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Suggestion-list for the final arma patch

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vilas i find Your last two posts close to trolling ...

either post to subject and something constructive or just don't post at all ..

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Granade Launcher 6G30,no name visible in armory just empty space,no ironsight mode (useless weapon without crossair) and please add it in some creates.

Very odd death anim for pickup's


If possible restore 1.08 sounds.

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My biggest wish for 1.09 Final:

-An up to date PC *sigh*

Follow up´s are:

-option to save/change gfx settings to/from file whilst ingame.

It´s funny that you quote those pics!

Been thinking about converting OFP Pingu to ArmA some days ago lol

Sprengu (lil fella with dynamite vest) already had an ingame appearance wink_o.gif

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Just notice few days ago..driver proxy visible in 2nd or 3th lod for T72


Are you using NonWonderDogs tank FCS? He made a few changes to the model and that glitch sometimes shows up with his mod. Never saw it with the stock T72.

I notice one of the LODs for the BIS M119s is messed up though. The barrel of the gun is badly distorted in one of the lower LODs.

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oh and one more very very very important thing more than the pilot can you please fix this annoying thing that everytime a unit is in combat behaviour all it does is lay down why can't they be in combat behaviour and fire from a standing position?

i hate that i once put a sniper behind a car and he layed down and didn't snipe

its realy realy annoying

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I think the reason for the difference of opinion with the flightmodel is because most people that like Arma's FM have a flight or joystick or something like that. The Flashpoint FM is probably more favourite with the ones who play with the keyboard and mouse. I used to love flying helicopters in OFP.:love: Now with Arma i don't go anywhere near them in a mission. It just is'nt fun to fly them when you have a keyboard and mouse. banghead.gif

As some stated before, Arma is not a flightsimulator. However there is nothing wrong with making it a bit more challenging than in OFP, but it's not challenging, it's too freaking hard. At least that's my opinion. But i guess Arma and OFP are too unique and broadspectered to please everyone.

That's my 2 cents.


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I think the reason for the difference of opinion with the flightmodel is because most people that like Arma's FM have a flight or joystick or something like that. The Flashpoint FM is probably more favourite with the ones who play with the keyboard and mouse. I used to love flying helicopters in OFP.:love:  Now with Arma i don't go anywhere near them in a mission. It just is'nt fun to fly them when you have a keyboard and mouse.  banghead.gif

As some stated before, Arma is not a flightsimulator. However there is nothing wrong with making it a bit more challenging than in OFP, but it's not challenging, it's too freaking hard. At least that's my opinion. But i guess Arma and OFP are too unique and broadspectered to please everyone.

That's my 2 cents.


I got used to ArmA planes and helicopters with keyb and mice controlling only, however I think that the main difficulty in getting used to that is caused by mouse autocentering connected with invisible pointing cursor. When compared to OFP - it looks better and more realistically, but it's much harder to handle. BTW, I think it is too hard to handle.

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As some stated before, Arma is not a flightsimulator. However there is nothing wrong with making it a bit more challenging than in OFP, but it's not challenging, it's too freaking hard. At least that's my opinion.

The only thing i had to tweak is to redify keys. I use BF2-style keys to control the hely ( W = fly higher, S = lower, A - turn left, D - turn right, Mouse = bank )

I can fly nicely. And i get lot's of joy flying choppers and planes on kbd+mouse.

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I think the reason for the difference of opinion with the flightmodel is because most people that like Arma's FM have a flight or joystick or something like that.

I can't speak for others than myself but I fly with Mouse and Keyboard and imo the FM is infinitely better than OFP's.

Despite what you might believe, online, people generally don't fly with a stick. Even really good pilots.

Question for those who don't like the FM, do you play with a mouse sensitivity over 30%? And do you fly with default binds? If you do, I would say that's your problem.

I play with 20-25% sensitivty and Turn Left/Right switched to Bank Left/Right. Otherwise it's too sensitive.

I've said the above many times but people still say it's too hard or just crap, but they don't respond to the suggestion. I find that twofaced.

Also I wonder what people who think the FM is bad, think of piloting in Battlefield 2? I found flying in BF2 exceptionally hard and ackward. But I also realise that all it really took was a lot of practice. Arma, same thing.

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1. AI unable to cross most bridges (Grrrr!wink_o.gif.

i second that. would make RTS and CTI missions a lot more enjoyable and realistic.

pathfinding is also horrible in cities as AI gets stuck much too easily, especially on sidewalks passing under buildings.

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I think the reason for the difference of opinion with the flightmodel is because most people that like Arma's FM have a flight or joystick or something like that. The Flashpoint FM is probably more favourite with the ones who play with the keyboard and mouse. I used to love flying helicopters in OFP.:love:  Now with Arma i don't go anywhere near them in a mission. It just is'nt fun to fly them when you have a keyboard and mouse.  banghead.gif

As some stated before, Arma is not a flightsimulator. However there is nothing wrong with making it a bit more challenging than in OFP, but it's not challenging, it's too freaking hard. At least that's my opinion. But i guess Arma and OFP are too unique and broadspectered to please everyone.

That's my 2 cents.


