FritzDaKat 0 Posted April 24, 2008 Weird, really weird graphics.I was playing online, then got a black screen for 20s and after that the graphics got crazy, see for yourselfs Hmmm... Which forceware drivers? Overclocked? Is your 12V rail pushing out enough Amps for that card? Have you checked the GPU temp's while running? Try Rivatuner if only for the hardware monitor just to see how hot it's getting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anc 0 Posted April 24, 2008 Weird, really weird graphics.I was playing online, then got a black screen for 20s and after that the graphics got crazy, see for yourselfs Hmmm... Which forceware drivers? Overclocked? Is your 12V rail pushing out enough Amps for that card? Have you checked the GPU temp's while running? Try Rivatuner if only for the hardware monitor just to see how hot it's getting. Which forceware drivers? 174.74 beta. Overclocked? No. Is your 12V rail pushing out enough Amps for that card? Yes. Have you checked the GPU temp's while running? Yes. 55C Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ricnunes 0 Posted April 27, 2008 Well I've been playing with version 1.12 for some time and so far the only major bug that I found was the following: -> The Ka-50 are able to attack air targets with their Vikhr missiles and worse even with a 100% accuracy!! Hell the Vikhrs are even more precise against aircraft than against ground targets!! Honestly I see two ways of solving this, the first and perhaps the best and specially the fastest one is to remove the ability for the Vikhr to engage aircraft. The second is that one can argue that the Vikhr can be used against aircraft in real life but than again so the Hellfire and if you make the Vikhr capable of attacking aircraft you must do the same for the Hellfire! Even if this aproach is taken the accuracy of the Vikhr missile (and Hellfire if implemented) against aircraft should be considerably reduced since while these missiles can engage aircraft in real life they aren't that accurate (specially against fast moving targets) or not nearly as accurate as dedicated air-to-air missiles (Sidewinders for example). Since this lastest solution which I agree would be "ideal" bring more workload and more coding implementations and therefore more prone to bring bugs, I strongly advise that the first action is taken (remove the Vikhr capability to attack aircraft) instead of the second, at least for the upcoming (next) patch version. For later (future) versions the second solution would be interesting to implement, at least IMO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FritzDaKat 0 Posted April 27, 2008 Weird, really weird graphics.I was playing online, then got a black screen for 20s and after that the graphics got crazy, see for yourselfs Hmmm... Which forceware drivers? Overclocked? Is your 12V rail pushing out enough Amps for that card? Have you checked the GPU temp's while running? Try Rivatuner if only for the hardware monitor just to see how hot it's getting. Which forceware drivers? 174.74 beta. Overclocked? No. Is your 12V rail pushing out enough Amps for that card? Yes. Have you checked the GPU temp's while running? Yes. 55C Did you get last months Direct X update? Have you tried rolling back the drivers to 169.44 to see if the trouble goes away? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anc 0 Posted April 27, 2008 Did you get last months Direct X update?Have you tried rolling back the drivers to 169.44 to see if the trouble goes away? Did you get last months Direct X update? No. Have you tried rolling back the drivers to 169.44 to see if the trouble goes away? Not yet. I have made some settings changes. And untill now the game is running fine. I will keep testing, if i have the same problema again, then i will roll back to the last driver. Regards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anc 0 Posted April 29, 2008 I do not know if it has anything to do with patch 1.12 or any addon/mor or even the mission, but i was playing a SP mission(PunishmentBattalion), and after 40 minutes i guess the game crashed and was reported this: "Out of memory(requested 2 kB). Reserved 262144 KB Total free 4194240 KB Free blocks 3, Max free size 32700 KB" Regards PS: I had the same problem playing a MP mission. So it has nothing to do with the Punishment Battalion mission. I guess that some addons are causing this. I will test one by one later. Edited: I guess that this problem was related to the sound mod Hifi 1.3.1, because i tested the game with all the addons and mods, except for tha Hifi and didn't get this error again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheHeartSmasher 0 Posted May 1, 2008 I wonder what the ETA will be for fixing the black screen problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gnrnr 0 Posted May 4, 2008 Hi all, I'm no longer seeing my GPS unit on screen anymore with the 1.12 patch. Usually the radio is visible, but occasionally the GPS is visible, but the radio isn't. Is anyone else getting the same problem? I'm running the 169.21 forceware drivers. Regards Gnrnr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RabidStoat 39 Posted May 4, 2008 Mission editor error - no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SoldierPB.scope'. Only occurs with 1.12, running on old shortcuts gives no problems. This was after upgrading direct to 1.12 for 1.08 - relevant? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigstone 48 Posted May 5, 2008 1.12 won't start on my PC, I get the following message: 'This application has failed to start becase IFC22.dll was not found.' It's for the iFeel TouchSence Logitech mouse, which I don't have, but I installed the missing .dll file anyway, but it still gives me the same error even after reinstalling ArmA 1.08, then re-applying the beta patch. I'm running Vista 64.I have the same problem. Did you fix it? I would like to run this beta with the new pre alpha vte4, which requires arma beta v1.12. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigstone 48 Posted May 5, 2008 1.12 won't start on my PC, I get the following message: 'This application has failed to start becase IFC22.dll was not found.' It's for the iFeel TouchSence Logitech mouse, which I don't have, but I installed the missing .dll file anyway, but it still gives me the same error even after reinstalling ArmA 1.08, then re-applying the beta patch. I'm running Vista 64.I have the same problem. Did you fix it? I would like to run this beta with the new pre alpha vte4, which requires arma beta v1.12. Never mind I solved it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
