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I would like to offer a bit of advice on the apache longbow, the BIS model...can't say I'm really jumpy to see it again, and if you are aiming at realism on vehicles then this should help.

Now keep in mind I'm not meaning to come off as elitest or anything, just attempting help, wether they are acted upon is your choice.

First would be the mounts on the wingtips, those were and are not used, best to get rid of them. The rocket pods needs= to be resized, its size only equates to half of the hellfire rack.



The bottom of the rocket pod should line up with the bottom of the upper row of hellfire missiles, but I wouldn't go on the BIS variants or their rack for that as reference either.

the BIS variants are spread too wide, as also seen in the image above, if nothing else I'd urge you to please change these.

Going further we have the pylons, they were modelled as YAH-64 rather then AH-64, image comparison.



As opposed to



Speaking of YAH-64, I think that is what BIS based their model off of in some cases considering the several similarities, bare landing gear, bare main gun, TADS/PNVS area, pyolon style, EFAB's and to an extent, cockpit.

To adress these, the M230 is represented on the model as mostly bare, which was only in YAH-64, considering how low it sat to the ground, it needed a brush guard.


The next is the cockpit, the BIS model has the gunner's cockpit spread wider which is true to an extent, but the pilots area is overly smooshed. (above angle present in above images. also airwars.ru has some excellent AH-64A blueprints, I would suggest having a look at them.) Not to mention the cockpit glass is not on the edge of the frame but within it.

Onto the TADS and PNVS, personally I would just remake that entire section and here is why.


From the front we can see that the 'nose body' and 'nose' section are not connected, its somewhat pieced together.

The second that is between the PNVS and TADS is part of the section on either sides of the nose so to speak, the boxy parts. The part that pokes out on the right of the above image is a seperate piece. http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/7762/170415772tlcnpnfswg0.jpg (this is the British MKII but the part I speak of is essentially the same.)

http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/9648/ah64a09of52me7.jpg You can see the section isn't completely enclosed.


I'll end here for now before it sounds like I'm harping on ya.

I have tons of other images that detail just about every little bit on both Alpha and Delta, if you would like some assistance with that then drop me a PM but (and I hate to say this because it sounds elitest) only do so if you are pursueing high realism on the bird.

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I dont want to be "bad" but I think it will be good to release UpArmored Humvees only, so we dont have to wait for the complete release. Its just an idea, but I am sure that more people will appreciate it.


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In one of the screenies i see UK troops!

They look damned awesome!

I havnt been following this, so i dont know if this has been mentioned before but here are my questions:

Are they your UK troops or are you working with UKF?

Are the weapons new or the ported ones?

Either way they look really good!

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I think its their own, currently the pics of their uk troops seem to be reskins. But the texture work is starting to look nice though.

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the british units are ours, and dont worry, they will be more than just reskins in future! wink_o.gif just be as patient as you all have been so far and we all can wait happily and play this when its out. and no I dont have ETA for release date. smile_o.gif

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i hate it when you release news update because every time i look at your pics from your updates i really really really can't wait for your mod to be released however i can't stop watching them your releases are liek freaking cigars you know that it is bad for you but you can't stop with it and you just gotta use\see

i hope youre mod will be out as soon as possible BTW just a question what is the precise release date?

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You need to stop badgering people to add stuff to their addons or release dates... confused_o.gif

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Yes, release dates and addons don't get along well, just as soon as you get ready to release, a bug or a few pop up out of nowhere.

Plus rushing it will just sour it so to speak.

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i hate it when you release news update because every time i look at your pics from your updates i really really really can't wait for your mod to be released however i can't stop watching them your releases are liek freaking cigars you know that it is bad for you but you can't stop with it and you just gotta use\see

Some polite advice IsraeliEagle: Stop posting comments like these to any thread. I don't think they'll result in a positive reply in the least. It's kind of rude.


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Dont worry about it dude. I am looking at every little detail compared to real life one at a time and overhauling each detail one at a time. This thing is my priority and is gonna be perfect when its done (note my name  tounge2.gif )

Honestly, BIS did a bad job on the Apache, and I am gonna fix it all up to my standards (HUGE apache fan). This is still far WIP.

Oh, and keep in mind there are quite a bit of visual differences between an Alpha and Delta model, so Alpha pictures wont be too helpful at this point.

Thanks a lot for your support though, it really means a lot that you would bring up so many details.

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Dont worry about it dude. I am looking at every little detail compared to real life one at a time and overhauling each detail one at a time. This thing is my priority and is gonna be perfect when its done (note my name tounge2.gif )

Honestly, BIS did a bad job on the Apache, and I am gonna fix it all up to my standards (HUGE apache fan). This is still far WIP.

Oh, and keep in mind there are quite a bit of visual differences between an Alpha and Delta model, so Alpha pictures wont be too helpful at this point.

Thanks a lot for your support though, it really means a lot that you would bring up so many details.

I know it can be time consuming wink_o.gif

I can't really blame BIS for the work they did on the apache, yes it has some very model mishaps such as the weaponry but information wasn't quite as wide about it back then as it is today.

