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Mapfact releases MAP_Skills + steerable parachute

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After Mapfact released some Addons like MAP_SouthSahrani, a idea suggests itself, to build a fitting MP Mission. But the devil is in the details, one idea forced another which caused finally a previously unplaned addon. After the time of 8 months and nearly endless tests, you come to know what it finally delivers.


The fundamental idea was to build a Mission following the Apache Arms transfer.

As the result of the missionsize and the required time to finish this mission, we decided to split the mission in Part One and Part Two


More information to both missions you get in the downloadpage of Part One and some days later in Part Two.

At the beginning we have to script around some inadequacies of ArmA, but later some external features like Grouplink2+ and primary DAC2.0 of Silola enhanced the Missions a lot. Here and there Lester develop some special routines to force vehicle routes much better on the Island.

After we got this under our control the wish arise to enhance the units a little bit and especially the 'Heal at medic' self service bothered us a lot !

This was the birth of MAP_Skills and it would be improved continually, some core-routines would be splited in the MAP_Services and a series of predefined standard soldiers are defined in the MAP_Units.

This organisation would be bit by bit entering in updated or future Mapfact-Addons.


In the meantime a good old friend Rastavovich (former BIS now BIA employee) get on touch of us and he would be recalled about an old promise, to build a steerable Parachute. After BIS solved the MLOD problem some days ago, we can offer 2 versions: One 'clean' green RAS_Parachute version an one black version Lester adjusted to our needs inside of the MAP_Skills which also had a clanlogo on the top.

Finaly we decided to shrink the overall size of the missions by splitting frequently used samples or graphical elements of the complete rewritten ActionHUD V2.0 into a addon called MAP_Media. The ActionHUD V2.0 brings also a more detailed output of the carried skills.

Overall we think that we strap a excelent packet which allow a lot of mental scope and ideas to force a lot users would enjoy the fun or should do it.

More informations at mapfact

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Great news...thx to Mapfact xmas_o.gif

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Awesome; Mapfact.net Strikes Again! xmas_o.gif

Making some love to this baby asap inlove.gif


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"The sleeping giant awakens!"

Can't tell you how excited I am about trying this out.

Truly fantastic news smile_o.gif

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RAS_Parachute needs v1.09... with v1.08 i got error messages.. wink_o.gif

However.. nice release... smile_o.gif

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The RAS_Parachute need ArmA functionality >1.08 ... Infopage is changed now, sry. whistle.gif

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Unexpected great present. smile_o.gif

Even better a mission with MAP_SouthSahrani.

I just love its color schema. xmas_o.gif

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ArmedAssault.info News + Mirror for the Parachute and MAP_Skills release :


And here is the Mirror for the latest Mapfact Mission (Get them back part 1) made by MCPXXL (make sure to download the listed addons + island) :


If there's anything wrong with the news, drop me a PM (english or german)

Great job guys notworthy.gif

Mapfact = excellent addons/missions/tools/everything

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3.5megs animated gif, and we get warnings when we put up 102KB jpg file? I recommend you remove the anim.gif before moderators spot this.

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U need all these map_addons to use skills correct !




Was not correctly written on arma.info so far ;-)

@thanks icebreaker

i can not understand this rule when the content isn´t on their side but i accept it and removed the gif ...

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U need all these map_addons to use skills correct !




Was not correctly written on arma.info so far ;-)

@thanks icebreaker

i can not understand this rule when the content isn´t on their side but i accept it and removed the gif ...

Alright, I'll fix it in a minute but you should also change it on your descriptions. So far it says :

Mapfact Skills requires:

# ArmA V1.09

# Queens Gambit

# MAP_Services

and MAP_Services requires only :

# ArmA V1.09

# Queens Gambit

Cheers and thanks


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Thanks to Sgt Ace for the info.

Frontpaged at the Armaholic.com homepage.

The Armaholic.com Map Units download page can be found here:


The Armaholic.com MAP Services download page can be found here:


The Armaholic.com MAP Skills download page can be found here:


The Armaholic.com RAS Parachute download page can be found here:


The Armaholic.com MAP Media download page can be found here:


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But the mission needs the MAP_Units too. whistle.gif

you should download evrything from mapfact, i do that after 20 minutes trying to play the mission whistle.gif

btw, mission is amazing, but for the second part (or update the first part) could be nice to have some kind of "how-to" about using the skills wink_o.gif

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Because there are things that we use of it and we decide to use queens gambit...

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To clarify, its best to have all these addons to work right, and is this just focused on MP or is there any benefit to SP play?

Also, any chance of making the steerable Parachute addon work with 1.09 ... love this addon idea but cant bear to go back to 1.08 confused_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

EDIT: Ignore the parachute part, I completely miss read it whistle.gif

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But the mission needs the MAP_Units too.  whistle.gif

you should download evrything from mapfact, i do that after 20 minutes trying to play the mission  whistle.gif

btw, mission is amazing, but for the second part (or update the first part) could be nice to have some kind of "how-to" about using the skills wink_o.gif

In the next days i build one (or some) small guide demo mission(s) for the Skill Use to give it some more clearness. wink_o.gif

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Because the use of partisan and their vehicles ...

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for some reason i cant steer the parachute using wasd, instead it turn left when i pless w and right when i press S....

readme said something among the line like "dont use 3rd person view" and i surely didnt

did i miss something here? confused_o.gif

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thanks to the  lads at mapfact ...  


like all your work this is great stuff !   smile_o.gif

(i dont get it ...why dont the people buy queens gambit ... its cheap enough and  for the exta options it brings to co op play , the new island alone is worth the price... its worth every penny ?)

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