txrx 0 Posted May 5, 2008 Using the Beta 1.12 patch and I'm experiencing some pretty bad crashes. One of which seemed to have flagged a hardware problem I had (aka My mobo died and took 1gb of my 2gb of ram with it. whilst playing the beta), thankfully it was still under warranty etc, no problem there, picked up another 2gb and so on, and yes xp only utilises 3.5gb at most I know, swapfile off now etc.. But I'm 'still' getting some major crashes. Flashes of 16color desktop windows at 320x400 then black, dead. I though I had another blown bit of kit but thankfully it's all a-ok. After my last hardware scare whilst running the beta I'm kind of scared to play it since some of the crashes do indeed seem exactly like what happened when the board etc failed. Is there any logs I can send or decent report form I can fill out to try and 'aid' the beta process if I do run it. Outside of that I'm thinking I'll just leave the patch till it's final. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opteryx 1562 Posted May 5, 2008 Could someone be kind enough to direct me to the best drivers compatible with ArmA and the 8800gts? This patch runs terrible and I hope installing some fresh drivers might help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mc sonar 0 Posted May 6, 2008 since 1.12 i can not play arma any more. many crashes to desktop, stuttering after playing but frame rate is ok for a while. after changing the view distance from 3000 to 6000-8000, arma crashes. settings are all "normal" texture to low. tried other setting but no difference. c2d 6400 @2,1 ghz, win xp (again a clean install cause i believe in arma) gf 8800 gts 320MB (same probs with different drivers) ewx 24/96 soundcard or hammerfall dsp soundcard or internal sound makes no difference 2gig a-data ram or 2 gig samsung ram no difference since arma is out i played it longer then 1 hour with 1.08 or 1.09 but with flash command every 3-5 minutes. i really enjoy this procedure- its so much fun get shot while typing.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stewy 1 Posted May 7, 2008 Mission editor error - no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SoldierPB.scope'. Only occurs with 1.12, running on old shortcuts gives no problems. This was after upgrading direct to 1.12 for 1.08 - relevant? I've got the same problem mate - I'm not sure a solution has been posted... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
themaster303 22 Posted May 8, 2008 175.16_geforce_winxp_32bit_international_beta.exe use this driver. all is running smooth. no hangs no stutter no crashes anymore. played sahrani-life for more than 6 hour. (including many switches to desctop and using skype etc.) be shure all is up to date like directx, sounddrivers ... i had pretty much problems before with patch 1.12 beta BUT IT WAS NOT BIS´s FAULT !!! it was the grafic card driver !! so don´t blame BIS anymore. take them and be happy link: choose betadrivers !!! there are english and international. also uninstall old driver !!! and than use any drivercleaner u find around. than install this one. happy playing @BIS patch 1.12 beta is great Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
txrx 0 Posted May 8, 2008 I was using that very set of nvidia beta drivers on my XP with the 8800gtx card after rebuilding the replacement board et al, still giving me problems. I guess that's why they call them Betas I guess. Don't get me wrong, there seems to have been a nice performance increase using the Nvidia drivers (or it could be the 4gb of ram & no swap file). I'm just experiencing crashes of the most significant type where windows just dies, which indeed, points to a problem at a much lower level such as drivers/hardware. Any how, the beta patch is a move in the right direction, just a shame the allied AI on your team is still thick as mud and continue to run in front of your line of fire whilst you're suppressing oncoming enemy troops.. and then there's the 'no point in playing the beta for any length of time' crashes I'm getting. Nothing else bombs out, and it is probably in some EULA somewhere, not to expect reliability till the final release etc, but man it's taking a fair bit of time for any updates on this one. With Codemasters' OFP2 in the wings, you can't help but wonder if they'll catch some more dissappointed Arma players due to these various issues. Granted, comparing Cmasters and BI is a little unfair, CM have tonnes of resource to apply to their games, BI don't by the looks of things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
