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More wounded than dead soldiers?

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I wonder if there is a possibility to change ArmA the way that a lot more soldiers would be wounded infight than being shot to death. IRL a lot more soldiers are wounded and can't continue to fight and have to be brought away to treat them.

XAM brought with their mod the feature that some soldiers can be wounded and they can't do anything just lying there.

The icon changes to dark yellow (instead of green or red, or blue). But they can't be healed or treated sad_o.gif

In OFP days Solus (SLX) brought the possibility to get wounded and not being able to shoot (but still to throw a grenade) with the animation of agonizing and only being able to wait until a medic would come and heal you. It would be even better to be able to call any buddy to be dragged to the next medical tent.

So anybody ideas how to implement this realistic feature into the game?

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In OFP days Solus (SLX) brought the possibility to get wounded and not being able to shoot (but still to throw a grenade)

Seems strange to me. Throwing something is more traumatic/needs more energy than (just) pulling a trigger (*). Especially if you want to avoid being fragged by your own grenade. crazy_o.gif

(*) OK it’s depend of the kind of weapon you’re firing I mean pistol or rifle not ATGM.

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Couldn't this also be done with scripting using event handlers (Killed)?

If a player is "killed" damage is reset to 0.01 or the like?  I have little experience with event handlers so I do not know the capabilities and limitations?

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Couldn't this also be done with scripting using event handlers (Killed)?

If a player is "killed" damage is reset to 0.01 or the like? I have little experience with event handlers so I do not know the capabilities and limitations?

Once you die even for a millisecond, your "soul" already leaves the body and you don't control it anymore. It's pretty much impossible to prevent someone from firing a weapon.

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wait for Solus to release the first public beta of ArmA SLX smile_o.gif

It seems you know more.

If it's not that far away, I patiently wait for SLX. I really wonder what he's got implemented.

The idea of getting disabled in ArmA could work like this:

- If a soldier (player or AI) get shot his health would decrease slowly. (already implemented as CRDS in SIX pack 1 by sickboy.) Bleeding is simulated. When you don't heal than your condition could degrade to a state where you can't move anymore or shoot a weapon. The same state could occur when your hit and you reach a certain amount of damage. (Maybe it would help to raise the body armor to get easier the chance of damage and not to be killed.) This way a lot more soldiers would lie around wounded and not able to do anything.

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Great idea. I hate always just plopping over dead. I mean if someone got shot in the @$$ in real life, I don't think that person would die neither--though he may want to if not out of shear embarrassment lol.

Speaking of SLX. I'm dying in anticipation. Has anyone heard from him and the status of it? Not that the project has been ditched or anything.

At any rate, yeah it would be really cool, especially laying there incapacitated and having your buddy have to drag you to safety to get the needed medical attention. I seem to recall some other thread too that even went further in ideas in regards to medics and such that from what I can slightly recall would also be cool to add with this idea.

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SLX has not been ditched and is still being tweaked. If you were a fan in OFP I think you'll be pretty happy smile_o.gif

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Well that's excellent news, thank you for letting us know. smile_o.gif

Unfortunately, I never played OFP...I missed that boat long ago to much of my dismay now reading and seeing how much I missed out on. *quickly hides under his desk awaiting all the boo's and tomato throwing* hehe.

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nice to know its on its way, been hearing a few words here and there about how much it will own biggrin_o.gif got to see it for myself someday. tounge2.gif

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I'll see if I can up some more footage of the SLX beta. Just so busy - but I'll try smile_o.gif

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It would be better also if the state of the dying soldier was more realistic than a few splats of blood and some bullet holes. If you take a 50 calibre round to the shoulder, you lose most of your arm. In arma, you find a bullet hole in your chest or blood on your arm. And explsions, I don't think after an M67 grenade you'd fall to the ground with a few splats of blood on you. I hope someone makes something like this one day.