I'd like to help you a bit with this, original we were going to release and apache but her polycount was viewed to be too high and Franze sort of lost interest in it so to speak (don't ban me)

I'm going to send you a PM of mine and Franze's Delta model, 80-90% of it was reworked so a pretty good sum is mine, if you are interested in acquiring any parts of it just let me know. Unfortunately the helicopter in its entirety is off limits, even though her polycount is high I hope to one day optimise and release it..

And if nothing else, just release a uber high poly model with no normal maps considering that would lighten up aLOT on the memory. (about 4x more, 2x if halved)

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And what about my Humvee idea on the previous page ? inlove.gif

Sorry man, I don't think thats gonna happen.

we sure love to release them too but there just not done. sad_o.gif

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Dont worry about it dude. I am looking at every little detail compared to real life one at a time and overhauling each detail one at a time. This thing is my priority and is gonna be perfect when its done (note my name  tounge2.gif )

Honestly, BIS did a bad job on the Apache, and I am gonna fix it all up to my standards (HUGE apache fan). This is still far WIP.

Oh, and keep in mind there are quite a bit of visual differences between an Alpha and Delta model, so Alpha pictures wont be too helpful at this point.

Thanks a lot for your support though, it really means a lot that you would bring up so many details.

I know it can be time consuming wink_o.gif

I can't really blame BIS for the work they did on the apache, yes it has some very model mishaps such as the weaponry but information wasn't quite as wide about it back then as it is today.

I'd like to help you a bit with this, original we were going to release and apache but her polycount was viewed to be too high and Franze sort of lost interest in it so to speak (don't ban me)

I'm going to send you a PM of mine and Franze's Delta model, 80-90% of it was reworked so a pretty good sum is mine, if you are interested in acquiring any parts of it just let me know. Unfortunately the helicopter in its entirety is off limits, even though her polycount is high I hope to one day optimise and release it..

And if nothing else, just release a uber high poly model with no normal maps considering that would lighten up aLOT on the memory. (about 4x more, 2x if halved)

I'm sure that you'd better just concentrate on mainly the A model. Sure they're flying D's but mostly you'll see A models flying due to the fact that the Longbow radar is quite useless in Iraq. Or at least a D model without the radar anyways..

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Alright the one thing whats going to suck is youring to have to down the actual things of the apache such as locking on to tanks over 3 miles away. Also will you be changing or adding once it comes out cameron's US infantry?

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Alright the one thing whats going to suck is youring to have to down the actual things of the apache such as locking on to tanks over 3 miles away. Also will you be changing or adding once it comes out cameron's US infantry?

This is possible with the new version of TrueRangeAi, when it's out. As a matter of fact, the Ai engage kinda don't move in the Cobra when way out, when there are multiple hard targets. It's actually quite a sight to watch. So the Apache should have no problem engaging from distances, however, if EricJ's statement is true, the point is moot.


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The Apaches don't carry the longbow radar in Iraq because there are no armoured targets to seek out with radar. Manually designated laser targeting are more flexible, and I'd imagine it's hard to justify the increased cost in fuel brought on by the weight and drag of the mast mounted radar.

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I'm sure that you'd better just concentrate on mainly the A model. Sure they're flying D's but mostly you'll see A models flying due to the fact that the Longbow radar is quite useless in Iraq. Or at least a D model without the radar anyways..

Both models have mostly long since been done, the only thing the Alpha lacks is the arial sensor enhancement from the old one but that has been scratched. And I can't really send the Alpha's efabs since they were made by Franze.

Will you guys be including LOAL and LOBL, not to mention accurate pilots rather then generic, can't really imagine flying an AH-64 of any sort with IHADSS.

Also plaintiff yes they do but only 1/10 ratio since thats pretty much all that is required to inform a squadron anyway.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
The Apaches don't carry the longbow radar in Iraq because there are no armoured targets to seek out with radar.  Manually designated laser targeting are more flexible, and I'd imagine it's hard to justify the increased cost in fuel brought on by the weight and drag of the mast mounted radar.

Actually they do use the Longbow radar in Irag and Afghanistan. Its use is very well documented and is used for standoff ISTAR/observation. Its proved execellant for the role with the Longbow FCR acting as the coordinator for the rest of the units in the air and on the ground.

As I understand it you will see more of the Older 64A models out there atm due to the rotation of aircraft and crews which is where your misconception likely comes from.

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The truth is Alpha models arent in use anymore, as of 2008. All you will see in Iraq (and everywhere else) now are Delta models, yet some with the FCR removed due to the lack of armored targets to take out. We are going to be including the standard Delta model only, FCR included.

If anyone posts some pics, I can easily identify whether it is an A or D model, FCR or not.

I am going to be aiming to include LOAL and LOBL, the IHADSS might be more difficult to include, seeing as I have no idea how to make a dynamic crosshair for it. We are making our own units, including pilots, though.

And yes, this mod will require Queen's Gambit.

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