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Puny animation pack

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Hi, i'll bet if i had to... that he snorted half a gram of ketamine and

then told a fella to record him heading to his beer. Heh >>;-) Let's C ya

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Great animations guys..!!

hmm could u please make replacements for the BIS running animation.... whistle.gifbiggrin_o.gif

how about all them replaced.

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I took the liberty of including this to the list.

Hope that's okay with you, teaCup.

Can't tell you how handy this is in our "Schmalfelden" coops.

Great work, thanks a lot!

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Hi, there's a jump and roll animation already in game that i think

that may be as usefull as the short jump anim, at the time of jump

objects less tall than 1m that will be really pimp to implement or

substitute for the "step with care" animation; the animation that

im talking about is shown in this impresive video made by a group

of french players that have a klan and also make addons, shown

in the video.

Could that one substitute the "step with care" animation?. Let's C ya

it can be done , but i find that movement quite useless , you can jump over banks and ammo crates but nothing more, also you can't perform the movement when running , you first must stop and then make the move,and the transitions are not very smoth. here you have the example


but for movies it quite spectacular biggrin_o.gif

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***Important Update***

i have updated the TCP animpack replacement. Now it doesn't override any default action (salute or sitting) so is completely compatible with all cut scenes (i was tired of seeing soldiers jumping like horses instead of saluting LOL) . Now the jump action is made via user action in the actions menu. this is a standalone addon and doesn't need the original pbo by Teacup.

download link:


Armed Assault.info mirror:


Armaholic.com mirror:


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*MrBurns voice* Aaah, excellent...

That's a very nice thing ! Now, the only thing remaining is teaching the AI how to use that anim wink_o.gif Good luck !


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Now, the mouse wheel menu solution is a great compromise, however, is there any way to implement the "step/jump over obstacle" animations into the game by defining two (configurable?) key binds?

I understand that's possibly quite hard, just asking out of curiosity.

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at this moment i don't know how to do it ,except if you override another two existing moves.

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There are several ways of adding these anims to the game.  All have their advantages and drawbacks. Should it be an addon, or should it be a mod/replacement? Should we trigger it via Action Menu or some other way? Or should I perhaps stop this annoying question talking ffs?!  tounge2.gif

If it was for my own private use, i'd only adopt the jump, and replace the sit down with it. It's more useful in movement/combat, more deserving of it's own keyboard shortcut IMO. Sit down and salute are both "emotes", thus not crucial to the core movement set.

There might be a way of replacing salute without touching the salute state btw. You can just redirect the salute action to point to a new jump state that is appended to the Moves class. That way, cutscenes that use salute via "playMove" or "switchMove" would remain intact. If those cutscenes used "action" however, we're back to square 1.

Edit: i suck at writing and logic.

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In OFP sprinting and going left/right didnt have their own animation, but there was entries in the config that used the same animation as running forward+left/right.

I havent looked at that part of arma config yet, but if its done in a similar way in arma we can use that. In OFP those entries were later used for leaning left/right.

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The "unused" action slots that Locke found and DMA lean mod used later are still there, But there's something about having to press 2 of the already busy movement keys at the same time, that makes me not want to try it. smile_o.gif

There might be other possibilities as well tho: can someone explain to me the difference between "Prone" and "Go prone" for instance? Is this a case of 2 distinct actions doing the same thing?

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You dont have to press 2 keys at the same time, you assign one key to 2 actions. Worked in OFP and in Arma.

If its there, use it!!

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can someone explain to me the difference between "Prone" and "Go prone" for instance? Is this a case of 2 distinct actions doing the same thing?

it's the same movement , i already tried , one is activated with z key and the other with avpag or repag , i don't remember , but the movement is the same.

In my opinion the best choice would be to assign a configurable key to the jump action like The.D said without touching the default bis animations to prevent altering the missions and campaigns, but if this can't be done , i think that activating the move via user action is not a bad choice , since the option dissapears when you are in a vehicle, etc. and afterall it's not a movement that oyu are going to do quite often.

but eveyone would have his personal tastes.

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This is a must have, it always bugged me that I could climb over low walls but got blocked by a fence.

Using mouse scroll player action is fine by me and works well.