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the killed eventhandler just knows 2 stages

alive and dead / 0 and 1 true /true false..

you cant have it half dead (never heard about a zombie EH biggrin_o.gif)


you might want to try this via damage amount.

i cant remember the correct state

but this one linked with the hit and or dammageEH gives you much control over what happens if the unit is hit.

however its tedious. since each unit has/might have its own armour settings and the script might be completeally useless for a bunch of units..

some tima ago i made a body dismemberment script for my VBS1 marines.

it worked to some extend but occasionally you could chop off someones arm with a 9mm beretta :/

a hitbyammo or similar EH would do a decent job

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Sounds great

Couldn't do it totally realistic, it would take days/months to heal

I think with the Arma engine you can do blurry vision now too?

Don't know why they didn't incorporate shellshock to begin with

Sory I also haven't tried SLX mod but sounds interesting

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Most weapons in arma kill with one bullet (7.62 and up), so a wounding script isn't very helpful unless all men have their armor increased (say, from 3 to 6). This prevents them dying outright. By catching their armor state dropping below a certain value, like with the dammaged eventhandler, you can run a wounding script.

In my missions' wound script, when a unit's health drops below a certain threshhold, I play the "healing" animation, setcaptive the soldier so AI don't kill him (usually), and allow any friendly soldier who reaches him to bandage him to fighting ability (but not heal fully). It works well enough, but with men only having armor 3, they usually die before being wounded. Even two 5.56 in a row is enough to kill... With armor 6+ they can be merely wounded and disabled with a 7.62 to the limbs, instead of killed. I enjoy having soldiers wounded and screaming on the battlefield. smile_o.gif

Anyway, a wounding script is much more useful in context of an addon rather than just a script you can add to missions.. a pity.. Looking forward to what SLX cooks up.

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It would be nice to have a nice set of animations to go with it, Like if you are wounded in the legs, not just having the crawling animation, but a limping animation that can be used too, or if the dammage is too big in a unit it could have an animation representing pain that at the same time don't alow the player to do much other than look around, like having combulsions or his arms on his stomach in a fetal possition, etc.

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I remember that the EXCELLENT Liberation mod for OFP had that: depending on where you shot someone, they played a different animation. That was some ass-kicking awesomeness.

A proper wounded system could be scripted in, if indeed only the units by default weren't so easily killed. biggrin_o.gif Since unlike OFP, as Celery pointed out, once you're dead, you're dead. sad_o.gif With maybe double the armor, you could make it so that once they reach 50% (normal death for most grunts) they enter into a special animation and are considered incapacitated.

I suppose it could be done presently too, but...yeah. If someone has some cool scripts in use for it, I think they should share. Maybe we could figure something out. smile_o.gif



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In a sense, doesn't norrin's revive script fulfill many of the desires expressed in the OP (obviously not all of them). It essentially simulates being made "unconscious" after being "killed" in-game. Then a medic comes along and revives/heals you. Not exactly the same but pretty close for all intents and purposes.

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Most weapons in arma kill with one bullet (7.62 and up), so a wounding script isn't very helpful unless all men have their armor increased (say, from 3 to 6). This prevents them dying outright. By catching their armor state dropping below a certain value, like with the dammaged eventhandler, you can run a wounding script.

In my missions' wound script, when a unit's health drops below a certain threshhold, I play the "healing" animation, setcaptive the soldier so AI don't kill him (usually), and allow any friendly soldier who reaches him to bandage him to fighting ability (but not heal fully). It works well enough, but with men only having armor 3, they usually die before being wounded. Even two 5.56 in a row is enough to kill... With armor 6+ they can be merely wounded and disabled with a 7.62 to the limbs, instead of killed. I enjoy having soldiers wounded and screaming on the battlefield. smile_o.gif

Anyway, a wounding script is much more useful in context of an addon rather than just a script you can add to missions.. a pity.. Looking forward to what SLX cooks up.

Yes that's exactly what I wanted to say.

I think in real life, it takes much more bullet to eventually kill a man than it is in ArmA. So raising the body armour is good.

This allows also the effect (which was already expressed in many threads) that the fire fights in ArmA should last longer. When soldiers have a body armour value of 6 or even more it takes much more to kill them, hence firefights go on much longer.


Can you please share your modification for body armour and the scripts with the healing animation? I would like to try it out. Just PM me.

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I was in love since I saw a small part in a video (showing Matt's FX) where a guy is pulling a injured man inside a house.

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