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Fog bug again!!!!

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Well in real life there should be some haze at the distance. It's not a vacuum or filtered air.

Uh okay, BIS please revert all other cards to the crappy fog bug present in ArmA prior to patch 1.04 so that all non 8800 user may experience that awesome wonders of of the fog bug, I'm sure fixing this bug for other cards was an error on your behalf, and for that we forgive you, please BIS revert all cards to the fog rendering that was present in ArmA before 1.04 so that we may all have a more realistic view distance........

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nice irony xD, wtf i will not stop posting until some developer says something xD

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i must agree that there is a problem with fog in arma with 8800 series cards. opteryx. who got the 8800 GTS yesterday, proved that. the picture taken with a NVIDIA 6800 ultra in my RIG. looks more clear. than the pic taken with a 8800 GTS, in his RIG. both with same settings. same view distance, weather, time of day etc etc.. in single player (editor) now. they who DONT understand, or WONT understand. please leave this thread. i also expect an answer to the problem from the devs.

is there a possibility to solve the problem in the nearest future?

i want a 8800 series card myself.. tounge2.gif

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I very much doubt you will get a response, this problem has been known about for ages and I've yet to hear anything since the semi-fix which was in the 1.05 beta release. I submitted this in bugtracker nearly 2 months ago and no one has said anything, oh well dont really care now as I dont see myself ever playing arma anyway.

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i'm equal i can't play good viewing whited textures. Like someone says its the pollution of the earth global warm.

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i'm equal i can't play good viewing whited textures. Like someone says its the pollution of the earth global warm.

What are you talking about?

Is my version of ArmA's climate more polluted because I own a 8800gts?

I think you should refrain from posting in this thread as your responses are either completely unrelated or incoherent.

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In the comparison of the 6800 to the 8800 photos, it's almost like the newer card is overrendering or an instruction set is being calculated differently. Or BIS used an older instruction set to define the scene that is just not calculated by the newer gpu's in the same manner, hence the fog or not as clear scene. Whatever it is, only BIS can fix it if they duplicate it back at their lab. We all ought to chip in and buy them a dual core cpu and a 8800 GTX vid card! tounge2.gif

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Same problem here...

i used a 7800gs+ and i had no white fog in the distance. arma was playable with 6000m of viewdistance now with my new 8800gts its playable with 8000m of viewdistance and the game looks like i set it to 3000m viewdistance.

i really dont like this and i will post as long as this becames the longest thread ever.......

perhaps one day there will be an addon for more viewdistance confused_o.gif

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i'm equal i can't play good viewing whited textures. Like someone says its the pollution of the earth global warm.

What are you talking about?

Is my version of ArmA's climate more polluted because I own a 8800gts?

I think you should refrain from posting in this thread as your responses are either completely unrelated or incoherent.

pollution, haze, fog, tell it how you like. I can't play with whited textures when its supposed that is a clear day.

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i'm equal i can't play good viewing whited textures. Like someone says its the pollution of the earth global warm.

What are you talking about?

Is my version of ArmA's climate more polluted because I own a 8800gts?

I think you should refrain from posting in this thread as your responses are either completely unrelated or incoherent.

pollution, haze, fog, tell it how you like. I can't play with whited textures when its supposed that is a clear day.

Heh, I'm sorry but your posts don't make sense to me confused_o.gif

Are you using some kind of translator?

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That "no fog bug at night" thingy is very interesting.

I tested it myself and yes, there seems to be no fog bug at night.

So I made this:

Viewdistance as high as possible, then skiptime 3(hours), again 3, and again... etc.

Take a look at this video, it plays with half speed so you can see the "effect" better.


After each skiptime, there is no fog bug for half of a second!

MfG Lee wow_o.gif

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That's interesting Lee. It seems as if the HDR is being over rendered to the point of it turning into a white haze. At night, no HDR, no white haze. Maybe no correlation.

What are you running HDR precision at?

I find with my 7950 GX2, that at 16 bit precision, the sunlight looks best, most realistic. However, I can't stand not being able to use antialiasing. So I revert back to 8 bit.

Have your tried upping HDR Precision to see if that mitigates the haze?

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Quote[/b] ]Have your tried upping HDR Precision to see if that mitigates the haze?

