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Interview with Ondrej Spanel ( Suma )

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Where's the download link?

Read the first post.

On air tonight 20h 22h GMT +1 on Sahrani Radio.

Download tomorrow.

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Oh crap, sorry, thought I read Saturday the first time around.


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It's probably something obvious but I can't seem to listen to Sahrani radio. When I click listen it asks me if I want to download listen.pls. What do I do?

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It's probably something obvious but I can't seem to listen to Sahrani radio. When I click listen it asks me if I want to download listen.pls. What do I do?

I think you need winamp.

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It's probably something obvious but I can't seem to listen to Sahrani radio. When I click listen it asks me if I want to download listen.pls. What do I do?

The listen.pls would open winamp and connect it to the station if double clicked.

You can connect to Sahrani Radio by open winamp, select file than play url and paste in:"http://sahraniradio.armedassault.eu:8000/"

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Also, to Jerry, it's V not F!

AAAAARRRRRGGHHH: VBS not FBS! serving not serfing!

Crazy dutchie.


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Oh no, I thought it was supposed to be on later! How much did I miss? crazy_o.gif I started listening a few minutes before the recorded questions.

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There will be a downloadable version available after the show I believe. smile_o.gif

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Why the Hell is there music playing in the background?! crazy_o.gif

I'm finding it hard to listen....

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Why the Hell is there music playing in the background?! crazy_o.gif

I'm finding it hard to listen....

will fix it in part 3, and the download version.

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Why was the question about 360 dosen't ask? I have recorded this question and it was't ask. sad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]will fix it in part 3, and the download version.


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Why was the question about 360 dosen't ask? I have recorded this question and it was't ask.  sad_o.gif

They were running out of time, Jerry allowed time for as many audio questions, and then the text based questions.

As we all found out Suma is a busy guy, so interview time was limited.

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Thank you for asking my question Jerry and also thanks for answer Suma. Looking forward to ArmA 2 ! notworthy.gif


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It was great interview. Thank you Suma for this and thank for the last words, that you did said for us. smile_o.gif

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Another great interview from Jerry Hopper.

Special thanks to Suma for taking that much time for the interview. thumbs-up.gif

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Ha! I loved it when Suma told us all to try to enjoy life OUTSIDE of the game

Kinda reminded me when Capt. Kirk (William Shatner) told 'Trekkies' to "get a life"

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good job hooper i liked it. yay.gif

too bad there was no questions asked about the mission editor..

such as

-"What improvements will the mission editor get?"

-"Will there be any easy placement window so it takes 1 move to position something correctly?"

etc... but good interview

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Thanks Jerry for setting up the interview and very professionally done I must say. To Suma, thanks for taking the time to answer my and other peoples questions (even if the answer wasn't what I hoped for). Furthermore I really appreciate your honesty, which is often hard to find in this marketing driven environment, I can now understand much better why OFP/ArmA developed the way it did.

Any ways, looking forward to ArmA2 and great last words. thumbs-up.gif

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