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New ArmedAssault.info site online !!!

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So all of you if you go to armed assault.info or yomatools.be

do visit some of the ads so we can actually give stuff to you without it costing us.


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Don't expect it to be a lot...

But if i can pay half of the hosting in the end, i'll be pleased..

(it won't happen)

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Its gettin better: big IPS driver error on armedassault.info now...

I was about to go click some adds lol biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Armed Assault.info main server is back!

After a week of expectations and difficult connections, I am glad to announce that our new server has been delivered and that after some hard work from our site core admin, Armed Assault.info site situation is back to normal.

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We still have some minor problems though...we can't upload pictures nor post em on the mainsite. This issue will be fixed as soon as possible !

Edit: Cervo already fixed it smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Hacked by linuXploit_crew ... derfownz@gmail.com

.:: [safeMode] ( OFF ) http://forums.bistudio.com/oldsmileys/huh.gif[/img]"]http://armedassault.info/index.p....at=http ::.

.:: [uname -a] ( Linux sd-3187 #1 Mon Oct 16 14:05:25 CEST 2006 i686 ) ::.

.:: [uptime] ( 03:22:02 up 3:02, 1 user, load average: 0.68, 0.57, 0.61 ) ::.

.:: [id] ( uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) ) ::.

.:: [pwd] ( /var/www/armedassault/forum ) ::.

.:: [user] ( www-data ) ::.

.:: [phpv] ( 5.1.6 ) ::.

.:: [softWare] ( Apache ) ::.

.:: [serverAddr] ( ) ::.

.:: [serverName] ( armedassault.info ) ::.

Fanpages all out of luck these days?

We need Feng-Shui!

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what pisses me off is they have the balls to post their e-mail there to. Bitches should get a life and a woman...... mad_o.gif

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This is so sad to have to see over and over again.

I know we cant do much but if the aa.info team needs some help and think we can be of any assistance let me know.

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You might have noticed, that our website had to struggle with some major difficulties during the past few weeks. First the main server suffered a hardware failure which took the site offline for some days. After everything started to work fine again we've been hacked because of a flaw that was added by the new OS version we installed. Gladly, Flo_wer from Arma-fr.net website helped us and took down the modified pages, then we reinstalled concerned files from a backup.

We apologise for any inconvenience and hope you will keep on visting our website smile_o.gif

Happy Holidays !

Your ArmedAssault.info Team

PS: Thanks to everyone who offered help smile_o.gif

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Hey im having issues accsessing your site and i used to have no problems and i really like it.

i get a message

HTTP 400 Bad Request

The webpage cannot be found

HTTP 400  

  Most likely causes:

There might be a typing error in the address.

If you clicked on a link, it may be out of date.

  What you can try:

    Retype the address.  

    Go back to the previous page.

    Go to  and look for the information you want.  

    More information

This error (HTTP 400 Bad Request) means that this program was able to connect to the web server, but the webpage could not be found because of a problem with the address

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Which url do you have in your navigation bar when this message occurs?

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armaholic.com and armedassault.info do not respond to the url's i just typed. You have to add the www. prefix.

http://www.armedassault.info/  wink_o.gif

Ehmmm, how do you mean?

If I type www.armedassault.info I correctly am moved to the site same goes for my own site (wont spam this topic with our site wink_o.gif ).

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armaholic.com and armedassault.info do not respond to the url's i just typed. You have to add the www. prefix.

http://www.armedassault.info/  wink_o.gif

Ehmmm, how do you mean?

If I type www.armedassault.info I correctly am moved to the site same goes for my own site (wont spam this topic with our site wink_o.gif ).

if you type in the address bar of Internet Explorer: armaholic.com either your internet explorer will default to a search engine with results for armaholic.com or you will get an error 404 if you have not specified a default search provider for address bar(like me yay lol). It's the www. that a person normally doesn't need to type in, that you must with armedassault.info and armaholic.com. Not a big deal, but would attribute to some issues where people think they can't get to the site. smile_o.gif

Edit: For Example in the httpd.conf under your server perameters(if running apache) here is an example of one configuration that doesn't require the www.:

Quote[/b] ]<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerAdmin me@mycompany.ca

DocumentRoot "C:/www/mysiteDIR/html/"

ServerName www.mycompany.ca

ServerAlias mycompany.ca

Like I said though, it's really a non-issue. But for completeness...


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well i clicked the link you embeded and it gave me the same error.

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well i clicked the link you embeded and it gave me the same error.

Then there must be something wrong with the DNS server numbers your internet service provider has given to you, the ISP's DNS resolution itself or your computer is having another type of issue(?). The latter problem could be a plethora of possibilities including virus', spyware and erroneous additions to your hosts file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts)

I personally think it's your DNS numbers, or your ISP. smile_o.gif

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no i cannot accsess ether, its wiered becasue i used to eb able to use both of those sites

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