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"Create your own billboard"

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GLT Signs 1.1 (previously GLT Billboards)


This pack contains 12 objects which can be textured on your own (in fact they have to, or they will be transparent/invisible).

Sample pictures are also provided in the templates folder. For each sign you'll find a .png with a pic. Use this to create your own road signs or billboards.

After creating your own .png pic, you have to convert it into .paa format. Also keep the ratio in a power-of-2 aspect (64,128,256,512,1024) or it will not work properly.















For each object you'll find a corresponding .png in the templates folder. Only exception is the glt_mapstand but this object you know as board with the Sahrani or Rahmadi map.

To add the textures, use this line in the init of the objects:

this setobjecttexture [0, "name_of_pic.paa"]

All objects have one plane that can be textured except the glt_stand_sign (you know them as the "Danger" signs). They can be textured each side for it's own. Just replace 0 with 1 for the other side.

Known bugs:


No known except the fact that setobjecttexture has to be re-applied after loading a saved game in SP. But this is an arma bug.



All Objects are original BIS models. Some minor changes were made by myself.

Sample screenshot:



Armaholic forum



Link to sign pics:

http://www.grenzer.com/Bordmark.htm (link provided by WingedSerpent1969, thx mate)

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But one question about the 512 x 456: This is a non power of two texture and shouldn't work.

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Thanks mate,

This is a great idea for an addon!

Would you consider a blank roadsign pack too Sir? Like a few different sign shapes (rectangles, etc)

Just thinking out load mate thanks biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]But one question about the 512 x 456: This is a non power of two texture and shouldn't work.

Uhm..yes...i think you're right. But i guess this can be fixed easy by just scaling the pic to 512x512 after the design is done. It will scaled back to billboard size ingame.


Quote[/b] ]The commando setObjectTexture it's MP compatible

Yes, should be. It has a (arma)bug in SP as when loading a saved game, textures have to be re-applied.


Quote[/b] ]Would you consider a blank roadsign pack too Sir? Like a few different sign shapes (rectangles, etc)

First, everyone who calls me "Sir" has to invite me to a whiskey. biggrin_o.gif

Second, i'll think about it but i think the roadsign collection in ArmA is pretty complete. But as i'm also thinking about the Danger signs, it wouldn't be much work to do these also.

No promises but i'm thinking about it.

@Big & ofpdeadeye

Thanks for the Mirrors

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hmm.. I wonder what kinda billboards will be made :P

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Good idea, i've added the link to the first post, below the download links.

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Hi, if you post the pics here or whatever to make posters out of 'em,

remember that the kind of posters that you could do... will be restricted

by the rules of this forums; so... there're many kind of things that you

couldn't post or even link to 'em in here, without get banned. Let's C ya

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Please check first post.

Screenshots will follow but it's late now. Need some sleep first. biggrin_o.gif

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Great work. Been waiting 1.5 years for this to be done. biggrin_o.gif

Apart from obvious uses, adding custom island maps and signs in bases for armoury, medic centre, transport, etc will be good.

Two minor issues for v1.1:

- Upon initial loading, one of the boards reports an error message: "Cannot load texture: glt_billboards\sample_wide.paa". Edit: fixed in 1.11

- The paa files work fine, but I could not get any png file to work. It would say "Cannot load texture C:\....\missions\test.intro\glt_roadsign_rectangle.png".

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Thanks very much, Myke, I appreciate your hard work! biggrin_o.gif


Here's some billboards I made from a pic from the net:)





* The last one is a real billboard from Afghanistan wink_o.gif

Great for placing on maps!

Please post any signs you make guys!  biggrin_o.gif

It's easy to make a folder with sign pics and then compress to .pbo...

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@ Big & Stavanger

Thanks for updating the mirrors. First post edited.

@Dr. Eyeball

I know that .png or .jpg wont work somehow, thats why i wrote in the first post to convert them to .paa.


Quote[/b] ]

- Upon initial loading, one of the boards reports an error message: "Cannot load texture: glt_billboards\sample_wide.paa".

Erm...yes....wrong filepath in the p3d. I've fixed it and uploading fixed version while i type here.


Temporary download for version 1.11

- fixed: error message "Cannot load texture: glt_billboards\sample_wide.paa"


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