I've just "thrown" the pbo in the main AddOnns folder, was that a wise thing to do?

I ask because I've got the mission making disease at the moment and would like to keep things as clean as possible.

Love it...

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However difficult the integration into Armed Assault is: This could be an inspiration for Armed Assault 2!

Unlike Super Mario who appears to be wearing only a light plumbing combat suite, possibly even without Kevlar protection, a soldier comes with quite some equipment packed on his back.

After thorough testing, I came to the conclusion that jumping is generally somewhat limited in real life (even, yes, in fact in particular after shroom consumption).

Jumping about the place might help against turtle shells but it won't save you from metal projectiles striking at 800 m/s. Still, jumping helps infantry to maneuver through more complex terrain.

Your animations are so clever and useful, they managed to capture exactly that!

You enhanced gameplay by this factor without adding any drawbacks! Hats off to you, teaCup!

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In my opinion the best choice would be to assign a configurable key to the jump action like The.D said without touching the default bis animations to prevent altering the missions and campaigns

If you change the "sprint-strafe" animation you can assign whatever key to that action.

"sprint-strafe left" can be jump and "sprint-strafe right" can be step.

+ You can choose whatever key you want to both animations. ('2xW' is evasive forward and 'A' is strafe left, if you add f.ex 'Y' to both you can use 'Y' to jump).

+ You dont loose an animation as "sprint-strafe" uses the same animation as "run-strafe".

+ Unless someone uses the 'evasive forward - strafe' animation in a cutscene instead of 'run - strafe' it shouldnt affect any cutscenes.

- If you are sprinting and try to strafe at the same time you will jump. You just have to learn to sprint straight and only strafe when you run. The animation for both is the same anyway.

but eveyone would have his personal tastes.

I prefer this way. It worked perfect with lean in OFP and I didnt had any problem leaning by mistake.

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andersson idea should be testet for my opinion

Doing action menue is to critical and cost to much money...

To prevent "jumping bunnys" restrict this animation to maximum 1 per 3 seconds ?

For me the forst solution with andersons idea should be a go


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Quote[/b] ]If you change the "sprint-strafe" animation you can assign whatever key to that action.

"sprint-strafe left" can be jump and "sprint-strafe right" can be step.

you got me completely lost , there is no "sprint-strafe" animation in Arma , it is a combination of two movements: evasive forward + strife (left or right) and you got to press two keys to perform it

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Yes, and when you press that keycombination the "run-strafe" animation are used.

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hi i want add one static animation in cpp but she d'ont working its one dead animation.

i write in cpp:

class TCP_CfgMovesMaleZombie: CfgMovesMaleSdr {

class StandBase;

class StatesExt {


class AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon: StandBase {

actions = "CivilStandActions";

duty = -1;

file = "\ca\Anims\Characters\data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\Erc\stp\non\non\AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon.rtm";

collisionShape = "ca\Anims\Characters\data\Geom\Sdr\Mov\Erc\stp\non\non\AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon.p3d";

showWeaponAim = 0;

disableWeapons = 0;

canPullTrigger = 0;

speed = 10000000000.000000;

relSpeedMin = 0.700000;

relSpeedMax = 1.100000;

leaningFactorBeg = 0;

leaningFactorEnd = 0;

aiming = "aimingCivil";

looped = 1;

soundEnabled = 0;

connectTo = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.020000};

connectFrom = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.020000};

interpolateFrom = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.020000};

interpolateTo = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.020000};

enableBinocular = 1;

leftHandIKBeg = 1;

leftHandIKEnd = 1;

rightHandIKBeg = 1;

rightHandIKEnd = 1;

preload = 0;


class AmovPercMwlkSnonWnonDf: AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon {

actions = "CivilRunActions";

file = "\TCP_AnimPack_v0.1\zombie_stagger.rtm";

speed = 0.6;

collisionShape = "ca\Anims\Characters\data\Geom\Sdr\Mov\Erc\Wlk\non\non\AmovPercMwlkSnonWnonDf.p3d";

duty = -0.700000;

soundOverride = "walk";

leaningFactorBeg = 0;

leaningFactorEnd = 0;

soundEnabled = 1;

