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Your Feedback on Queen's Gambit

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Quote[/b] ]Although i expected more from this patch or what ever you wanna call.

It´s an expansion, no patch. Nail that to your forehead pls.

It´s not BIS fault, nor ours if you are too lazy to read the press releases on QG. All addons are listed, all islands are talked about and both of the campaigns got reviewed aswell. As you are quite frequently browsing and commenting every and any thread here on the forums you certainly haven´t missed that facts.

Or is the same as it was with your "gone-out-of-the-window" expectations for Arma ? Stop daydreaming and get a grip on reality. BIS isn´t bravo6´s personal wishmachine. Just because you think that something should be in, doesn´t mean that BIS will scream in happiness and implement it on the fly.

Your expectations for a cooperative campaign of the caliber of the QG´s embedded ones is very naive. If you´d know more about mission editing, you´d know that a maxed out optimized single-player campaign will hardly EVER work for multiplayer. It would take a lot of work to actually make that happen. Just look at the cooperative tries for Resistance campaign. I guess none of them actually fully worked.

This is an expansion without technical improvements for the engine. Noone ever said different, if you are daydreaming it´s your problem.

Now pls go back to your: Go BIS ! We count on you ! thumbs-up.gif


If you can´t see that the Merc campa is a masterpiece, you haven´t played it. Up to know I do not know of any user-made campaign of that quality. It´s funny that it´s always the ones that don´t do proper missions or no missisons at all who are running around telling everyone that the community will come up with something superior or of the same quality. Up to now that´s nonsense, be it island-wise or campaign-wise.

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are you angry?

I bet you already eared and know that Freedom of speech, diferent Point of Views, Personal Opinions are allowed in this forum.

You say as if they were not allowed in this thread..

I already said the campaign is great, I respect all their work, tough I'm against these kinda Addon packs, thats all.

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No, it just makes me tired to see you ranting about something that you actually do not own, have not played enough and that you are complaining about things that were never supposed to be in the expansion.

It would be as if you are screaming in bold letter ( you like them, don´t you ?) that there are no nuclear submarines in QG.

Bravo6 style:

"OMG , I had hoped so badly that there would be submarines coming with QG ! I am so dissapointed with BIS not implementing them !

Maybe in next patch BIS ? Keep it up ! We trust in you ! thumbs-up.gif "

You expectations were neither fueled by BIS nor anyone else but yourself, so if you want to be dissapointed with something so badly, be dissapointed with yourself at first for not being able to read what QG contains.

Freedom of speech ?

It´s my freedom of speech to tell you that your expectations are constantly going miles away from the things that we are told by BIS prior releases.

It just makes me sick that you plaster your bold letter signs of nonsense whenever there seems to be a chance to.

And yes, this is also freedom of speech.

Quote[/b] ] I respect all their work, tough I'm against these kinda Addon packs, thats all.

Noone ever will force you to buy it. If you don´t like "such" simply stay away from it. Easy as that.

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Got my copy in the mail today but it was one of those stupid days so i didnt have alot of time with it yet.

First thing i checked was Porto, the mercs, partisans and new vehicles.

Porto is small and useless to me, Rahmadi will remain my test ground.

The mercs are silly*, they look like bad comic book characters.

The models are well done and have some interesting details like tattoos, bandanas, gloves, sunglasses, one even wears shorts and long socks. The problem is the silly* look, they just dont fit with the game at all (ultimate combat simulation..), they could have made some decent looking PMC's wearing a mix of cammo with civilian clothing, khaki, caps and well... something realistic and more authentic!!

The partisans arent bad, they have very nice cammo and some wear red berets, caps, etc, at first glimpse they reminded me of african troops but they still wear that strange combo of interceptor body armor with the shovel and tent on their backs, to go with the new QG style they were also given a pirate patch on the shoulder, w00t icon_rolleyes.gif .

The civilian hummer and DC-3 dont touch the quality standard of default arma vehicles by a mile. The technicals are reskins with a few more details and MG's on back.

