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Player models for girl gamers?

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eh, i think the whole idea behind ArmA is realism, if you want an unrealistic portrayal of servicewomen in the marines go play call of duty or something.

You have a messed up view of realism. There are women in various militaries. So you find it more realistic to only be surrounded by men?  crazy_o.gif


Sahrani, AKA Homo Island  tounge2.gif

Edit: Well in combat in a squad it would be mostly men. But there would be women in some roles. So the ratio definitely wouldn't be 1:1, except for civilians.

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My CO was a woman last year, so I'm all for seeing ladies being represented. They may not have a combat role, but even if it was just for garrison use, I'm all for realism.

I still dream of my platoon's pretty Ms. Lieutenant who showed me how to handle my gun. inlove.gif

(Don't tell my boyfriends)  whistle.gif

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I support idea of putting these less bodybuilder-kind men into game, it more important than ladies.

Let's face it: Sahrani was infested with bodybuilding athletic men who lived in mens-only island... It would be nice and reeeeaaaalistic to have less athletic men also smile_o.gif

I don't know was uniform-wearing ladies any different than males when they wore all that kit. It all looks, smells and feels ( whistle.gif ) the same. sound is different.

For civilian models it's bit different case, but i think Marian Quant was pretty hot as she was... Okay i shut up now and go to Sahrani. biggrin_o.gif

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Fit perhaps but I wouldn't quite classify them as body builders.  

So by your idea we go from fit mens only island to all variety shapely men and still a mens only island..kay.. (btw thats a wee bit biased, you're just asking to have your ass chewed out by feminists tounge2.gif)

And female soldiers while looking similar do have a few visual differences, in this picture there are two women, none of them ca- I mean in this picture there are two women, can you spot them?


But I think the purpose of this point is moreso the principle of the matter, how many games show female soldiers in combat, actually fighting, dieing if anything.  No cortana doesn't count.

Female civilians are great so that means we'll have some female voices, a female body model and a few heads, but will see these in combat feature as well or will this be the job of an addon maker.

Personally I hope its a default feature, men and women should be depicted in war games fighting and dieing together, there should be no exceptions simply based on gender.

Aside from this its also more logical at this point, body variety requires an adjustable mesh and even more to go along with that, adjustable clothing, equipment and this can in general just lead to some very cracky results unless limited to a the civilian faction.  

If it extends to military...we know people are purposely going to do this-  http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/8614/3dd6343c163f00a847e5724ee7.jpg

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Personally I hope its a default feature, men and women should be depicted in war games fighting and dieing together, there should be no exceptions simply based on gender.

muscular strenght? does this tell something to you? oh and the bleeding sickness (can u imagine an woman with a gun pissed of cause of the hormones?) that their are born with, many women can stand this pain, others go to hospital for that reason and a small number but still a considerable number has passed out at least once? Motherhood? Most women tend to be more sensitive in life "removing circumstanceses". So women be a soldier? of course there are exceptions but still they are "exceptions".

As others said pilot women, logistics and enginniers are alwayes needed but in the fronline its VERY rara

I think female soldiers are not needed, i bet you ll see in a pvp server half the soldiers being women "cause its fun", or the because the model is small and harder to hit.

And personaly what i think most, BIS has to spend all their time into making multiplayer maps for us not to play crappy but still keeping the game alive Berzerk, if it wasnt [z] most of the people would never play ArmA in pub servs. As for the addons that somebody said, who cares for addons? If you use addons you cause lag, in most pvp servers their are not allowed and if still there is a replacement pack you ll be the only one who sees it so its like it doesnt matter.

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Just because men by default have more muscle tissue then women doesn't mean some of them can't (and won't) outdo the strength of males.

I imagine a woman who gets very aggitated due to the bodies little "annoyances" wouldn't sign up for the military if it bugs them that much, why would they want more pressure and problems.

I never said they are in the frontline, I myself said it was rare and thus am aware of this and won't repeat the same things I said in the other pages about body's being about the same in BDU.

I will however say that if you want some proof then look at the previous image I posted, body size is only a small percent, add armor and there won't be.

About the addons, alot of us care about the addons, it's not the makers fault the server owners don't use them thus making them strictly SP and user mission based.

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In the case of troublesome menses, women have many medical options available to them, most of them in simple pill form.

