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Hardened Aircraft Shelters

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New update

10 new hardend aircraft shelters beta's for download

All ainmations doors and better protection shelters for bombs

Some shelters have sound doors and some not

There can be some bugs in some shelters and and is no readme in the folder

Is still a beta addons and on you own risk for using this addons


thanks to:

project Racs for configs

deanobeano for animations

-=engener=- for helping with the lights

and many more that helping me with this project

You can find them in editor/empty/Aircraft shelters /eurohas_1

and if ppl have download the Racs aircaftshelter from the project Racs , it can be fond there too in the editor/empty/Racs aircraftshelter/euro_has1

Becaust is the same config

Only the racs shelter the doors not working



unrar all the rar's files and put the pbo's in your addon or modfolders

have fun


Edited by eddyD
update addon

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Alright! I completely forgot about these. I'm excited to try it right now. Thanks.

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Awww maaan, I can't believe this is finally released! Woot! Thanks for releasing this, been waiting for it. smile_o.gifyay.gif

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@old bear

i will do rails texture by next update

if you want rearm , turn off your engines or you still refueling

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how survivable is the hanger? can it take a direct hit from a gbu? is it just visual? and will the future doors be survivable?

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Great! Thanks a lot ! smile_o.gif

On a sidenote... hmmm... just wondering... maybe not polite to ask... hmmm... hmmm...

Is Kuznetsov something you plan to release ? crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

auch... I gotta get my ass into modelling ASAP !

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well done; one question though..

is it your graph setting or do they not cast shadows?

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old screenshot , they casting shadows now

i have not test them for bombing on the shelters yet

lastninja9 you can better ask gnat for the carrier

i did only the texture for the carrier and sended too gnat

now back too this topic wink_o.gif

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hmmm... seen lost of pics of these, must be a brainwashing tactic crazy_o.gif

must..... down..... loooad..


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the shelters look cool and work great to rearm a plane but offer as much protection as a camo net crazy_o.gif

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the shelters look cool and work great to rearm a plane but offer as much protection as a camo net crazy_o.gif

You mean they are penetrated by handguns, or just that they are very open?

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he means the walls might as well not be there currently the shelters are as weak or possibly weaker than the current hangers in arma idk how weak for i have yet to test it.

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basically you can strafe an aircraft parked inside.....

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i have remove the first shelter

and put 2 new shelters in the first post for download

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a update on the hardend aircraft shelters pack

still in wip

you can see that i have work on the shelters


i have also little work on the ammocarts and control Tower

still many things to do


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they are looking very nice smile_o.gif, i particularly like the Triangle shaped one with what it looks like could be grass?

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Spectacular work!!!

Wil they be able to automatically rearm and repair vehicles?huh.gif

I cant wait to have a couple of them on my map... keep up the good work

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