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Average Joe

High Detail Texture Project

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I'm really sorry, but i'm getting sick and tired of these tools.

From solving one problem, you will role into the next.

I'm gonne take a break of this, if theres is somebody willing to take over the project let me know.

Heres a release with the next set of bugs in it.


Have fun, i'm sick of it for now.


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Allie, great work on borderlite! I think it's a big improvement over beta 1 with all the extras like the more realistic sand color, extra encampments, roads, and environment stuff like some palm trees and limited grasses in selected areas. The missile silo building is pretty neat!

I didn't notice any major bugs, just some minor texture issues in a couple spots but it doesn't detract from gameplay - it's an even better desert fighting map now.. top notch!

Thanks for all the hard work, looking forward to any future updates.

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Hey Allie,

well i know how you feel but good things need time and ArmA really got some strange behaviours in some part.

I too working on a very big project since about 5 - 6 month 5 - 8 hours every day if i don't have to work 12 hours and belive me many times i thought "DAMN FU..ING ArmA!!!!

But time and experiance will tell you the right way. smile_o.gif

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Allie =) please, don't give up!

You have done an amazing work, and we all know, as mission editors, maps or addons makers, that ArmA environment is sometimes weird.

But with some time, your map will be better and better.

EDIT : I decided to build a Virtual traininspace 2 version on your map, because in my opinion your work has given something very interesting and quite new to the ArmA comunauty : wide spaces, excellent for air or armor missions...

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We, at 6thsense, play this map regurarly with our dynamic AIs.

It is a great map that gives a lot of fun.

As to BIS tools - well, they updated them from alpha stage (first RC) to beta (current RC) and hopefully will continue. Maybe waiting for them to catch on isn't such a bad idea afterall, if they continue their work (and I don't know if they do) on the tools.

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Dont worry i wont smile_o.gif

i just need bit of a break for now, there is a new release


This is the second release, so only the beta and this release are out now.

There is probebly 1 more release on the way made by somebody else, i trust this guy and he understands the meaning of the map, so this will probebly be a nice version too.

Myself will keep on working on the original one and will release it under a different name maybe.

Busy taking pictures for my next project so dont worry i wont stop, but i go play a bit now instead of editing smile_o.gif

Later have fun.


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Thanks Allie,

Downloading atm smile_o.gif

EDIT: Oh my, the map is even more fluid then the 1st version! Impressive. I like the roads smile_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif


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Dont worry i wont smile_o.gif

i just need bit of a break for now, there is a new release


This is the second release, so only the beta and this release are out now.

There is probebly 1 more release on the way made by somebody else, i trust this guy and he understands the meaning of the map, so this will probebly be a nice version too.

Myself will keep on working on the original one and will release it under a different name maybe.

Busy taking pictures for my next project so dont worry i wont stop, but i go play a bit now instead of editing smile_o.gif

Later have fun.


Allie since not much people replied to your New Version since yesterday, i would like to ask you what would be different if you change the ocean/water into land, like in Sakakah map?

Problems with lag? What would be bad if you did this?

It could become more realistic.

Though I'm not sure what would happen if that was implemented/created. Would it be less fluid?

Hope you got my idea, ie, turn the water into infinit land, (with same kinda montains or not)

Please clarefy my doubt.

Much appreciated. Love your Island. (hope future Map) wink_o.gif

EDIT: PS- Would be nice if Average Joe Updated the 1st post!

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EDIT: Oh my, the map is even more fluid then the 1st version! Impressive. I like the roads smile_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif



Will be totally cool!

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Ok so far so good,

Really happy about the first really good tests on the island for playability on dedicated server and under some load of ai's running and driving around.

No major problems reported so far, no probs with viewdistance set to 5000, no lag with really some ai's fooling around on island.

Have not a lot of time the comming weeks but i will go on with it.

Hope you all have fun on it, and i hope to see some nice missions, for now i can say Fraghaus is hosting the island on its dedicated server, 1 test playable map on there for now, but this will change over hours, so dont worry.

Well i'm off, good gaming.


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It's a very very good work smile_o.gif This is definately one of the best islands for ArmA I've ever seen! Keep on this good work smile_o.gif I'm only waiting for some more Iraqi units, maybe an aircraft carrier and then the missions can begin! biggrin_o.gif

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Allie.. i would like to ask you what would be different if you change the ocean/water into land, like in Sakakah map? So instead of an island we would have a extended map.

Problems with lag? What would be bad if you did this?

It could become more realistic.

Though I'm not sure what would happen if that was implemented/created. Would it be less fluid?

Hope you got my idea, ie, turn the water into infinite land, (with same kinda mountains or not)

Please clarify my doubt.

Ok so far so good,

Really happy about the first really good tests on the island for playability on dedicated server and under some load of ai's running and driving around.

No major problems reported so far, no probs with viewdistance set to 5000, no lag with really some ai's fooling around on island.

Have not a lot of time the comming weeks but i will go on with it.

Hope you all have fun on it, and i hope to see some nice missions, for now i can say Fraghaus is hosting the island on its dedicated server, 1 test playable map on there for now, but this will change over hours, so dont worry.

Well i'm off, good gaming.


does that post answer to my question? huh.gif

Will you change the island into a map? (removing the ocean and adding infinite terrain/land?

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I'm waiting for Sakakah to be working on dedicated server before i start fooling around with removing the water !

We are still not sure if this has any influence on the dedicated server exe.

I will remember it, dont worry, and maybe in upcomming release we are able to do it.

Theres so much more to learn here, i cant fix all at once smile_o.gif



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I'm waiting for Sakakah to be working on dedicated server before i start fooling around with removing the water !

We are still not sure if this has any influence on the dedicated server exe.

I will remember it, dont worry, and maybe in upcomming release we are able to do it.

Theres so much more to learn here, i cant fix all at once smile_o.gif



Check the Sakaka thread, it was just an error in the RVMAT files. Nothing to do with infinite land smile_o.gif

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The extrusion IS already present on your map, only that the terrain is doing this bellow sea level. This is because your terrain is not elevated above the sea where the map border is. All ArmA islands is like this, but you can't see the terrain extrusion because it's under the sea. wink_o.gif

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ok ok, understand, getting the news from 4 side at once smile_o.gif

So it was the rvmat that fckup the dedicated server thing then?

What about the OFP objects, No problem ?

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ok ok, understand, getting the news from 4 side at once smile_o.gif

So it was the rvmat that fckup the dedicated server thing then?

Yup, you were right! biggrin_o.gif


those OFP objects, hmm I'm not sure about those yet.

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Nice, cool, great.

ok now we need to get that map on the fraghaus server and game.

Later, i'm gaming smile_o.gif

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Cool island !  notworthy.gif

Should be great for armoured battles .................. and BAJA Racing !!!!  tounge2.gif


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with some addons the map doesn`t work wink_o.gif

Running it with a shitload of other addons w/o any problems here huh.gif

But since were at screenshots: 80k viewdistance *drools* yay.gif

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with some addons the map doesn`t work  wink_o.gif

Running it with a shitload of other addons w/o any problems here  huh.gif

But since were at screenshots: 80k viewdistance *drools*  yay.gif

WTF MAN!? I thought there were only 10k viewdistances!!! How the F did u do that? Is that the new Proper Ui that allows you to do that? I havnt been able to dl it yet cus I cant find any links i nthe thread... i must be manga stupid...

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You can circumvent the limit by editing your PLAYER.ArmAprofile

directly. wink_o.gif

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You can also use the setViewDistance command. In my experience there is a maximum view distance of between 14~20km, that a given system will display. Setting the view distance above this limit has no effect.

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