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photo by Ingram - thx smile_o.gif

FTP# Rapidshare

Fixed PKW_Weapons - 28,8 MB

Fixed PKW_Mercenary -65,6 MB

FTP# Armedassault.Info

PKW Mercenary [65,6 MB] @ArmedAssault.info

PKW Weapons [28,8 MB] @ArmedAssault.info

FTP# Armed-Assault.de

PKW_Mercenary [65,6 MB] @Armed-Assault.de

PKW_Weapons [28,8 MB] @Armed-Assault.de

FTP# Armaholic.com



FTP# Combat-Prison.Net

PKW Weapons and PKW_Mercenary addons

List of weapon and ammo and EULA - in to Readme !!!

PKW_Mercenary Addon required PKW_Weapons and ArmA with Queen Gambit , patch 1.8 or better.

Addons and bikeys unpack and copy to addons folder in to ArmA.


Enjoy smile_o.gif

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Queens Gambit required or not? huh.gif

Edit: Ghah .. dammit

@deadeye: No need for glasses, its all lazyness tounge2.gif

edit2: Mirrors @ Armed-Assault.de



edit3: Updated links with fixed file

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Required !

Brille kaufen :P

Quote[/b] ] Addon required PKW_Weapons and ArmA with Queen Gambit ,patch 1.8 or better.

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Anyone else has the prob that when i select the PKW Mercs in the editor it gives em a error about a M21 and when i try to start the editor it always gives me a ctd.

Weapons and Mercs are in my Misc Addons folder.


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crazy_o.gif I do not know this error have that. You have Qeen Gambit and 1.8 patch?

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Anyone else has the prob that when i select the PKW Mercs in the editor it gives em a error about a M21 and when i try to start the editor it always gives me a ctd.

Weapons and Mercs are in my Misc Addons folder.


I get exactly the same... and then previewing missions will crash arma. running 1.09beta and Queens Gambit.

some of the errors in the rpt file are as follows:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

Warning Message: Error: creating weapon PKW_M21A with scope=private

Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.type'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.

Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.model'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'.

Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.PKW_glock17SD'.

Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: Error: creating weapon PKW_glock17SD with scope=private

Warning Message: Cannot open object pkw_mercenary\najemnik4.p3d

Warning Message: Cannot load material file pkw_mercenary\data\us_hhl.rvmat.

Cannot load material file pkw_mercenary\data\us_hhl.rvmat

Warning Message: Cannot load material file pkw_mercenary\data\us_hhl_wound1.rvmat.

Cannot load material file pkw_mercenary\data\us_hhl_wound1.rvmat

Warning Message: Cannot load material file pkw_mercenary\data\us_hhl_wound2.rvmat.

Cannot load material file pkw_mercenary\data\us_hhl_wound2.rvmat

Warning Message: Cannot load material file pkw_mercenary\data\rek_soldier_body.rvmat.

Cannot load material file pkw_mercenary\data\rek_soldier_body.rvmat

Warning Message: Cannot load material file pkw_mercenary\data\rek_soldier_body_wound1.rvmat.

Cannot load material file pkw_mercenary\data\rek_soldier_body_wound1.rvmat

Warning Message: Cannot load material file pkw_mercenary\data\rek_soldier_body_wound2.rvmat.

Cannot load material file pkw_mercenary\data\rek_soldier_body_wound2.rvmat

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Same problem here: QG + beta patch (version 1.09).

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Same here sad_o.gif I'll now try it with 1.08

I have hidden the news for now wink_o.gif. Once this problem is fixed I'll unhide it immediately

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I do not understand. I played early morning and everything it be ok.


I have found error - bad work BinPBO


will correct and I will place new files asap ...

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Super units Jack! but I waiting for good wichout problem version .Maybe some ones can do replacement? but that QG mercs is Sux.

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Derapified config.bin and renamed it as .cpp...all goes right. Only Marksman have muzzleflash always visible also in daytime.

Great units=thanks a lot!

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What utility did you used to correct convert config to .cpp?

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YacieK: outstanding job! One question, do custom faces work on these units?

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Thanks a lot, comrade.


2 Yaciek

Just checked it out. Very good job. A pity that M14 model is made from airsoft gun.

But can you make version that will use custom faces? Will be more playble if player could give one of mercenaries diffirent face.

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No rush on fixing it dude, they look awesome.

If i had any knowledge I'd be more then happy to help, im sure there are some guys here that would be willing to help a brotha out.

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