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Loudness of movement

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Been thinking this for a while. And i've come to conclusion that movement doesn't generate loud voices at all.

-Running or jogging is too silent, it should give away positions very easily.

-(duck)walking is too too silent in many situations, like in knee tall grass, forests. But for sake of AI maybe this should be kept as it is.

-crawling maybe is as it should... Ofcourse that's not realistic, but there might be severe problems for AI in this.

Ofcourse tempo of ArmA would suffer more. Sneaking towards enemy positions is timeconsuming operation, 100 meters might easily take 10-30 minutes. But it would be realistic.

Then again forexample flanking during combat would become too slow as fighiting ends in maximum of couple of minutes. BIS seriously should (in my mind) figure out ways to make firefights longer. Not in accuracy of shooting, but in tempo of movement and using cover. Atleast AI should be given ways to advance slowly. Right now they seem to act in same pattern, which is fine in long range combat, but is bad in close range (less than 100 meters).

So my idea would that if enemy is closer than 100 meters (maybe) units start to walk more during engage-order (which thay now do too open, more stealthy style would maybe be better) and engage-order should ALWAYS consist about half of squad moving as one unit, not as mass of men in amok. And attacker's, without engage order, tempo of bounding overwatch gets dractically slower.

So in short:

-Sounds turned louder in some movement types (jogging and running), also random "snaps" and other sounds at some times.

-tempo of AI's bounding overwatch and fulfilling engage order cut down if enemies are near. Would enable much more tactical gameplay and realitic gameplay.

-stealth mode in poor visibility terrain. AI should move about 10-20 meters and halt for listening, watching.

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that sounds...realy dull.

It is a game after all.

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lol, iam all for it. no more AI stampedes into your position and the like smile_o.gif

it should still be done from time to time to add variation and becouse overruning is valid, but it costs and isnt the basic attack form.

also the louder sounds will make movement a bit more interessting in PvP...it really has some little matrix touch to it now, unbelivable fast and silent at the same time.

generally i have the feeling; the higher and faster the movement position is in the game the more off are the sounds to it.


i forgott, only thing i dont need to have is "random snaps" or so. its bad when you saw someone going behind a corner and follow him, naturally the soldier would watch extra for stuff on the ground and will try to be quiet, more than when goint through woods without danger.

with random snaps you could just get unlucky and hit 10 random snaps in 20 meters and thas not good in some situations wink_o.gif

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Great ideas second.

But there are those who have stated that this is apparently a military sim.? That somehow translates into engagements don't happen at that range,hence the lack of hand to hand combat and shotguns in arma. SO if you want that type of action you must go play that "arcade" game made by the compeition.

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Quote[/b] ]hence the lack of hand to hand combat and shotguns in arma.

where did he ever talk about CQB!?

ether you or i compleatly missed his point whistle.gif

he talks about movements sounds to get louder and AI behaviour tweaked to it and you come up with hth combat and shotguns...!?

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I second that Second!

It's kinda strange when fighting in forests that enemies run by you like ghostly apparitions not making a sound or very little. This would give a little 'weight' to them moving bodies.

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Loudening movement sound would be nice. Since the early days of OFP to the present day players with certain sound cards and configurations could hear even the smallest of sounds perfectly well, giving them an advantage. With normal settings the footsteps sound embarassingly faint.

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Indeed, i use sound a LOT especially in DM games and the like.. But quite often i can hide behind a wall and i would not hear anyone walk just a few metres in front of me.

The only thing which allows me to get direction from sound is the bullets, and i cant tell whether someone is sneaking up behind me or anything like that..

Obviously terrain like sand shouldnt give much away by footsteps, but the amount of kit worn by soldiers should make a fair bit of sound (especially when sprinting).

And you all know what marching on concrete sounds like, an army sprinting down a street should make a fair bit of noise also xmas_o.gif

I havent a clue what u mean by random snaps, but nah i dont think we really need stuff like that, just up the volume of footsteps and make them heard at a further distance than half a metre.. Kit noise would also be pretty good IMO...

