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Sahrani Life

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You need be careful on some servers. You can get kicked for being a "suspected" hacker. Even if you login and just drive around on patrol and don't go on a killing spree like everyone else I guess that makes you "suspect" for some reason. But its cool I guess they have new programs that ID ppl as suspected hackers. Someone  might want to update that software cause it seems to be buggy and IDs the wrong ppl has such.

Sorry just venting for some unjust kicking by ppl with closed minds. banghead.gif

I really love this mission and can't wait for the next update. I always try to play cop and try to be fair about what happens and have even started to try and keep the other cops in line by being the one the civis go to to complain and seek justice. (Kinda like an ARMA internal affairs lol)

Just have a few requests to move the civi spawn away from near the bank and to have an option to turn off intro. Also switch the object used for road block to one of the other small fence included in the editor.

Thanks for the fun as this is one of my clans fave maps to play.:yay:  yay.gif

This is excluding all those "suspected" hackers out there that get kicked for no reason. nener.gif  nener.gif

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Something must be done about stupid kids. When i ran over ppl (role playing - I am  a psycko killer) i get kicked from the server.

Very interesting way to play.

RPG means Role playing game, not Retarded playing games. So, dont complaint about stupid kids because u are one of them.

When will a hacker come in and claim "Stop to kick me u dumbass, i use hacks and ruin your game but i'm a hacker and i play my real role in your RPG" ??

We have a stupid here eh?

The game(mission) gives you the choice to run over ppl.The cops must chase you and put you to jail.Or if your crimes are many after they put you in jail then ban you for 30min from the server(not forever).Do you understand now that this is roleplaying???

If i run over ppl in game means that i do the same in my real life?Nice logic you got there.:rofl:

Now,if you think that hacking is in the same category with running over ppl,sorry but god didnt do his job well with your head.

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Something must be done about stupid kids. When i ran over ppl (role playing - I am a psycko killer) i get kicked from the server.

Very interesting way to play.

RPG means Role playing game, not Retarded playing games. So, dont complaint about stupid kids because u are one of them.

When will a hacker come in and claim "Stop to kick me u dumbass, i use hacks and ruin your game but i'm a hacker and i play my real role in your RPG" ??

Hahaha who is the little kid? i think that Ptolemaios owned u. The cops have to do whats right in order to keep the city clean of criminals and if i wanna play an RPG i wanna choose the way to play it. If i want to go to work earn money and buy a better car well... I do that in real life.

Finnaly I dont like your tone cause u are the little kid and u are afraid to play PvP so u play this game to have fun cause u never loose. And as far as i remember u were kicking everyone the "police" didnt like, like when we got the carbomb and we killed u all and then got the hummvee and then suddenly we got kicked. We know why cause u are afraid to loose and thats ur problem smile_o.gif

why would there be car bombs if it werent to kill ppl? and the same thing happens with a car too.

using worlds retard in a public forum is not appropriate especially by ur clan which i am familiar with, u show the complete image of ur team.

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Calling someone a kid, or even retarted because of his opinion is not tolerated here. Consider yourself warned.

Loop Dogg

Please do not hotlink images over 100kb.

And now we stop calling people kids, stupid or retarted here.

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Horrible Hacker attack!

After John leaves the Server the guys voted a nazi admin who had nothing under control and who cheated himself!

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oh god, the Nazi had a the Name Peter Horst.

As John was away, Peter called every Black Guy's Nigger and kicked me out as I said that is wrong.

Then Peter Horst also Dropped Bombs from the Sky, he was a hacker himself!

And he was a Nazi!

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I played Sahrani Life many hours and had great fun so far, so thanks for creating this mission smile_o.gif .

During playing some suggestions came to my mind... could be that sb. allready posted this but I wont go on reading 23 pages wink_o.gif

1. Add police horns for police cars by scripts, this would be nice imho.

2. Add a server setting to set civil markers off or add a option changing the markers system so that nobody is seen and there will be a text message for a wanted criminal every time he gets close to a city instead.

It is just too easy to hunt criminals as a cop. Doesn't also fit into into a rpg-map.

Same goes for the ammo truck, cops can relax all the time as they dont have to bother searching for it, just need to use mh6 in the last minute and waylay it.

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While the cheater is online, type #userlist into chat.

If they have just joined, it will be visible on the screen. If it scrolls past the screen because theyve been online for a while, hit / to open chat and then use the arrow keys or page up/page down keys to scroll back.