Step #2 was to see what United Sahrani was about and the diferences were hard to find, the TV station building is very nice but the changes made to the island seem so minor that they dont justify having another Sahrani in my game folder.

The good thing atlast. Royal Flush! I only had time to see the intro to it and it looked great, very nice camera angles and vehicle cams, voice acting seems good, new music and animations, Royal Flush is promissing.

These are my observations so far, i think QG is good for Royal flush campaign, after that its a waste of space. I think something good could have been done with this expantion, BES did well with the campaign but thats about it.

goodnight.gif .

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Is this a troll feeding station?

Anyway I for one am very pleased with the QG expansion-addon.  I currently only play off-line so the new campaigns for me are just the ticket.

I've been a fan since the original OPFlash and am very glad to see the series continue to grow and improve. Heres hoping more expansions on the horizon.

Thank you to all involved.

oh and could some one point me to the spoke about 1.9 release notes. I am unable to see them anywhere. ty

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Balschoiw, you sure your not angry?! You seem angry :\

If you want I ask the moderators to change my vote.. (Though my opinion remains).

In terms of Addons: Waste of time, they had time to do better! There are already better addons in our forum.

In terms of Campaign: Great, like Heatseeker said. But a 100mb of campaign does not worth a DVD.

Idea/Suggestion: Maybe they could build missions and Campaigns only from now on and let the Addons for the community addon makers.

Im sure those missions would be much appreciated by all. A DVD with missions and Campaigns only (Mission Pack).

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Besides, Battle of Porto has huge potential. We just need some servers for it now biggrin_o.gif

welcome.gif Yea i want to see this too. Seems that many have QG, but where are the servers...

SES will have QG installed. But we are having some problems with the host at the moment...

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Me and my team just love the new civil humvee with tinted windows (great for VIP transport with multiple vehicles!wink_o.gif, here's a photo:


We're gonna test it in tonight MP session (security contractors Titan and SOFOR soldiers) wink_o.gif

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Balschoiw, you sure your not angry?! You seem angry :\

If you want I ask the moderators to change my vote.. (Though my opinion remains).

In terms of Addons: Waste of time, they had time to do better! There are already better addons in our forum.

In terms of Campaign: Great, like Heatseeker said. But a 100mb of campaign does not worth a DVD.

Idea/Suggestion: Maybe they could build missions and Campaigns only from now on and let the Addons for the community addon makers.

Im sure those missions would be much appreciated by all. A DVD with missions and Campaigns only (Mission Pack).

Why dont you at least once listen to somebody instead of being stubborn?

Balschoiw summed it up perfectly, maybe a look at your postcount and register date combined with a check for how much of it was usefull for anyone should make you think for a while...

Nah, it wont, keep on posting thumbs-up.gif

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Fun little addon, I like the new vehicles especially the technicals, a group of the partisans with RHS AKMs in a technical look great.

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Balschoiw, you sure your not angry?! You seem angry :\

If you want I ask the moderators to change my vote.. (Though my opinion remains).

In terms of Addons: Waste of time, they had time to do better! There are already better addons in our forum.

In terms of Campaign: Great, like Heatseeker said. But a 100mb of campaign does not worth a DVD.

Idea/Suggestion: Maybe they could build missions and Campaigns only from now on and let the Addons for the community addon makers.

Im sure those missions would be much appreciated by all. A DVD with missions and Campaigns only (Mission Pack).

I think they made the addons for the campaign, nothing more. They needed some Mercs, some nice militia, vehicles, and such. They recorded all the animations and got them in the game just for cutscenes, etc, etc... but all that was done for the campaign, I think.

And, well, it's quite a nice result.

The goal was not to have a mod/Addons set, and a campaign to show it work, but the opposite, a campaign, that required some new units.

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I have not recived mine yet sad_o.gif I ordered the 24th damn it!

Anyone aware of any shipping problems to Sweden?