Kynxx (the guy further back in this thread) spoke to someone today who suggested the very same thing, so I tried it.. unfortunately HDR Precision from 8 to 16 did nothing.

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That "no fog bug at night" thingy is very interesting.

I tested it myself and yes, there seems to be no fog bug at night.

So I made this:

Viewdistance as high as possible, then skiptime 3(hours), again 3, and again... etc.

Take a look at this video, it plays with half speed so you can see the "effect" better.


After each skiptime, there is no fog bug for half of a second!

MfG Lee wow_o.gif

at the end finally someone noticed it, thanks lee xD, that why i posted 2 images in the first page night and day.

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i read an article on this very same problem. it was was either the inquirer or register and they stated nivida received alot of complaints from developers about the fog/haze bug in its 8800 series cards and they are looking to fix this bug in this September. not only has it been a problem for the arma community but it shown up in the WIC (world in conflict) community as well.

ill post the link when i find it. someone should possibly sue nvidia for waiting so long to address this issue especially if they made claims of huge performance gains.

sign the petition by the way http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?screwnvd

heres the link


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i read an article on this very same problem. it was was either the inquirer or register and they stated nivida received alot of complaints from developers about the fog/haze bug in its 8800 series cards and they are looking to fix this bug in this September. no only has it been a problem for the arma community but it shown up in the WIC (world in conflict) community as well.

ill post the link when i find it. someone should possibly sue nvidia for waiting so long to address this issue especially if they described.

sign the petition by the way http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?screwnvd

heres the link



Finally! some confirmation as to the source of the problem, I honestly don't care if it's Nvidia, Bohemia or Santaclaus, as long as that I know the problem is known and being addressed.

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The stupid fog bug killed the 8800 for me. I went out and bought a 1900xtx 512mb card and am contemplating selling that hunk of junk.

Oh, I signed the petition also

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So its always on, hazy at distance and hazy close up? Well the haze at distance is normal, Is this on Evo, with dynamic weather.

Is that a question or are you telling me what it is?

Of course there's a 'fog/haze' at distance, that how the engine limits view distance, if you observe the images posted here and on the BTS, you'll see that the 8800 has more of this haze than other cards which can be seen very close up, honestly your comment almost seems condescending as if people are too stupid to know the difference between dynamic weather and a bug.

It's not dynamic weather, this is offline.

It was a question, didn't mean for it to come off as that. And the Dynamic question wasn't about the real fog that happens, but just wondering if the haze is more noticeable in a dynamic weather environment. And when i look at the pics in this thread i see no issue, until it is said its all the time. I haven't used a 8800 card yet in this game but i play with a few who do and i haven't heard a peep out of them about it? but that maybe that they don't even know they have the haze all the time. They mostly are trying to fix CTDs and flush there ram, set up maxmem ect.... cheers

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Actually its not only a problem on the 8800, im having the exact same thing on my HD2900XT, tried both catalyst 7.6 and 7.7, win xp and vista 64-bit. had a X1800XT before and had no problem at all

Is it a DX10 problem or a 8800 problem?

Is it all cards designed for DX10, that renders wrong maybe?

I tried a little bit to, and a clan member has X1950Pro and see much clearer than me. Not that haze all the time.

I know you can't see "forever", but in real life you can atleast see 3000 meters and find an object. Maybe you can't seperate a Ferrari from a Porsche, but you can telll it's a car. With DX10-cards, you won't see the car at all...

I testet with the highest mountain on south-Sahrani. It prox. 900 m to Corazol, 1300 m to Dolores and 2000 m to Iguana.

I put this code in init.sqf:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">setViewDistance 8000;

1 setFog 0;

Set viewDistance in options to 8000 and still I can't se the buildings in Iguana???

Shoulden't I be able to do that?

I got an C2D E6400 and 8800 GTX. Using 162.18 drivers and ArmA 1.08.

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keep posting, we need a 100 pages post to developers hear us, they are the only ones who can delete fog like they make at nighttime.

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Maybe it is a DX10 problem . I have a same problem with my HD 2900 XT confused_o.gif

I hope the next drivers resolve this bug.

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I have 8800GTS 320MB and i have the fog bug.Please fix it.

I will post this every day until someone from the team tell us if this is a problem with solution or not.I dont demand BIS fix the "bug" right away but i want to know if they will fix it in the near future.


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