turn around or face any new direction objects appear as solid textures, trees, men, buildings and take around 4 seconds to load up even though my system isn't lagging and theres no FPS drop. If that isn't poor coding then I don't know what is.

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If that isn't poor coding then I don't know what is.

Drop the moaning attitude.

-If you reinstalled windows:is your Vista SP1? If not immediatly install SP1.

-Is there anyone out here with the same VGA that recognises this problem.

-Are you sure there's not some kind of background VISTA process running (Vista loves defragging, prefetching and doing loads of other useless crap in the background, as stuff gets loaded by streaming in the Arma engine, this may also cause this kind of behaviour)

Again the "bad coding" may not at all be on BIS's side. I've seen my fair share of problems with ATI and NVIDIA drivers in all sorts of games over the years.

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another shitty patch

-same low fps in a powerful formated system

-shitty fov

thank you bis for the patch...I am a fanboy. yay.gif

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The new patch make arma run great on my Vista 64 machine now. The only thing I want to mention is in regards to the Warfare 1.2 that came with the patch. As side from the error I get at startup talking about Common_GetTeamStatus.sqf I would like to make a request that I'm sure has been made before. Please, please, pretty-please add a BOMBER Su34 to the opfor Jet Factory so that it isnt just the Americans that can drop laser guided bombs. As it is right now the US get both the AA and GBU Harriers, while the Opfor are limited to only the AA Su34, The AT Su34 isn't even available.


PLEASE!!!! By the Hammer of Thor! Put a Su34 that has Laser guided bombs into warfare. I'm begging you.

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-same low fps in a powerful formated system

If your system really is powerful then low FPS is likely to be a problem on your side. My old PC is running the game great at 1440x900 at 4xAA.

How about some details?

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Drop the moaning attitude.

-If you reinstalled windows:is your Vista SP1? If not immediatly install SP1.

-Is there anyone out here with the same VGA that recognises this problem.

-Are you sure there's not some kind of background VISTA process running (Vista loves defragging, prefetching and doing loads of other useless crap in the background, as stuff gets loaded by streaming in the Arma engine, this may also cause this kind of behaviour)

Again the "bad coding" may not at all be on BIS's side. I've seen my fair share of problems with ATI and NVIDIA drivers in all sorts of games over the years.

I know what I'm doing. Its a formatted system with Vista SP1 Ultimate, there is nothing running in the background except ATI's control center. Notice again the new comment on how it works better on an OLDER system, stop trying to make out as if its running well on new ones with no problems. My old PC with a 8800GTX was the only one I've had that would actually run the game - but hey they are PC's and they need to be upgraded, and with that, 'usually' games run better. Not worse.

As long as I am spending money on PC parts, and a paid version of the game that I cannot play after well exceeding the requirements, I will have a moaning attitude until it works to a satisfactory state. In case you didn't notice, the topic description also says to post bad feedback as well as good - thats kind of how it works, and not just what you want to hear because it works well for you.

Here is a video of the texture problem. Skip to 2:08 - might be hard to see at that quality.


edit: After making that vid and setting everything to the lowest possible choice, at 1024 x 768, the texture problem is still there. What an absolute joke.

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How much memory do you have and what speed? I had that problem when I only had 1gb of ram (I assume you have a lot). Do you use the -maxmem command? I know you're pissed that it doesn't work, but Arma is an old game at its core (almost a decade now..poseidon,ofp,resistance,arma). My new computer can't run ofp very well, and its recommended specs are a pentium 3/4 700mhz with 256mb of ram. Basically instead of running old games really well, new computers just become incompatible with old code. Hopefully Arma2 will have been built to handle current as well as future tech.

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Actually Operation Flashpoint GOTY runs flawlessly with everything maxed. As well as Deus ex and a tonne of older games.

ARMA a decade old lol? It's like 3 years or so.

I tried maxmem, I tried every code I could find. Nothing helps those pop ins, you can see in the vid nothing is lagging you can just stare at an object for up to 8 seconds sometimes until its all fully loaded.

I doubt 2GB (or even 1GB) of VRAM is not enough to run everything at high even on 1024 x 768 without pop ins.

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Actually Operation Flashpoint GOTY runs flawlessly with everything maxed. As well as Deus ex and a tonne of older games.

ARMA a decade old lol? It's like 3 years or so.

I tried maxmem, I tried every code I could find. Nothing helps those pop ins, you can see in the vid nothing is lagging you can just stare at an object for up to 8 seconds sometimes until its all fully loaded.

I doubt 2GB (or even 1GB) of VRAM is not enough to run everything at high even on 1024 x 768 without pop ins.

Is you hard drive light flashing like crazy? Seems maybe the HD is taking too long to load things. What is your page file set to? Reduce it to 2GB if it's more than that.


Quote[/b] ]-maxmem=900

Probably wont help though.

I see your graphics card is one of those dual GPU things, that might not be working in your favour here sad_o.gif

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Is you hard drive light flashing like crazy? Seems maybe the HD is taking too long to load things. What is your page file set to? Reduce it to 2GB if it's more than that.

I have ARMA installed on a seperate HDD (a game one) to the Windows HDD. Would that cause a problem? Should I be changing the page file of one of them or both? Also, unlike older games again, Armed assault doesn't recognise its in a x64 bit environment. Usually games that are meant for 32bit install to program files (x86) - Armed assault doesn't.

And at the end of each install I get an error that there isn't enough space to install the game (apparently 960GB isn't enough) but it installs anyway.

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