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i don't understand how some people here seem to be surprised by the look of the mercenaries.

we've known what they were gonna look like ever since the first screenshots of QG had been released.

yet apparently some of us here still went out, bought the game and are now disappointed by the "silly" look of the mercs. don't you people ever research a product before you buy it?

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i don't understand how some people here seem to be surprised by the look of the mercenaries.

we've known what they were gonna look like ever since the first screenshots of QG had been released.

yet apparently some of us here still went out, bought the game and are now disappointed by the "silly" look of the mercs. don't you people ever research a product before you buy it?

"Your Feedback on Queens Gambit"

Im not surprised nor disapointed, just posting my feedback on QG.

After im done with Royal flush SP campaign its unlikely that i'll ever launch this -mod again. For mission editing and MP i'll stick with regular Arma.

There is very little content and whats new isnt worth using imo.

United Sahrani has 1 working airfield (Paraiso), default Sahrani has 4 (Paraiso, Rahmadi, Pita and Antigua).

God, even the new grafitti loading screens look silly*.

*other words come to mind but i chose silly because im trying to be respectfull in my criticism/feedback.

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I really like the SpecOp campaign concept. Haven't tried the other one yet.

How come I can't get past "The President" mission? It keeps restarting the mission after the "ask him" cutscene sad_o.gif

And the squadmate's AI is sometimes a bit off. Instead of following orders to go to some location, they take off opposite direction. W-t-f? :P

No other problems or complaints, great exp smile_o.gif

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Well i won't be buying it thats for sure. Don't you just hate it when a company brings out a buggy game. Then releases an addon instead of using that time to fix it.

* sigh *

Most of QG (read : the campaign) was done by somebody else than BI.

Anytime spent on this addon by BI should of been spent on fixing AA bugs.

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I buy it today. I play it. Amazing campaigns. Good work BIS and Black elements notworthy.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r
Quote[/b] ]Anytime spent on this addon by BI should of been spent on fixing AA bugs.

The island makers and mission designers do not work on the engine itself... As far as I know huh.gif

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Well i won't be buying it thats for sure. Don't you just hate it when a company brings out a buggy game. Then releases an addon instead of using that time to fix it.

* sigh *

Most of QG (read : the campaign) was done by somebody else than BI.

Anytime spent on this addon by BI should of been spent on fixing AA bugs.

and what good would that have done for the lack of (singleplayer) content in ArmA?

i'm all for bugfixing, but of what use is a bug free engine if it has no content to enjoy?

so far the SP content of ArmA has been pretty much zero, zip, nil, nada; the official campaign was one of the worst SP campaigns ever included in a game, and custom made SP content is next to non-existent.

at least QG delivers a bit of quality SP content. about time, too.

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In OFP every patch had improvements.. this one is different.


I'm not pointing a finger especially at you, Bravo6. But your comment pretty much sums up the discussion in here these days. It's almost making me nostalgic. Because the critique aimed at ArmA (and QG) today is exactly the same that OFP recieved back in the good old days (pre Resistance).

And as far as I can see, OFP and ArmA are being handled in exactly the same way. Think about it:

1) The original game contains a lot of bugs

2) Numerous patches arrive, and yet the bugs remain

3) A Campaign & Addon pack (produced by hirelings) is released mid way (Queens Gambit is essentially the ArmA version of Red Hammer)

4) After a few years BIS release a newish game; part of it's content being new - part is just old stuff. The OfP/Arma comparison would be Resistance/ArmA2

The main difference in release procedure, as far as I can see, is that Codemasters are not involved in ArmA. Instead of using a reliable (but strictly commercial) producer, BIS is now relying on a small and newly established network of independent gaming companies. The benefit being that the developers are now in full controll of the finished product. The downside is that the final product retain a feeling of being home made even after hitting the shelves.

As a side note, I also suspect that the wonderfull story telling elements that made OFP - Cold War Crisis my favourite game of all times were added by Codemasters. Because that's what an executive producer does to make sure that the final products comes in a nice and apealing package ; one that make you want to buy more, and more, and more...