I use a keyboard and mouse and I love flying them. The only problem is its hard as hell to get direct hits with FFARs and forward shooting machine guns.

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I have read everything up to this point, (skipping through the unneeded argumental posts of course) and have not seen the problem with civy's acting like beaten dogs. They can't drive, run or stand without dropping to the ground once they spot military personnel. Even in cars, they stop, get out, drop, getup, getin, move a meter and repeat. It seems that alot of the issues such as keymapping, sounds and unrealistic visuals can be better addressed with addons and mods. But what I have seen the most requested is the AI.

#1 improved AI pathways

#2 improved civy's (send em to OZ for courage)

#3 the addition of female civy's (maybe children?)

#4 Soldiers who can at the least move and react on their own

Just my opinion. confused_o.gif

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-Large Rocks Hitboxes are too large so even if ur gun and view is not onbscurred by the rock ur bullet will hit a magic wall in the air beside the rock. Happens also with vehicles and u even see the puff in the middle of the air.

- KA50 Rocket zig zags too much and usually hits behind or infront of a vehicle.

- Tanks Flying and TIpping over still around

- M17 and UH60 seem to take 1-3 Sabots to destroy might just be or i dunno (Since 1.09)

- AI Pathfinding should be fixed the grid they use still too large

- GUI Interface for Arma Dedicated SErver with just basic GUI and Options wth Values would help some users.

- Crashed choppers if a player is not near will when close even if a long time later will hear a chopping rotar spinning down.

- AI Vehicle Can Target you when slightly covered by a bush but u cant tell AI to target them

- Apartment Buildings the ledge is transparent and u can shoot through it on the roof.

- Spottig people through mountains still happens.... and solid objects

- All A rockets seem to go for the rear rotar no matter what direction and if the chopper is moving or not as well as what direction it is positioned to u.

- Still not advanced as commands to tell AI to pickup individual Ammo and WEapons like OFP

- Tank Barrles do not seem to be able to aim as low as OFP tank barrels

- AH6 Bullets scare tank crews out of tanks even if not damaged

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Vista 64 4gb fix

Fluid soldier movement (to many pauses currently for me to play the delay of the movement is just terrible I like to play fast not slow)

From crouched I run and have to press crouch key again, I would like to stay crouched after running

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every building is taking too much to destroy i had to fire like 9 high explosive rounds at a tall bulding(they are usually in north saharani) until it was destroyed

some building aren't destroyable at all can you please make it diffrent? wink_o.gif

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every building is taking too much to destroy i had to fire like 9 high explosive rounds at a tall bulding(they are usually in north saharani) until it was destroyed

Its the wrong way around ..... buildings are easier to destroy with a few SABOT and near impossible with HE.

In RL, the opposite should be true.

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Quote[/b] ]i hate that i once put a sniper behind a car and he layed down and didn't snipe

its realy realy annoying

Just use

this setunitpos "UP"


this setunitpos "MIDDLE"

in the unit´s init and he will stay up, no matter what his combatmode is.

Quote[/b] ]Question for those who don't like the FM, do you play with a mouse sensitivity over 30%? And do you fly with default binds? If you do, I would say that's your problem.

No, my problem is that the Arma FM needs constant input because of the damn autocentre "feature". In ofp you gave the direction and that´s it, in Arma you have to constantly move around the mouse to keep flying a relatively steady path but you will still end up like flying on a sinus curve because of the magic autocentre. Even AI can´t fly properly anymore. They go up and down, up and down, up and down...

Besides that the revolutionary new input method ruined the KAMOV gun as it can´t be aimed anymore.

Not so cool imo.

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Well, i have a question for developers.

Is it posslible to make code, and implement it ofcourse, for High Shadows (settings ingame) to use without self shadowing?.

All models, vehicles, building, soldiers, trees, bushes...etc. would cast shadows on ground and other models but not on model it self while using High settings ingame.

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i think whole point of the hardcoded shadow 'buble' around Your viewpoint was performance wise

tho i would love to see what You said combined with ability define shadows draw distance ...

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my only suggestion is to add maybe a difficulty setting for DIRECT throttle control in aircraft, i´ve explained it all in this post.

it would make flying more challenging and interesting. thumbs-up.gif

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Have you try using the keyboard to manage the throttle ? Is this what you want ?

I am using the keyboard and you have to manage your speed manually.

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Probably the most annoying bug in day to day use of Arma is the Sprint bug. Where you sprint, release the key and your soldier continues to sprint for 6 more steps before stopping. This also happens when pressing the "go prone" key from a sprint, your soldier continues to sprint several steps then goes prone.

Sure, we can "learn to live with it", but these are the kind of bugs that really irritate because it makes you feel like your not in control of your player, which is very bad for any FPS game. And given the unforgiving nature of a lot Arma missions (one shot = game over) this is even more unacceptable.

One other annoying bug, that only effects Arrow Key users, is that opening the Map stops control over the player/player's vehicle. So I cant be jogging/driving along and glance at the map without coming to a stop then having to close the map and re tap the Up Arrow key to start moving forward again. This is nothing to do with realism, its just a stupid bug. WSAD key users can use the map while moving, just like in OFP. Why cant Arrow key users?

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