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Fit perhaps but I wouldn't quite classify them as body builders.  

So by your idea we go from fit mens only island to all variety shapely men and still a mens only island..kay.. (btw thats a wee bit biased, you're just asking to have your ass chewed out by feminists tounge2.gif)

And female soldiers while looking similar do have a few visual differences, in this picture there are two women, none of them ca- I mean in this picture there are two women, can you spot them?


But I think the purpose of this point is moreso the principle of the matter, how many games show female soldiers in combat, actually fighting, dieing if anything.  No cortana doesn't count.

Female civilians are great so that means we'll have some female voices, a female body model and a few heads, but will see these in combat feature as well or will this be the job of an addon maker.

Personally I hope its a default feature, men and women should be depicted in war games fighting and dieing together, there should be no exceptions simply based on gender.

Aside from this its also more logical at this point, body variety requires an adjustable mesh and even more to go along with that, adjustable clothing, equipment and this can in general just lead to some very cracky results unless limited to a the civilian faction.  

If it extends to military...we know people are purposely going to do this-  http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/8614/3dd6343c163f00a847e5724ee7.jpg

Yeah. They were not that strong structured as i remembered... I just happened to look at mirror icon_rolleyes.gif No seriously, their arms are almost like thighs of a man (weightlifter's arms). But yes for rest parts of their body i just remembered wrong, not bodybuilders.

For 'man infested Sahrani being good thing'-part i'm joking. I sinercly thought it would be funny. wink_o.gif

I don't know should woman skeleton, animations and so on be added... I quess for me just face and sound is enough for soldier women.

Ofcourse young hot civilian ladies with small clothes are always welcome. Well Grandmas aswell and middleage business women too. (wife is watching whistle.gif )

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i think that even if arma2 is supposed to be a simulation, a female soldier is needed, because a lot of gamers are females.

this is, more a commercial question than a question about the game itself.

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In Finland the men have compulsory military service (can be done as civil alternative service at least during peacetime, but that option isn't popular), women don't. But the women are allowed to do the military service if they want and if the military sees nothing to stop that (same with men of course).

The women I saw in the military were more motivated than most men. That likely has something to do with them joining voluntarily, when the men are required by law to do service.

Most of the women I saw were trained to be group leaders. And while watching them do just that, I noticed no problems. Maybe they could have raised their voice a little bit more, but otherwise they were very good, very calm and organized.

I would say not many of the women I saw had problems with physical strength. Sure, some of them had serious problems with coping with the physical demands, but so did some men have serious problems.

I would advice those who try to play down women in military tone it down. There is no job in the military a fit woman could not do as well as most of the men. Tasks which require a lot of physical strength are the ones in which they can have the most difficulties, but these tasks are very rare according to my experience.

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We all know women can actually stand physical pain a helluva lot better than men anyway - I bet any of you hairy dudes a hundred bucks that if menstruation pains was something men had, they would be allowed automatic sick-leave from work, free painkillers and free sanitary equipment, no matter how unsocialist the government, not to mention deserve oodles of sympathy for their terrible affliction. tounge2.gif

Anyway, what others say here is true: it really doesn't take a lot of strenght to squeeze a trigger, and women and men have no problem marching equally long distances with equally much crap loaded on their backs. Coping with physical and emotional stress is merely a matter of upbringing and culture, not something inherent in "women". Increased muscle growth from testosterone was perhaps an issue in the 12th century when you had to smack people with swords, but it really isn't any more - it's about endurance. If a scrawny bastard like me can lug a mortar around for miles and miles, any fit, well-trained woman could do the same and better in a heartbeat.

Shocking sexism in this thread anyway, but what is one to expect. tounge2.gif I say bring on the female soldiers - the animations and model will be an excellent boon for modellers, the hard-coded engine additions (such as a working woman = true switch) and the range of female faces + voices will greatly enhance both the civilian and military experience; and ultimately it's up to the mission maker to decide how he or she wants to use them.

Carry on, boys. biggrin_o.gif



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For 'man infested Sahrani being good thing'-part i'm joking. I sinercly thought it would be funny. wink_o.gif

Ah right, sorry about that, I tend to have a dead bug up my ass on some nights and last night was a rather stressful one so I was a serious butt, my apologies. banghead.gif

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I would advice those who try to play down women in military tone it down. There is no job in the military a fit woman could not do as well as most of the men. Tasks which require a lot of physical strength are the ones in which they can have the most difficulties, but these tasks are very rare according to my experience.

