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About utterslax

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. utterslax

    Queen's gambit animations list

    Itd be great if someone could list what these do. And, do these have to be in a trigger, or can they be in the init line of a unit?
  2. i meant laser pointer, not designator
  3. utterslax

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    that animation is really nice. i hadnt noticed it before.
  4. AN/PEQ-2. So does that mean we're gonna have a COD4 effect soon? That'd be neat, maybe the flashlights eventually too.
  5. utterslax

    Xam 1.4 released

    you shouldnt. unless things changed, and i doubt it, there are two downloads, one for 1.08, and one for the 1.09 beta.
  6. utterslax

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    I think the sound thing is 1.09. I have that problem with every single vehicle. Also, not a huge fan of the MG3 sound. I do love the Huey though. Been waiting for one since I first bought OFP. Can't wait for the US version!
  7. utterslax

    Waypoint activation?

    thats it? wow i was expecting it to be a lot harder thanks.
  8. utterslax

    Waypoint activation?

    Is there a way to activate a waypoint with a trigger? I cant find anything on it.
  9. thanks a lot sickboy, that was quicker than i was expecting.
  10. is there an updated version of classnames? the wiki one doesnt have any scars.
  11. i dont think i saw it anywhere, so for a future addon maybe....something that allows men to sit in the doors and shoot out, like in BF2. hopefully the range will be good enough so they can provide overhead sniper cover, like in black hawk down.
  12. utterslax

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    have you tried to destuct any of our vehicles ? every vehicle in this release have its own destruction effect. ....and please people .... have a look in the manual included before asking questions. thanks i was wondering for the use with other vehicles, not just the ones in the pack
  13. utterslax

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    Does this pack have your destruction mod in it? i saw the videos on armedassault.info and wasnt sure. if no, is there an eta when they will be out?