themaster303 22 Posted May 9, 2008 its strange i had the hangs and crashes , than i erased the ArmA.cfg and than it was working ok fine. but it makes no sense to do that everytime i start arma. i dont get it all happen random. 2 crashes happen like this: bagango middel of city, from 50 fps it stuttered down to 2 fps, arma crashed (so no grafics) but was still in the task. the same at pita airport when i got near the hangars. than i tried it again, and the same happend in pita, but i changed the texturresulution to normal, than it was ok, than i put it to high and arma crashed, and nvidia driver get the massage: nv4_disp.dll ... bla bla bla.... and all was in 800*600 and in 4 or 16 colours. its really strange. after restart and deleting ArmA.cfg it work fine... any solution for that problem Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cultivator 0 Posted May 9, 2008 Hi @ All..... I had the same problem with " no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SoldierPB.scope'. " ... I think its because the Launch-Beta.exe has not the -mod=DBE1 in... If you use Addons which needs Queens-Gambit, like some Robert-Hammer weaponPacks, you get this Error.... After i fixed it... everything worked with no problems.... Regards .... $moke Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted May 9, 2008 "SoldierPB.scope" error; [*] You have Queens Gambit, but haven't loaded the dbe1 modfolder in your shortcut (-mod=dbe1;beta). Fix the shortcut and it's okay. [*] You don't have Queens Gambit, but you have copied the hotfixes for DBE1 (you can recognise the files in arma\beta\addons folder as they're tagged with DBE1 /QG). Remove the mentioned files and it's okay. "Black Screen" problem; I've got 8GB ram and am running Vista x64 SP1, incl all windows updates / hotfixes. And the 169.xx series Nvidia Graphics Drivers. For me it runs like a dream and no Black Screen error anymore after v1.12beta update (also make sure you run it with the new special shortcut, otherwise you will run v1.08 ) The key is; v1.12beta, the 169.xx (or newer) drivers and SP1 (or the seperate hotfixes listed on the Vista Troubleshooting wiki page: If you have an ATI card, it might be a good idea to report the complete specs and problem to Suma; At least for Nvidia cards it's fixed (at least for me and many others). Quote[/b] ]As others have already written, the MP Performance as a client is really really bad and has a drastically performance hit at almost 50% or more.This means that my usual framerates from 30FPS or more in singleplayer (at 3000m viewdistance, by the way! even inside big cities like Paraiso, Bagango, etc and even with CPU calculated AI-Troops, is usual way below 20FPS in multiplayer with a joking viewdistance of around 1000m (thats what the most MP-Mission designer will do it as default). Somehow this is very strange because in MP normally my PC shouldn't have to calculate the AI-Troops like in singleplayer and should have therefor more resources left for a fluid gameplay. However in Arma it is not...... Please, please, please BIS address this as "high priority" for the final patch, as it is very important to have a good performance/fluid gameplay for the heart of the game - the multiplayer part! I personally do not experience this problem, except when I have like 25 Cameron McDonald ACU Soldiers 10meters infront of me.When you are testing this, have you tried running 100% vanilla? No mods of _any_ kind, _at_ all? Im thinking maybe addon / script compatibility / performance issues with v1.12beta possibly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
westy159 0 Posted May 10, 2008 I have the ArmA Gold Edition. When launching from the beta patch 1.12 exe the Queen's Gambit content is gone from in game. I can use it again by launching from the original exe. Is this meant to be like that? EDIT: Nevermind, ive got it, Quote[/b] ]Important: Beta patch doesn't fully support Queen's Gambit, to test the specific Queen's Gambit fixes, you need to copy manually HotFix_QG.pbo and HotFix_DBE1.pbo to your addons folder. EDIT 2: Hang on, the only hotfixes in the dbe1/addons folder are hotfix.pbo and, not the two mentioned there^ What do i do? =/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 0 Posted May 11, 2008 I've just explored the zip file. The hotfix_dbe1. pbo is in the addons folder and the hotfix_QG is in the DBE1/Addons sub folder. Both with their respective BISIGN's Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
westy159 0 Posted May 11, 2008 Do you have ArmA Gold Edition or ArmA and the QG expansion seperate? I have the gold edition and can't see those files... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
supergruntsb78 67 Posted May 11, 2008 after installing 1.12 i seem to have lost the EJECT action from any aircraft (bis planes and choppers and community addons) has this got to do something with the 1,12 or is it a problem with maybe an addon ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ricnunes 0 Posted May 12, 2008 Well I've been playing with version 1.12 for some time and so far the only major bug that I found was the following:-> The Ka-50 are able to attack air targets with their Vikhr missiles and worse even with a 100% accuracy!! Hell the Vikhrs are even more precise against aircraft than against ground targets!! Â Honestly I see two ways of solving this, the first and perhaps the best and specially the fastest one is to remove the ability for the Vikhr to engage aircraft. The second is that one can argue that the Vikhr can be used against aircraft in real life but than again so the Hellfire and if you make the Vikhr capable of attacking aircraft you must do the same for the Hellfire! Even if this aproach is taken the accuracy of the Vikhr missile (and Hellfire if implemented) against aircraft should be considerably reduced since while these missiles can engage aircraft in real life they aren't that accurate (specially against fast moving targets) or not nearly as accurate as dedicated air-to-air missiles (Sidewinders for example). Since this lastest solution which I agree would be "ideal" bring more workload and more coding implementations and therefore more prone to bring bugs, I strongly advise that the first action is taken (remove the Vikhr capability to attack aircraft) instead of the second, at least for the upcoming (next) patch version. For later (future) versions the second solution would be interesting to implement, at least IMO. I just want to ask if the problem that I previously mentioned (and quoted above) is acknowleged by the devs? Thanks in advance for a reply. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites