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Mapfact releases 3DE-Project

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It consits of the following components:


The heart of it, of course, is the 3D editor by Silola


The editorupgrade by Lester that also makes the Queens Gambit Objects available and adds some completely new objects. It is designed especially for the 3DE.


A completely new island that has been designed with the 3DE by Sgt. Ace and MCPXXL. The whole 3DE project team did help with designing nice and playable locations. It's worth stating that none of the team has any experience with visitor nor island editing with the exception of Sgt.Ace who just made an empty island with textures for that purpose. All objects were placed with the 3DE, of course.

DAC-Sectorfight MP-Mission

At first just planned as a demo this island did develop pretty well. So we ported an almost forgotten DAC mission by Silola to the new island to have some fun after all the work on our project.

This DAC sectorfight mission is included in the download package as well. As one can tell by the server frames the island's performance is very fine and the mission runs smoothly. Saying all this we are very proud of the outcome of this project. It is best played with mapfact addons + ECS.

More info and pics can be found here.

Don't forget to read the readme!!!

Please keep in mind

You are NOT allowed:

to release a modified version of it.

to release the content of the 3DE addon by yourself in any other form.

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Mapfact und Silola rules

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Err..am I reading this part right...

Quote[/b] ]Features:

export to SQF script, Visitor script or Mission.sqm

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My trend micro program picked up a Trojan in the run.exe file in the ArmAext folder of the MAP3DE DL.

Not sure what to do here.

The name appears as "Trojan Risk.BP". Not sure what that means but that's the name that TM gives me.

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Quote[/b] ]! \MAP_3DEmap(2).rar: CRC failed in @mapfact\addons\map_3demap.pbo. The file is corrupt

Tried downloading it twice.

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The warning pops up because of "arma.ext" its absolut save! Read the DL Page for more Infos and/or for the virus warning extended dll thread

Quote[/b] ]! \MAP_3DEmap(2).rar: CRC failed in @mapfact\addons\map_3demap.pbo. The file is corrupt

we try to fix the problem asap.


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Quote[/b] ]! \MAP_3DEmap(2).rar: CRC failed in @mapfact\addons\map_3demap.pbo. The file is corrupt

Tried downloading it twice.

same here  huh.gif  .

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To be honest. That's the first time I've ever gotten a virus, etc. notification when DL'ing something for ArmA. I'm a bit surprised by it. It's hard to think this is the first time, but hell at least it picked something up. wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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The warning pops up because of "arma.ext" its absolut save!
Quote[/b] ]! \MAP_3DEmap(2).rar: CRC failed in @mapfact\addons\map_3demap.pbo. The file is corrupt

we ar about to fix the problem asap.


Sorry to sound stupid here, but is that a bad thing or just TM being overly cautious when doing it's job?

Should I just ignore the alert? No shot against you guys but it worries me since I've never seen an alert like this before.


Nevermind. I see the message on the DLpage. My apologies for being blind this morning. confused_o.gif

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please try once more 3de_map should be fixed now

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Hello, I'm trying to run the editor run.bat thing on vista, but all i get is the little command prompt window and then nothing. Any suggestions as to what i should do?

And running XP is not an option, smartarses  wink_o.gif

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you have to edit the bat file to match your arma modfolder as far I know. for me it didnt work, this si what I put in the bat file:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">run "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe" -mod=@RA,

then I tried the originla, little bit edited:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">run "..\arma.exe" -mod=@RA

Neather one works for me, when I try to save it, it says that the filename or the path is not right or something (I have finnish vista so I dont know how to fully translate it biggrin_o.gif)

please help! I really would love to play around in this arma's G-mod tounge2.gif

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Yeah I tried those options too, didn't work for me either.

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Amazing work from the mapfact team.


One can only speculate how much work went into all of this.


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Please check if there is a file named run.exe or it was killed bei your security software

@Xeno don´t ask --> Silola

As i so often posted --> things will radical change now

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the run.exe is present in my folder, I turned off my antivirus and re-copied the armaext folder into place, just to make sure.

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What a weekend: first Gnat releases his beta stuff then we get your stuff !

Absolutely fanstastic - thanks for helping this great community. REALLY looking forward to using all your tools.

[TAO] Kremator

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