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The "Why I'm going to buy ArmA2" thread

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I absolutely admire your work. I already like ArmA in the state of 1.14 but the pictures you guys shown about ArmA2 are bomb.

I like every little think.

Of course it will has bugs but everygame has bugs.

I see that are you really trying to set up a nice game and thats 50% what counts in my opinion.

I'am tired of the constant whining threads as "Community already done this and that in a worse quality etc". since BIS's people are capable to do it in an excellent quality with an excellent detailness.

That are my reasons why I'am going to buy ArmA2 soon as it is out.

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I'm going to buy ArmA 2 for....the sake of it!

Nah J/k I'm going to buy it because it's the Sequel to Armed Assault.

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I will buy it just for being a more advanced and modern, than it's "father" OFP. This "2nd son" gonna be... speechless in all game/simulation virtuality  wow_o.gif

Hell, I am going to buy even a new PC for it, just like i did with OFP, Arma...  whistle.gif

I have to admit, simulators make people do crazy things, like spending money for new hardware...

Ah, hell with that, it's just my passion for militarism, which was started when i was born and extended to 3rd dimmension from those early OFP demo days... thumbs-up.gif

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Because the endless playability, even in SP, given by this great community notworthy.gif , and the wonderful editor.

There are only a few games where you can find this, ArmA II will be one of them.

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The new eastern europe themed terrain, vastly improved grass rendering. New lighting. Improved skybox.

New AI. Optimised command/menu interface. Excellent vehicle models/texture. Proper VTOL. New high detail wep animations. Dual Core optimisations. Amazing shaders/rendering. Improved SFX engine... and the fact that the mods i enjoy using in Arma should also work fine in 2.

The thing thats always made BIS games shine for me is the huge scope it provides for making various missions. Arma2 will make the sandbox that much nicer to play in imho.

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More new fancy scripting commands and gadgets to play with in the editor!

Bigger, better, beautifuller map to play on!

Lots and lots of wonderful, pretty new toys!

Lots of different factions and weapons and funstuff!

Dynamic, kickass SP campaign, hopefully with a great story that can be built on with many new user-made missions!

I like editing. biggrin_o.gif Will be great fun to delve into the world of ArmA II editing, yes indeed. Also -> it gives me a continual reason to upgrade my old machine with new sticks of RAM and crap every other christmas or so :P "Must...make...ArmA...run...smoother!".

Nice thread. smile_o.gif



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First and foremost: Micro-AI.  This will make the myriad of map types that folks have been making actually properly playable.

Missions: (Editor and scripting improvements) Looking forward to getting the passion back for making some cool maps again.

And not least: the new aircraft, if the Ka50 ends up flying as good as it's looking so far I'd buy the aircraft alone as an addon!

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I'm buying ARMA2 because it's a community game, it is the squeal to ARMA1 and it's modifiability. I love where BIS is going (Sim) and their enthusiasm for the genre.

Overall I know BIS is a company that has passion & so do we.

viii notworthy.gif

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At first, I thought ArmA2 was going to be lame, I was all for OFP2 and CM ...

But ... having seen what CM are doing to OFP and what BIS are doing ... well ... I just watched the new Videos and I have to say, well done BIS, you are the epic! THE GRAPHICS! THE MOVEMENT! I thought it was just ArmA1 at first, but it's ArmA1 with everything made right! I'm buying A2 because everything about it is awsome. smile_o.gif

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The sound thread made me happy. If they manage to pull off realistic distant gunfire and explosion sounds, that's enough for me to buy ArmA II.

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I will buy ARMA2 because of the editor... haha.

I didn't really play ARMA 1, I just put units around on the map, put waypoints and preview the fight with camera.sqs. It's like watching TV. No other game has this as far as I know...

And ofcourse, the micro AI sounds cool, graphics been improve. After I saw ARMA 2 vids, and looked at ARMA 1, damn I wish ARMA 2 is just around the corner... though I understand why it is delayed. Better have a finish product this time around

Good Luck BIS smile_o.gif

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Im buying it because I have one last hope that it will deliver what OFP did and what ArmA Didnt. smile_o.gif

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Im buying it because I have one last hope that it will deliver what OFP did and what ArmA Didnt.  smile_o.gif

I'll wait and see and in the mean time pray that all our hopes come true and that we won't be disappointed... But if it doesn't, then yeah, I'll dish out the kongbucks to get it... Because there simply isn't anything quite like it and I've always loved the original.  thumbs-up.gif

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... because there is nothing else available.


I have more faith in ArmA 2 project but of course I will also check ofp2 tounge2.gif

Im just almost sure that ofp2 will be arcade, entertaining shooter pretending to be tactical realism war simulator. There is many game like this released lately ( GRAW, new R6 games)

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Im buying ArmA2 becuase I love BIS  smile_o.gif and all all they stand for which has made me happy for many years

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because :

Coop campaign, many new features ( vehicles, great sound, "rpg element" etc...)

Most active community ever.

finally a real pc game develop for pc.

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im buying it so i can mod it/ make missions for it with my new laptop. then i can go work for BIS ;D (do they have any places in the UK?)

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Screw it I'm getting to be part of the community for a longer period of time.

+ The return to OFP style theme. East v West.

+ Lots of cool looking USMC units.

+ The Russians are back !whippy!

+ Believable conflict and senarios.

+ Sequel to Armed Assault.

+ Can't wait to see Cameron McDonalds ACU units for ArmA 2 notworthy.gifinlove.gif

Lots of other reasons. I don't doubt that BIS can truly deliver on the promise of a great Military Simulator that matches OFP.

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....because I've got a good feeling about the game and it'll definetly be better than ArmA 1, which is already quite cool in the current state. smile_o.gif

And because I love the style!

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because i like the original OFP, which i believed that "OFP2" cant deliver

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Unfortunately on some YouTube video's you can see the game is pretty much like Arma (Same stupid ironsights) and except fot the grahics, I believe it will be the same.

I'm going to wait for the demo, if it proves to be the same as ARMA, i'll wait for OFP 2, if that follows the ARMA & ARMA2 thread, I'll just back to flight sims where there is more realism.

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