Write down the userid number.

I do this often.. so if they try to come back under a different name I let the admin know. Also have that number handy for permabanning if the admin asks for it smile_o.gif.

Peter Horst is not new, he is a menace on the popular servers. He tends to use different names.. I think I have his ID written down here but I have it listed under a name other than Peter Horst, so since I can't be sure its him I'm not posting it.

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Isseta and Fewo, so i tested the no civ marker edit for a good while on my server. As a cop i actually prefer the civ markers off, but it doesnt really work 100% here is why:

poor civ players. for it to really work the civ players need to be roleplaying properly, otherwise, like it did on my server most of the time, the game just turns into pure team deathmatch civ vs cop nearly all the time.

so the idea i had last night while playing is this: put civ markers to off EXCEPT in all the big cities where they turn on again, thats a good compromise i think.

i know you two criticize the civ marker off as making it too hard for the cops "cops will never find civs", but this is not true. with the markers off the cops on my server are working more as a cop team rather than standalone robocops who just "go get red civ" all the time. it gives the cops more stuff to do and isnt so boring for them, cops have to set up checkpoints and actually watch the bank properly etc.

even if you dont agree please put the OPTION in at least to turn it off (like the teleport script). and also, we need the voting mayor!

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Quote[/b] ]..put civ markers to off EXCEPT in all the big cities where they turn on again, thats a good compromise i think...

I strongly second this! I fully agree to it, with a small change: in ALL citys/towns please!

Quote[/b] ]...and also, we need the voting mayor!

Yep! I wrote with issetea and he said they are not sure if they will change it to a voting-mayor system... sad_o.gif

I say: We need this, as it is the only fair and realistic option!

I you don't do it like this (and im a future seer), i can really see massive complains from cops and civs, because nobody will listen to a gang-founder as the mayor!! whistle.gif

Regards, Christian

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yeah, Jana's suggestion regarding the markers is great.

This would be the ideal solution which will prevent civs from becoming massmurdes because of no markers and get the cops to work as a team.

//edit: oh, and great mission. It got me back to ArmA after not having touched it for about half a year.

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oh god, the Nazi had a the Name Peter Horst.

As John was away, Peter called every Black Guy's Nigger and kicked me out as I said that is wrong.

Then Peter Horst also Dropped Bombs from the Sky, he was a hacker himself!

And he was a Nazi!

A Nazi? Wow, didn´t know that such old people play computer games. FYI there are very few Nazi´s left in the world, i think you mean racists...

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Some suggestions regarding the Mayor:

1. Mayor should earn much more money (about 2500$wink_o.gif

2. Mayor should be able to repair City-Hall and Hospital (Civ's spawn) for money - don't make them indestructible like it was in the beta-test, this is unrealistic!


Quote[/b] ]Quote (Jana @ Dec. 06 2007,20:59)
Quote[/b] ]..put civ markers to off EXCEPT in all the big cities where they turn on again, thats a good compromise i think...

I strongly second this! I fully agree to it, with a small change: in ALL citys/towns please!

This should be choosable at mission-start, so either:

Civmarkers always on, or

Civmarkers in Citys/Towns on.

Also i want to remind you about this:

Quote[/b] ]Fewo and issetea, you forget to mention that all civs who kills someone will get a red marker.

But it should be made clear in Briefing AND maybe in Intro, that "wanted" doesn't mean "free to kill". Neither for the Cops nor for possible bountyhunters!

To arrest/ticket someone should still be the highest goal.

So i advice you, issetea and fewo to "partially cut" the "setting wanted" from "setting a bounty".

That means cops(and now also majors) can set someone on wanted without setting a bounty on his head. You can do this without any change in the wanted-menu, by just allowing it to set 0$ bounty on someones head, which makes someone yet still wanted.

Please consider this and build it in.

Today on the server i was, we all highly suggest this as it is needed for real roleplaying.

Also this Bounty-Setting and Wanted-Setting should be doable also at copcars for the Cops.

The main reason, why the cops don't set someone manually on wanted / bounty, is because you only can do this at the flag in the cop-base - this is really bad!

In real-life cops can make this by their radio, which is in every cop-car.

So why not letting this action-menu entry appear as soon as you are as a cop at a cop-car? This would be realistic and great! The Cops demand for it...

A minor point:

At all....

Why not calling the new formable groups/gangs just "alliance" ?

This is IMHO a timeless and neutral word and describes it perfect.