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As a side note, I also suspect that the wonderfull story telling elements that made OFP - Cold War Crisis my favourite game of all times were added by Codemasters. Because that's what an executive producer does to make sure that the final products comes in a nice and apealing package ; one that make you want to buy more, and more, and more...

very nicely put. smile_o.gif

Codemasters may not be perfect (Starforce anyone?) but they sure know how to make an appealing, polished product.

something that BIS obviously lacks. all the SP content in ArmA that is of some quality was done by someone other than BIS (Blood Sweat and Tears, Devil's Cross, Queen's Gambit).

i'd urge BIS to work on that. fast. if ArmA 2 arrives in the same state that ArmA did, they might go out of business; you can't survive in the gaming industry without attracting at least parts of the masses, and to do that you need a polished product and a memorable gaming experience (in other words: a great campaign and story).

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The "unpolished" bits of ArmA were down to lack of time more than anything else. It was delayed quite a lot as it was and they needed the money, so they released it. In all fairness I'm pretty sure the campaign worked fine at some point, but when you make changes to the way the engine works you have to go back through every single mission and ensure they act the same way as they did before any changes, which is what I'm assuming they didn't get the time to do properly.

As I've said before, let BIS make the engine, let the community make the content, because there's always going to be someone who isnt happy with what BIS give us. At least if we make it ourselves we know we want it, hell even then people won't always be happy, but that's life. Just think of all the improvements of the engine over OFP. Better collision detection, better scripting engine, more detailed model support, normal map support, HDR, better sound engine with real time distortion based on range and objects/terrain in the way, far larger island support. Technically unlimited sized maps with the terrain streaming. The only limit is the time it takes the fill the space. There's also the added feature of multiple turrets on single models which people were begging for in OFP, but I've yet to see a user made addon which uses this yet.

I think people expect too much from BIS. They expect a perfect engine, then content that every single person alive will be 100% happy with. It's not going to happen. There are very few games in existance which allow users to modify them to the extent you can modify ArmA. The majority of game engines are locked down so make it almost impossible or a waste of time to work out how to mod for. BF2 is a good example. That engine is an absolute joke!

People moaned about the lack of SP content in ArmA, so QG came out and addressed it. There's no "fixes" with it, it isnt a patch. 1.08 FINAL came with it, but nothing new engine change wise. 1.09 is being made now, we'll have it sometime in the near future. No doubt people will be whining it doesnt add any new addons when they can no longer moan about the lack of engine fixes/improvements. This community will always find something to slam.

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Seems some really underestimate the buisness factor in todays gaming industry.

If you sign a contract with a publisher you have to keep your release date cause the publisher also needs to plan a few things ahead like a marketing campaign.

Also the costs of constant support shouldnt be underestimated and can easily reach a 15-20% of the development price of the game itself.

( Source for that is Gamestar, Germanys most read game mag )

And a million is easily spend even on simpler games, dunno what ArmA did cost but it sure was a good amount.

So if you still wanna see BIS making games then for once thing of it from the realistic financial standpoint, as a rather small company they have to make money to develop, support and make new games.

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I'm pretty sure the campaign worked fine at some point, but when you make changes to the way the engine works you have to go back through every single mission and ensure they act the same way as they did before any changes, which is what I'm assuming they didn't get the time to do properly.

I second that opinion. I've produced a numerous amount of campaign missions for OFP. I estimate there's over 50 on my hard drives. But all in all I haven't released more than three campaigns consisting of (maybe) 20-30 missions all together.

The main reason is that with my slow production rate, patch after patch (and addon after addon) is released; thus forcing me to go back, change stuff, and discard a lot of ideas along the way. That's not a problem to me, becaus editing is my hobby and not my livelyhood. But I suppose if I did design missions for a living, then I would feel tempted to release stuff that doesn't quite work

NOTE: I have (of course) released a lot of crappy stuff, but that is because of my own scripting inability and it has nothing to do with my lazines or me being greedy smile_o.gif

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