connectTo = {"AmovPercMwlkSnonWnonDf", 0.100000};

connectFrom = {"AmovPercMwlkSnonWnonDf", 0.100000};

interpolateFrom = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.100000, "AmovPercMwlkSnonWnonDfl", 0.150000};

interpolateTo = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.100000, "AmovPercMwlkSnonWnonDfl", 0.150000};



class AmovPercMrunSnonWnonDf: AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon {

actions = "CivilRunActions";

file = "\TCP_AnimPack_v0.1\zombie_stagger.rtm"; //-1.9 m/cycle

speed = 0.6;

collisionShape = "ca\Anims\Characters\data\Geom\Sdr\Mov\Erc\run\non\non\AmovPercMrunSnonWnonDf.p3d";

duty = -0.500000;

soundOverride = "run";

leaningFactorBeg = 0;

leaningFactorEnd = 0;

soundEnabled = 1;

connectTo = {"AmovPercMrunSnonWnonDf", 0.020000};

connectFrom = {"AmovPercMrunSnonWnonDf", 0.020000};

interpolateFrom = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.020000, "AmovPercMrunSnonWnonDfl", 0.025000, "AmovPercMwlkSnonWnonDf", 0.025000};

interpolateTo = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.020000, "AmovPercMrunSnonWnonDfl", 0.025000, "AmovPercMwlkSnonWnonDf", 0.025000};



class SprintBaseDf: StandBase {

file = "\ca\Anims\Characters\data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\Erc\spr\low\Rfl\AmovPercMsprSlowWrflDf.rtm";

speed = 1.800000;

soundOverride = "sprint";

duty = 0.600000;

showWeaponAim = 0;

collisionShape = "ca\Anims\Characters\data\Geom\Sdr\Mov\Erc\spr\low\Rfl\AmovPercMsprSlowWrflDf.p3d";

leaningFactorBeg = 0;

leaningFactorEnd = 0;

relSpeedMin = 0.700000;

relSpeedMax = 1.100000;

enableAutoActions = 0;

soundEnabled = 1;

preload = 1;

aiming = "aimingCivil";


class SprintCivilBaseDf: SprintBaseDf {

file = "\ca\Anims\Characters\data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\Erc\spr\non\non\AmovPercMsprSnonWnonDf.rtm";

speed = 1.660000;

collisionShape = "ca\Anims\Characters\data\Geom\Sdr\Mov\Erc\spr\non\non\AmovPercMsprSnonWnonDf.p3d";

preload = 0;


class AmovPercMsprSnonWnonDf: SprintCivilBaseDf {

file = "\TCP_AnimPack_v0.1\zombie_frantic.rtm"; //covers -2.9 m/cycle

speed = 0.6;

actions = "CivilStandActions";

connectTo = {"AmovPercMsprSnonWnonDf", 0.020000, "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.025000, "AmovPercMrunSnonWnonDf", 0.020000};

connectFrom = {"AmovPercMsprSnonWnonDf", 0.020000, "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.025000, "AmovPercMrunSnonWnonDf", 0.020000};

interpolateFrom = {"AmovPercMsprSnonWnonDfl", 0.025000, "AmovPercMsprSnonWnonDfr", 0.025000};

interpolateTo = {"AmovPercMsprSnonWnonDfl", 0.025000, "AmovPercMsprSnonWnonDfr", 0.025000};


class mrt : StandBase









legs = "legsNo";

connectTo = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.020000};

connectFrom = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.020000};

interpolateFrom = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.020000};

interpolateTo = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon", 0.020000};




its a mrt.rtm where is error please?

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Yes, and when you press that keycombination the "run-strafe" animation are used.

but not all animations in arma are key configurable via settings/controls panel , how do you assign a key to an animation that doesn't appear in the controls panel?

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You have "move forward - strafe left" as a key combination 'W' + 'A', but you can also assign "move forward - strafe left" to only 1 key if you want. You do that by f.ex assigning 'Y' to both "move forward" and "strafe left".

That means that if you press '2xW'+'A' or 'Y' you are moving forward and strafing left at the same time.

Every action can have more than one key assigned to it at the same time, and the same key can be assigned to more than one action.

Hope that explains it? smile_o.gif

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