Sissi/recon and ever mighty PST (=antitank) do not take women as far as i can tell, if standarts havent' changed in last few years. These both training branches are pretty regular and big.

Reason is because of over 40-50 kilograms of stuff they are carrying regulary. It's something average woman body (back in particularry) just can't take, they lack alot of strenght from upper body compared to men (like 60% if i remember correct, in lower body i think it was only about 10%). This was explanation given to me at my time. Sure some bodybuilder could be different, but FDF isn't most flexible with these things.

Also i'd guess artillery isn't taking much women to handling guns as i've heard that even men's backs are in hard stress during service.

@xnodunitx: My english isn't handling this... I don't even know should you ask apologise. I didn't feel like you should. Anyways apologies accepted.  wink_o.gif

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The aswer to this topic is given by the interview on sahrani radio (one of the first questions by Jerryhopper):

Ivan said they put civilian females, but not soldiers, because they would need a complete seperate set of animations and a complete radio protocol, and that would be too much work.

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NUDE MOD!!! rofl.gif

j/k, don't lynch me, it's very early and I'm up feeding my daughter. Who I'd be proud to see in the military someday.

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You dont see many female soliders in real life, and since ArmA 2 is reallistic...

btw didnt know girls like realistic Wargames because of killing e.c.t..

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No girlies on the Internets, only traps. I have considerable experience with this.

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Just because you talked to Linetrap doesn't mean it's trap central.


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I would advice those who try to play down women in military tone it down. There is no job in the military a fit woman could not do as well as most of the men. Tasks which require a lot of physical strength are the ones in which they can have the most difficulties, but these tasks are very rare according to my experience.

Sissi/recon and ever mighty PST (=antitank) do not take women as far as i can tell, if standarts havent' changed in last few years. These both training branches are pretty regular and big.

Reason is because of over 40-50 kilograms of stuff they are carrying regulary. It's something average woman body (back in particularry) just can't take, they lack alot of strenght from upper body compared to men (like 60% if i remember correct, in lower body i think it was only about 10%). This was explanation given to me at my time. Sure some bodybuilder could be different, but FDF isn't most flexible with these things.

Also i'd guess artillery isn't taking much women to handling guns as i've heard that even men's backs are in hard stress during service.

If you go read from


Quote[/b] ]Kaikki tehtävät mahdollisia

Naisten asepalvelus toteutetaan kaikissa puolustushaaroissa ja aselajeissa. Sotilastehtäviä ei siis jaeta sukupuolen mukaan. Eri tehtäviin määrääminen ratkaistaan niiden asettamien vaatimusten ja soveltuvuuden perusteella.

Vapaaehtoiseen asepalvelukseen tulevat naiset koulutetaan samoihin tehtäviin kuin muutkin varusmiehet ja heidän koulutuksensa sisältö on sama kuin miehillä. Myös lentäjän, sukeltajan tai laskuvarjojääkärin kaltaisissa erikoistehtävissä, joissa vaaditaan erikoisominaisuuksia ja suoritusvaatimukset ovat tarkasti määritetyt, naisille ja miehille asetetaan samat vaatimukset.

Naisilla ja miehillä on osoitettujen näyttöjen perusteella yhtäläinen mahdollisuus päästä aliupseerikurssille tai reserviupseerikurssille sekä myöhemmin sotilasuralle.

that clearly says that there is no such separation. It clearly says "Every job possible" for women.

If some unit categorically excludes women just because they are women, that is not following the official line of the military.

I saw many relatively weak men at the Anti-tank Company. I cannot understand how a fit woman could not fit to that group. There was no women in that Company while I was at that Brigade, though. The women I saw at the Armoured Brigade were at an Armoured Jaeger Company and I think some were at a tank company.

The biggest guy at the Anti-Tank Company was a bit crazy half-German who was carrying big weapons (PKM + APILAS and a bunch of other stuff...) but he was really strong and I would not put a woman or myself to carry the same amount of stuff. But most jobs in that Company are jobs which a woman can do as well.

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While it may be the case for Finland that females can serve in any role, that is not the case for the US military. It has a very clear policy: no females in combat-arms units. So there are plenty of females serving, but not in direct combat roles.

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