"Guild", as currently used for 1.1 is a bit to old/medieval while "gang" isn't better either.

Just imagine the sentences and decide what message sounds best:

"Civ3 is a member of guild5", or

"Civ3 is a member of alliance5", or

"Civ3 is a member of gang5", or

"Civ3 is a member of group5"

Regards, Christian

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Great mission guys... but Jana is by far the worst admin on a game server I have ever seen. She was kicking people for no reason and making up BS excuses... Looks bad for this mission when you can't even play it without a server admin behaving this way.

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rofl.gif topic about the mission, not hackers probs with servers, stay on topic! yay.gif

Quote[/b] ]In real-life cops can make this by their radio, which is in every cop-car.

So why not letting this action-menu entry appear as soon as you are as a cop at a cop-car? This would be realistic and great! The Cops demand for it...

A minor point:

At all....

Why not calling the new formable groups/gangs just "alliance" ?

This is IMHO a timeless and neutral word and describes it perfect.

"Guild", as currently used for 1.1 is a bit to old/medieval while "gang" isn't better either.

Just imagine the sentences and decide what message sounds best:

"Civ3 is a member of guild5", or

"Civ3 is a member of alliance5", or

"Civ3 is a member of gang5", or

"Civ3 is a member of group5"

Exactly!! Also how about syndicate or crew?

Also another suggestion is to do something about spree killers who do nothing but kill everytime they spawn. its game defeating really. on my server i use a rule where spree killers are well warned before they start losing SL rules, i call it the fbi most wanted terrorist list. first rule spree killers lose is new life rule, so a few mins after spawn they are no1 wanted terrorist shot on sight or arrested or ticketed at cops whim. so basically they have to hide from cops best they can.

you be amazed how quickly spree killers turn whiny when it gets turned around on them! coughlikeabovecough

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Great mission guys... but Jana is by far the worst admin on a game server I have ever seen. She was kicking people for no reason and making up BS excuses... Looks bad for this mission when you can't even play it without a server admin behaving this way.

You want to get our sympathy, quit it with the manipulation. "No Reason" and "BS excuses"? That's your judgment, not ours. Give us the reasons given and let us decide, instead of trying to decide that for us.

I really like Jana's suggestion, hopefully it is possible to actually have zones on the map in the ArmA engine, where the civilians become visible but disappear as soon as they leave town and are out in the wild.

Any cops trying to figure where they are will have to use Civ Cam more often to deduce where they are, and then relay that info to the cops.

Edit: Added later--

If it is by some miracle possible to have these visible/not visible zones in the ArmA engine, lets keep them visible if they are visible from the roads

This will help make going offroad more feasible... I have gone offroad to try and escape the cops before, even changing directions to try and throw them off but the tracking is just too good.

The "slow down marker refresh" flag is useful but I think it should be possible to buy an even longer duration than it is now... 10 minutes is not long enough.

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maybe simply reduce it to civ markers only showing when they're within 30 feet of cop? that would prob be the easy way to code i think?

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maybe simply reduce it to civ markers only showing when they're within 30 feet of cop? that would prob be the easy way to code i think?

I like the version from above way more....

Or for a bit of variation, why not making all 3 option possible and the mission starter can choose it at the beginning:

- Civ-markers always on

- Civ-markers always off

- Civ-markers only in cities and towns

- Civ-markers only when near a cop (approx. 50meters)

By the way:

Quote[/b] ]Just imagine the sentences and decide what message sounds best:

"Civ3 is a member of guild5", or

"Civ3 is a member of alliance5", or

"Civ3 is a member of gang5", or

"Civ3 is a member of group5"

I forgot to mention, that you can specify your own name for your founded "guild", so a sentence sounds more like:

"Civ3 is a member of guild5, "The evil crips"".

Best Regards, Christian

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why not the coops can buy a gps to see the markers of the civis for determined time

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With Idiot can be so stupid like that


I just walked down the street and I saw that, some guys are just to stupid for that world.

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With Idiot can be so stupid like that

<a href="http://img223.imageshack.us/my.php?image=oooopsqi1.png" target="_blank"></a>

I just walked down the street and I saw that, some guys are just to stupid for that world.

Hello this is roleplaying!!!! What do you want? This can even happen in real life, so don't complain.

Also stop such offtopic-post - this topic is mainly for suggestions!

Regards, Christian

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I think he he is talking about the guy beeing stupid because theres a police officer 5 meters behind him, not cause of the robbing attempt wink_o.gif .

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