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I don't know how the ArmA island configs look like, but in OFP you could regulate the noise generated from a ground textur or set a new one.

So it shouldn't be too hard making the original sound louder and pack the new config to some kind of addon.

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Movement sounds are also very good when you cover teammates that are out of your FOV, for example if you are looking in one direction and your teammate is standing back to back with you, it's very helpful to hear when he starts moving.

I miss this in ArmA because it really enhances your situational awareness.

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i dont mind how it is now except i dont like how when you are crouched and walk slowly while still crouched, he starts brething really hard after a bit like hes been running a marathon. why all the heavy breathing??

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i dont mind how it is now except i dont like how when you are crouched and walk slowly while still crouched, he starts brething really hard after a bit like hes been running a marathon.  why all the heavy breathing??

I don't really understand all the heavy breathing, but I do understand your aimming getting ****ed after walking crouched for a little while, I mean you try crouching and walking forward for a while. Now think of all the extra combat gear your character carries in the game.

Yeah, I'd be tired too.

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I don't really understand all the heavy breathing, but I do understand your aimming getting ****ed after walking crouched for a little while, I mean you try crouching and walking forward for a while. Now think of all the extra combat gear your character carries in the game.

Yeah, I'd be tired too.

Good point. We take crouched movement for granted as something easy to do while in fact it's really tiresome.

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I vote for being able to hear people walk around relatively near. 100m? Not really. 25-30m? Right on!

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The AI see us too much in the first place why u want more for the AI to detect us lol.

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In fact, the AI can hear us over a greater distance than any other human player. This has been discussed somewhere else.

I agree on the fact that movement should make more sound, especially when the AI can hear that sound and not us !

Do you remember the times of DynamicRange sound mod for OFP ? It added a lot of sounds to all movements, like snaps in the forests etc... That was great for ambience !


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Would be nice if you could hear cracks and such within maybe 25 ish meters maybe. Might be too much. But distances are covered fast in game so maybe not too bad.

If you listen though and there's not much noise you can hear foot steps like 50m away already, but it's maybe a bit low when up close.

If I may, on the account of sound effects, I kind of miss some wind sounds too. There's a bit of wind howling in the hills/mountains and it's ok but I seek something global, not a constant howl, just more like random snapping kind of thing would be nice I think.

And of course we NEED bullet reverberations - some sound mods have them but they're too often cut off or can only be heard one way and such, it's no good. They would add soooo much to atmosphere of the game.

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I agree

We also should be able to hear someone moving through bushes and offcourse when in a forrest you should hear branches and leaves snap/crack when stepped on. Gives US a lot more situational awareness which we really need in areas where our side is to obscured like in an forrest, only with big screens and high resolution you have not that hard of time spotting enemies in an forrest when they stand still or move slowely

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I vote for being able to hear people walk around relatively near. 100m? Not really. 25-30m? Right on!

100 meters is consideret to be distance from which normal speaking voice can be heard (clearly) or careless/haste movement in nature. Ofcourse with noices from movement, size of unit is essential as well as many more factors. But fast/carelessly marching squad can be heard to long distances, but slowly and carefully advancing squad might not be noticeable from background noice.

But demandments for AI might become too hard if ArmA would try to represent meaning of being silent and not being silent and prepresenting background noices as well. Such as bushes ad trees causing noices during wind.

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Although some what exxagerated in GRAW-PC (1&2), this  sort of sound system is fully 3D and fully in place.  It adds an enormous amount of suspense and game play to the GRAWPC series and I miss it everyday in ArmA.  

Kudos to the original poster for recognizing this.

Although I do not wish to see it so exxagerated as it is in GRAW (hearing grass crunching on the other side of a concrete wall etc), this would be great.  If guys are running down a street at me, I should hear tehir boots clomping.  At some distance.  and if guys are walking on concerete, they should be realtively silent.  but if they are brushing through a forrest, they should make noise.  As should we.

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