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It's uncomfortable as hell!

Well what is what you get with this type of combat system.

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lol that building falls down at such a ridiculously fast speed just like some of the buildings in ArmA 1 and I cant believe the Javelin is exactly the same.... The whole targeting system and the way the missile launchers needs to be fixed.

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I haven't played OFP that much, but it looks OFPish in my opinion. (ArmA2

The PC Dome reviewer guy said it on his website that the vids he recorded are taken at NORMAL graphics settigns,

Edited by ziiip

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The whole atmoshphere with sounds and landscape combined in this video is just incredible, cant wait to hear how they will replace those robotic voices though...

PS. Audio seems to lag behind in all his videos or is it just me?

No it isn't just you.

But the whole atmosphere is so amazing... the detail of the village... I really can see a lot of improvements.

I'm expecting there will be some bugs, like when Operation Flashpoint and ARMA were released. But they will be solved in due time by BIS (with the help of this fantastic comunity).

I'll pre order it right now.

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Mein God, the "new" building destruction is the same crap! The CQC is still shitty and I could go on and go on, but everything it's the same as in ArmA1...


I understand what you mean and feel, but i hope you are not forgetting that AI is better now, more precise in their paths. Its the only thing that apparently is different.

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I like how some seem toa expect soem kind of new Jesus in game shape.

For every new thing BIS added there are ten guys saying of these lazy bastards why didnt they add xyz to the game...

Take it or leave it at this phase things like cqb will most likely not change much anymore.

This aint CoD or somethign like it where its easy to train the AI to do specular things in the little enviroments full of scripts.

I like what i saw especially in the first video it gave me a really nice OFP flashback with a tear of joy in my eyes...

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just find one question, where is the bullet crack gone?

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"UNKNOWN Men, front, dangerously close to us"

"UNKNOWN Men, right of us, damn close"

That doesn't sound right at all.

I think it adds more flavour to the game.

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While it sounds more or less good when you read it it mus be:

"UNKNOWN MEN [shouting], right of us [pacefully], DAMN CLOSE BITHC!11["Any movie in which Chris Rock is" voice]"

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"UNKNOWN Men, front, dangerously close to us"

Well the ones with just "front" dont sound right at all

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Why the screenies look 100 times worse than the video itself is beyond me ???? Resize issue again?

Edited by Cross

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When i first played Armed Assault, i hated the controls, they where so unforgifing, fps crashes made aiming nearly impossible etc. But with better hardware and a bunch of patches, alot of playing i really got used to them. The only problem i have with houses, if you are not able to turn around in hallways, can't reload walking and some minor things. But the "difficult" controls makes a part of the game for me, because there's so many things to learn, you'll never master all of it.

The whole game is in that style, you feel retarded at the beginning and then you get up to it. Not like the "hey you are a superhero, kill everyone, save the world EPIC! EPIC! games"

As i know the media we are recieving at the moment is from a two month old preview version for the press. Allso they have said that they have so many features on a list which would be interesting, they could go on working for 4 jears.

About the bullet cracks. I allso heard about that they are really loud in reality, that is one feature i really like to have in game but jeah... wait and see

(http://dslyecxi.com/bestoftactical3.html at "Supersonic Bullets & Making Combat Sound Authentic" you got it really good illustrate how it sounds to be shot at... defenitly not nice!)

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Really, if somethings aint broken, dont fix it!

The clock indicator is very useful in mid to long range engagements

I aint saying that the "enemy at front" speech is bad, it just that they are only good for CQC

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I love the video, pre ordering right now

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About the bullet cracks. I allso heard about that they are really loud in reality,

They are not loud.

2 years in army and 6 month in iraq.

quite a lot of experience, when bullet going over your head and that crack stuff thing.

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They are not loud.

2 years in army and 6 month in iraq.

quite a lot of experience, when bullet going over your head and that crack stuff thing.

Ok, i heard several different things about it, i don't know. I just heard a few .338 passing over, but about 10m above me and the shooters where close, so the crack was nearly the same thime as the firing sound.

I just know how airsoft BB's sound if they wizz around my head :P

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They are not loud.

2 years in army and 6 month in iraq.

quite a lot of experience, when bullet going over your head and that crack stuff thing.

But those cracking sound do scare people because thats the one thing to let you know that you are being shoot at.

Ross Kump in/return to Afghanistan have give people great impression on what it is like to being shoot at

EDIT:changing a few confusing words

Edited by 4 IN 1

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Loud or not, I think we can all agree that they are hear able IRL, and a important part of immersion.

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From what we've seen in those youtube videos, I think it looks fantastic - the atmosphere is OFP-ish, weapons feel, many details, huge landscapes and great graphics etc. etc.

There's only one thing that I hope they will improve and that is destruction of buildings.

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ArmA2 countryside (PC Dome)


YouTube - ArmA2 Urban Fight preview version


YouTube - ArmA2 building destruction test


Noticed how the Enemy AIs reacted in CQB?

They look dumb.. They jump into the middle of the street, point the weapon to us and don't shoot, instead they look to the side.

I know its wip but it scares the crap out the humans when we know the time is passing..

Also the destruction buildings looks exactly the same... Im confused :confused:

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Being a weapon nut, this is not good :( Where is my gun?!!


all, close, dead in the open :(, arma sydrome!


b...b...b.b.b.b.bb....booobs! :D (why are they so evidently open for show, is beyond me )

Edited by Raphier

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Destructible houses was not iplmented in february build, please calm down and be patient, press version is from alpha, no final voiceover, no buildings destruction, not final UI and still some bugs. It for showing basic game conceps and overal atmosphere.

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