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Is ArmA Slower Compared To OFP ?

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Simple question to whoever can be botherd to answer.

Does ArmA feel slower in terms of movement / gameplay compared to OFP ? To all the other vets out there.

Ive had ArmA since it was released in Czech. And ive always maintained that it feels slower somehow and not as fast.

My cousin who got into OFP about 3 years ago also agrees with me that there is a difference.

So i wanted to ask

Does ArmA Feel Slower in terms of gameplay/Movement compared to OFP ?

( It isnt my machine, if you seen one of the videos i made demonstrating ArmAs Game Engine Capabilitys youll see that that is not the problem )

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The animation and "weapon handling" (for want of a better

term) are different which gives ArmA quite a different "feel"

from OFP.

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My opinion

Slower in gameplay ...No

I recall taking my time more in OFP, in Arma AI is harder, hard to take out a squad of AI etc... I am more aggressive

Slower sloppier movement in Arma,yes sorta

Love the peek and new features tho

Couldn't put Arma away and play OFP again

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I dont think i could put ArmA away but i could easily take OFP out and enjoy it probely alot more. pistols.gif

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I remember in OPF missions, sometimes you would wait for 10 minutes for something to happen.

Just in another thread someone complained that in ArmA, everything is immediate and you don't have time to prepare. For example in an enemy counter attack.

Show you how different perspective and opinion can be. In this thread, your're saying ArmA is slower.

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After playing mfcti for so many years...and now beta testing mfcti for arma (by blinkster).. I see a major speed difference.. I play/ed both at the same time, just alt-tabing between the 2. And I was comparing..walk/run/vehicles ect.

Not only a "faster feel"...but lots smoother.

My .02

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I dont tink its really a big diffrence but because of the vegetation bug sucking up loads of cpu and the crappiër steering system compared to OFP it feels slower, probally when they fix atleast the vegetation it will run at roughly the same speed.

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It would seem slower to me because of how it sucks up your resources and FPS, but I really don't see too much difference in the speed of things compared...

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It's faster in terms of enemy AI. They are more capable than OFP AI in a range of 50-250m, that means in tactics, they can quickly overcome you. the bad thing is that the firefights don't last due to the enemy AI being way better shots than you.

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ArmA feels clumsier with less control of the character. Some animations feels weird and unrealistical, a soldier sort of hurries in certain situations to avoid beeing killed... wink_o.gif

Imho Ofp feels a lot faster, and that without even touching ArmA's really bad fps performance.  sad_o.gif


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Gameplay is faster, but animations are clunkier and slower. The unlikely combination may be because units stand out more from the environment, while in OFP you had a hard time to spot anything in thick bushes and behind cardboard trees. At the same time corner camping like in OFP isn't possible anymore so it's less use to hang around in the same place.

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Choppers and unarmored wheeled vehicles steer a bit smoother than in OFP.

But all other vehicles like tanks and BRDM feel clumsier in ArmA.

To me, it's harder to command a battle tank in ArmA. In OFP, the vehicle's steering and the crosshair where more independent. In Flashpoint I can drive with my left hand on arrow keys and the right hand on the mouse to quickly assign targets to my gunner.

I forget why, but for some reasons this doesn't work in ArmA. Maybe the gunner sees the assigned target just as a suggestion, not as an order. He keeps on firing targets he likes (better: dislikes). This slows the game down to me as commanding is a more time consuming task.

Oh, and the planes fly fast but are agile like an Airbus.

EDIT: One more thing, the map comes up faster after a patch, but is still a slow down faktor. + You can't steer anymore while looking on it.

But personally, I consider this one a good thing because it encourages teamplay when your co-driver has to tell you the way.

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I believe he is referring to the player controls, not the game envoroment itself or the happenings in the missions.

And yes it does, much much slower.

Some argue for this saying it is realistic which is not.

It destroys CQB battles, CTF goes down the toilet cause of this and aiming has been destroyed.

The only gamemode that benefits from this is..... wanna bet?? yes, COOP.

Bis listened to coopers like George lucas listened to fanboys dressed in Darth Vader pijamas and the game itself is a bunch of crap that has fucked up all the gameplay smoothness and dynamics ofp had.

To aim in an effective way you need the order of 4-5 seconds taking in account the slow animations, the shitty aiming and the stupid recoil.

This only redunds in a super slow pace dynamic game and as i say no CQB battles or fast shooting... which by far isnt realistic at all.

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yeah, Mora2, you're totally right there, those slow anims are reminding me of games like Oblivion and yesterday i started another RPG Game called 2 Worlds. The anim's are pretty much the same system, while there are alota thinks totaly buged like while you stoped your character keeps moving sometimes, sometimes not, depends on your last steps or you're totaly exhausted after a 10m run. While they added annoying anim feature they kept the old ofp bugs like no reload while moving. using this freemoving gun which seperates the anim's turn from the aiming and switching to scope will end up in aiming somewhere else etc. etc.

i alrdy feel some RPG experiments for GAME2 in here, where the moves dont matter.

BTW. Coopers dont profit from it, i play alota Evolution with the same disturbing bugs, no one profits of bugs

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I think it plays smoother and faster huh.gif .

I have increased mouse sensitivity and 25% float zone.

Walking is faster, walking and aiming (with the M68) is also faster and smoother.

I installed OPF yesterday and find it clunky and jumpy in close quarters, like the wierd colision and jumping camera and stuff.

I'll have to try some Arma cqb/mout missions today smile_o.gif .

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why dont you run accross desert island in ofp and solus desert island in arma and time it smile_o.gif

Probably now what you mean by slower but would be nice to see any difference.

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Arma is slower than OFP yes... but OFP when it just came out was pretty slow compared to other FPS games back in 2001 you know.

But seriously Arma is a slow game with my current system specs, which by the way gives good frames other modern games. Buildings and heavy foliage drops my fps to the deep end so aiming in forests and urban areas is a pain for me.

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Well good to see im not the only one with the same opinion. Also good to here others views.

Mora's Post pointed out alot of things that i have seen and i totally agree with them in all aspects. wink_o.gif

Thanks to everyone that has posted so far and to future posters biggrin_o.gif

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