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Some ArmA II UH-1Y Venom in-game screenshots

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The pictures are very fine, great job an that bird so far.

I love the landscape too, no more desert or desert like land, i want a "European setting". smile_o.gif

That ArmA II gets delayed will give me more time to build an new rig that can handle it. biggrin_o.gif

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hehe yeah i second that, i got a 8800 gt card but only amd 64 cpu, well I now what im gonna buy myself for christmas if i can save cash for it ( dual core ) tounge2.gif

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I read the news late as usual ...

Thanks for the statement and I wish Good Luck!

Looks very, very promising smile_o.gif

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Best of luck and thanks for all of the hard work over the years! Hopefully the added time will let you lock up all of the distributors and have a simultaneous global release when Arma II is ready.

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Venom Picture w/ Horizon

I wonder if those mountains are whats suppose to simulate the continous land on the 3 sides of the map. If so it looks good. Otherwise the fog effect looks cool at least.

I also wonder if that copilot is a functional copilot incase the other pilot gets shot.

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PC specs all you want but without a frame rate they dont say much wink_o.gif

just kiddin, if ur specs are optimal then i shouldnt have any probs on my:

QuadCore Q6600 overclocked to 3.2GHz



On a personal note. A question to Maruk:

does/ will it support Dx10?

if yes what kind of funky shaders are we likely to see?

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Thanks for keeping the community in touch Maruk.

Thanks to the updates ARMA should keep us going strong till ARMA II is good and ready. So do what you have have to do and fingers crossed you'll produce something that will give those guys making OFP2 some hell.

Maruk I'm sure your already very aware of the importance of the Arma community but given that for the first time there will be some true competition in the genere with OFP2 I dont think I can stress just how important it is for the tools and documentation to be as user freindly and accessible as possible. I know you guys already do a reasonable job at this, but as it stands its still the few who have either the time or wealth of knowledge that produce realy good work. Those of us that try to do it within 'hobby' hours are probably pushing to produce content wich has broad appeal (talent aside), As so much time is spent trying to find answers and understand.

I know its a difficult area but in light of the upcoming competition I wnted to throw in my 2cents.

The screenies seem to be getting better and better and Im relieved to see those new Venom screenies on a machine with similar specs to my own.

Best of luck thumbs-up.gif

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My my, I must say I'm quite impressed with this new metal shader, the specular mapping appears far smoother now as well, you can't see the the polygons sticking out like in Arma, and it looks far more natural, glad to see Glossyness over Shinyness wink_o.gif

(For those that don't know basicly gloss in terms of CGI will have a n object lit but it will only be shiny from certain angles and won't envelope the entire shape like a normal specular would)

Aside from that I'm glad you guys are pushing the game back from release to next year, gives more time to develop and us more time for the newer and better hardware to become cheaper wink_o.gif.

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Keep up the good work Maruk and all the other BIS members that will help making this the true sequel to OFP.

From what i see so far you guys do a fantastic job in adding so many things to this game that we always wanted, thumbs up.

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Thanks Maruk!

I really hope you guys push for a excessively crazy advertising campaign as we could use some more hardcore gamers & modders! Show Codemasters they got nothing on you guys! smile_o.gif

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Thanks Maruk for these informations !

The latest screens look damn nice, they are light years away from what OFP looked like. I know you and your team worked hard to bring us what ArmA is right now, at 1.14. Many bugs (not lethal or game killing, though) still remain.

It seems the community has been able to implement many new features and/or corrected many important bugs. I saw features in ArmAII like dragging a wounded. Do you plan on including other features (for exemple, AI behaviour with VFAI, dynamic speaking units with Rug DSAI, animated vehicles like in SLX, so on) ? Inspired by the community or simply using their work with credit.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck ! You managed to keep me hooked for the last 7 years... I know I'll still be reading these forums the next 7 smile_o.gif


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Looks very nice, but ArmA looks nice in the main. It's when you try do anything with AI that it becomes an exercise in head banging.

Rather than showing pretty pictures, I'd be much more interested in seeing even some text of what the AI actually can do, and can't do. Video's or a couple of "narrative" screenshots would be much better.

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(For Maruk) I don't know if this question was posted earlyer, but do you guys intend to release a demo of ArmA II?

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Looks very nice, but ArmA looks nice in the main. It's when you try do anything with AI that it becomes an exercise in head banging.

Rather than showing pretty pictures, I'd be much more interested in seeing even some text of what the AI actually can do, and can't do. Video's or a couple of "narrative" screenshots would be much better.

Pictures tend to create discussion and buzz. The point they're making right now is 'check this out'!

As Maruk said, they are still working hard on the mechanics so I think it might be a little premature to annouce anything that is subject to change. But the pictures generate more than 1000 words. The questions that get asked by fans simply create the free 'word of mouth' form of advertising,

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But the pictures generate more than 1000 words.

Over 9000 you might say?

Its nice to finally see some PR starting to be done, even if it is only low-level forum stuff.

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Good Luck wishes from here too.

Take the time to get it right and blow the CM pretenders right out of the battlespace!

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Hi, the only thing that i miss in that Venom, are the green upper

cockpit glasses and maybe the spray painted darker grey on the

fuselage, instead as painted as you do it with a house wall, using

tape for mark a clear line. But i know that i'll be very happy with

that UH-1Y. Let's C ya

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It's a very exciting and challenging time for us. Please wish us luck!

Hey, nice pics. That sh*t is alright, man. Your pics are pretty good for ofp-2-standards :-) , huh.

by the by, just for me, Arma-II-respect has to be earned with gameplay-quality not with screenshots :)

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BIS need more than luck with ArmA II, they mucked things up big time with the release of ArmA, the game was just a beta version full of bugs and still it even after all the patches.

Codemaster wont get the PR wrong they are to big for that, lets hope BIS have learnt from their big mistakes when they release ArmA

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