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colonel well

alien scorpion ready !

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Warning Dangerous Alien Scorpio Addon !


alienscorpio addon by colonel well

place CW_alienscorpio.pbo into arma\addon directory

find scorpio under independant - colonelwell'addon - alienscorpio

load in editor , an error message appear when you load the mission " sound dead not found " simply clic ok and it's done .


Warning Dangerous Alien Scorpio Addon !


it's a free addon you can make what you want with it , you can modify p3d , textures , and ameliorations it you want !


colonel well

link :


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haha.. I don't get it, they look good.. But why?..

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well.. they look pretty good. still needs some textures.

the main thing is this from the arma.rpt file:

cw_alienscorpio\gray.p3d:0: Bad proxy object definition proxy:\ca\weapons\nvg_proxy.001

cw_alienscorpio\gray.p3d:0: Bad proxy object definition proxy:\ca\weapons\nvg_proxy.002

cw_alienscorpio\gray.p3d:0: Bad proxy object definition proxy:\ca\weapons\nvg_proxy.001

cw_alienscorpio\gray.p3d:0: Bad proxy object definition proxy:\ca\weapons\nvg_proxy.002

cw_alienscorpio\gray.p3d:1: Bad proxy object definition proxy:\ca\weapons\nvg_proxy.01

cw_alienscorpio\gray.p3d:1: Bad proxy object definition proxy:\ca\weapons\nvg_proxy.001

cw_alienscorpio\gray.p3d:1: Bad proxy object definition proxy:\ca\weapons\nvg_proxy.01

cw_alienscorpio\gray.p3d:1: Bad proxy object definition proxy:\ca\weapons\nvg_proxy.001

Too detailed shadow lod in cw_alienscorpio\gray.p3d (1:1.000000 : 2591) - shadows disabled

Strange convex component cw_alienscorpio\gray.p3d in component03:geometryFire

Strange convex component cw_alienscorpio\gray.p3d in component07:geometryFire

Strange convex component cw_alienscorpio\gray.p3d in component14:geometryFire

Warning Message: Sound dead not found

Warning Message: Sound dead not found

Warning Message: Sound dead not found

Warning Message: Sound dead not found

that is from only 2 alienscorpio the map.. i am concerned that putting 100 would cause a major problem.

would love to see this carried on to the next stage.

other than that... GOOD JOB!


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Is this gonna be a standup fight, sir, or another bughunt?


I only need to know one thing...where...they...are... smile_o.gif

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i am concerned that putting 100 would cause a major problem.

would love to see this carried on to the next stage.

other than that... GOOD JOB!


I put over 100 on a map without any problems. Well, the only problems were that the scorpion aliens cut my men and vehicles to shreds. Very creepy addon. Love it.

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if you re-read what i said. i said that the 'concern' was from the arma.RPT filling up with errors.. i did not say it 'did' cause problems.


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I put over 100 on a map without any problems.  Well, the only problems were that the scorpion aliens cut my men and vehicles to shreds.  Very creepy addon.  Love it.

Nice thing about tough scorpions (or any other creature) is that you can easily lower their health from the get-go, via the setDammage command.  So you can really make em just as resilient as you want.  You can even modify their health randomly for some variation.

Sounds like you were already having a blast, though. tounge2.gif

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